@gpm23 It isn't about being special or different. If they want to have a gaming convention for any of those things you mentioned go for it. However, in this day an age I've come into contact with several stories detailing people being ridiculed, abused, or driven to suicide for being LGBT. I don't see that for people with blond hair or are six feet tall. This is simply about accepting people who are LGBT and giving them a safe place to congregate. Gaymers are welcome to go to E3 or any other gaming convention but this offers one that is free of possible ridicule from those in the gaming community that may be hurtful or discriminatory against them.
It is good to see that these kinds of topics are being reported on. Throughout the comments there are mentions of segregation, putting energy towards other issues rather than an LGBT convention, what happened to games being about the game, and so on and so forth. Gaymers' don't view themselves as elitist or special in a way that some of these comments might suggest. They aren't looking for your attention or trying to say hey look at me so I can have all the attention or something, no. This convention is for gamers in the LGBT community who want to meet other people that are also gaymers. It is in no way meant to exclude people who are heterosexuals but its nice for gaymers to have a safe place in which they can be themselves free of judgement. This isn't to say that other conventions are discriminatory but individuals at those conventions may be and gaymers can not be themselves free from judgement and ridicule. Until the day comes that people are viewed simply as people without the hate or disgust aimed at LGBT individuals or any other groups of people that are discriminated against conventions such as these are a welcomed sight in my opinion.
I myself am a gaymer so I can say with some personal insight that having a convention like this that is safe for LGBT individuals is welcomed. In the few years I've been forthcoming with my sexuality I haven't felt the need to segregate myself and have many straight gamer friends but at the same time I've known very few other LGBT individuals, gamer or otherwise, because we live in a world where sexual preference is unknown and there are those who will ridicule you for being LGBT or asking for someone else's sexual preference. My point is that it isn't trying to be segregated from the rest of the community of gamers necessarily but that it provides a place for gaymers that is safe from ridicule and they can more easily find other gaymers with which to interact. I just hope someday I'll find the right guy for me, gaymer or otherwise, and places like these are an opportunity free of judgement to meet others with a common interest.
For whatever reason I can't shake off the comment about putting energy towards other things that I mentioned earlier. Though there are several other worth while things that energy could be put into its important to remember there are several other groups out there going about dealing with such issues and though a convention like this may seem small or segregational to some I see it as trying to bring more people together and develop acceptance among people. To me that sounds like a worthy cause. After all we'll be able to much better tackle those other issues once we can all work together and not tear each other down.
@Xristophoros @ragnarok160 @Lightning__Evil Well said and I appreciate your input. You handled your response with more directness and class than I was able to. I'm most likely also done with the series. I'll hold on to what was the best part, in my opinion, the first two games.
@ragnarok160 @Lightning__Evil 3 was not the main point. The point was the continuation of the franchise with the next installment releasing by the end of the month. Also, I may not have played the third but I don't need to have played it to be able to tell you that 2 was the high point for the series with Brotherhood being good but not as good and then Revelations which just threw in more unnecessary mechanics like a hook blade and bomb crafting stuff. Also, just while we're on the topic of unnecessary changes, multiplayer. Every game out there doesn't need to add in a multiplayer component when they are already well established single player series. I'm in no way saying Assassin's Creed is the only game series doing this but I don't think I'd be far off in saying they were one of the earlier adopters.
I agree with this video on every point. I have all the main series Assassin Creed games with the first and second being the most memorable and Brotherhood being a decent continuation off of the second game. Revelations I still have yet to finish as it was just a copy but with added unnecessary or frustrating features. So even though I have the third I have yet to play it since I have yet to beat Revelations. The games have wonderful mechanics and story plots in the earlier games but I agree with Danny. If Ubisoft could take a step back and not crank an assassin's creed game out every year we'd be much better off. I'd rather see a new Assassin's Creed game every other year or even with two years separating them if we could have more of the rich story telling and freedom as the earlier games.
@mikemaj82 I don't get why the prices are different for different console versions. Amazon doesn't want to tax its product but they've been forced to tax in any states where they have a distribution center thanks to laws passed by the federal government. Thanks Obama
@Penguinlord1 @Lightning__Evil Which is why I added in that last bit about not having good connection for whatever reason. I'm in the US too and have DSL when I'm at home that has download speeds of like 2 mbps and upload speeds of like maybe .5 mbps and its all spotty liking to drop in and out. I go to college with cable internet and that goes at like 50 mbps, so much better but still there is no way they should try and force always on now, its too soon.
@riffraff420 Fable was a good rpg but certainly not the greatest ever. I played the second and that wasn't as good as the first. I have 3 but haven't even played it yet :P I agree I'm switching over to the PS4 next gen, now I just need a release date which hopefully we'll be seeing with gamescom
They're not wrong in that everything in the future will require internet connection but that'll be in a future where everyone has good internet connection or heck maybe we'll pull off global wireless internet or something. The point is that such a step is much to early at this point. There are many people in developing countries who don't have internet and many people in developed countries that are either living in very rural areas or simply don't have good connection.
Lightning__Evil's comments