@cowscowscows Pretty nice breakdown, but is it certain that MS has done away with the family share, etc?
Price is a given advantage. For me personally, the games are heavily (entirely?) in the MS camp. As far as online service, I have always preferred Live, for which I pay only $25 a year, and I'm looking forward to their superior dedicated servers.
So even without the family sharing plan, the X1 is totally worth it (for me) as a primary console. I'll pick up a new or used PS4 later in its lifespan.
@dragonkantus Your grammar and spelling is atrocious, so I had a hard time understanding what you were trying to say. I'm not talking about paying women to be with you, I'm talking about treating a real girl right. Something you clearly know nothing about. Keep gaming, kid, that's all you got going for you.
@dragonkantus @Lex_Luthor_XLII That's cuz she only costs a shovel and a trip to the cemetery. If you can't even afford a real (live) girlfriend should you be purchasing a PS4? I think not..
@ALCHEMISTx24x7 @arkhamcity54 Indeed. That's why I purchased an aftermarket controller that plugs into both my systems..but modeled after the Xbox controller of course, the PS controller has always been terrible
@mrboone01 Fanboys always think they're pro-X or pro-PS. Those of us with our heads on straight realize they're fairly middle of the road. Get over it.
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