This game looks awesome and I enjoyed the Direct though it lacked either of the announcements I was hoping for; be that Bayonetta would be joining Smash bros. or a Bayonetta Wii U console bundle...
REmake deserves this no question. No remake has ever been executed so well as to fix, improve, and expand the experience of the original in a way that feels both fresh and yet in touch with its roots.
I'm happy to have an official announcement on Far Cry 4 and I'm looking forward to it as well as Watch Dogs and Destiny. I can't say Destiny will win best new IP but it is my personal choice out of these upcoming titles.
I wouldn't say EA messes up everything, just the majority of what they ship. If they could learn to properly test their products and ship them when they're ready rather than when whatever date they had set arrives then they wouldn't have all of these problems.
EA get your shit together because if you some how manage to screw up the next Dragon Age, Mass Effect, or Mirror's Edge there will be major consequences.
Microsoft may not won't to make studios that are like other studios but they should at least allow their studios play to their strengths. Take Rare for instance, rather than creating some of the most memorable games and characters in the N64 era, now Microsoft has them working on Kinect titles ugh
@xXl_z3r0_lXx @MasterManiac772 It isn't about segregation but identity and having a safe community. The full initials would be LGBTQIA with A being ally or those who are supportive of individuals who identify under any of the other letters. I agree that people are people and gamers are gamers but within the gaming community there may be some that would ridicule gamers in the community that identify as LGBT. Its not about being political or dealing with segregation, it is simply a safe convention. Also, there are several political issues in the gaming industry besides the LGBT community. Communication between gaming companies, marketing, the console wars, etc. The gamer community is composed with individuals that enjoy video games and those games are made by companies which are therefore a business and business is in its very nature political so there are going to be politics regardless.
@evil13killer It wasn't fully about games to begin with. A convention focused on and for games would be E3, Gamescom, or TGS. This is simply a conventional for gamers of LGBT to get together and feel safe doing so interacting with people working in the gaming industry.
Lightning__Evil's comments