Outside of playing the free 360 games via Xbox Gold, I have never used the backward compatibility feature. And even when I play the free 360 games, I don't finish them because they seem "meh" and I will play a current game on my PS4 or Xbox One.
My PS4 not having this feature isn't a deal breaker. Hell, I still have my PS3 hooked up and I never finished my trophy grinding games.
The narrator sounds too stiff as if he is doing a documentary on the violence in Darfur. Ghosts wasn't well received by the fans for sure, as for professional reviews, it was more of a middle ground.
I hope that your review for the game is fair despite being granted access to the IW studios. One can't help but feel that the review will be biased or something.
As for me, I'll be playing the game for the story and the Remastered online. I wasn't impressed with the beta since it felt bland compared to BO3.
But all in all, I have to give your true credit for the fact that you didn't resort to name calling or vulgarities in order to make a point.
Though I feel that you're views come off as bitter to the extent where we want to ask "where did the bad man touch you?"
You are entitled to your opinions as much as I am to mine but there's enough hate and meanness in the world and I'm talking to you as a human being when I ask you to give pause before you passively berate what they see as fun. You wouldn't appreciate it if someone labeled you as a mentally challenged monkey because you play video games or discuss them here on GameSpot, would you?
I had fun with Go because I met some really nice people when on a normal day, no one would've talked to them or even me perhaps.
It's all what you choose to take away from life experiences.
Anyway, as I said, thank you for being civil in our discussions. Perhaps we shall meet again.
@alucardswrath: I didn't think about Halloween. SMH
Don't get me wrong, if a girl dresses up as Harley because she simply enjoys the style then that's all her but I am a "snob" when it comes to those pretending to be into Geek culture. Oh God, I sound like a hipster. :(
Glad that you approve. There's far too many malleable trolls on the forums that think it's cool to hate on things that others enjoy. I've seen some ridiculous and petty statements regarding how Go has more harm than good Etc Etc.
People just need to be more articulate with their thoughts in order to convey an intelligent conversation.
@alucardswrath: At first I didn't know what you were meaning with the Suicide Squad fans reference but then I remembered seeing these Harley Quinn "fan" girls that had NO knowledge of the character and merely liked the way she talked and dressed.
As a proud comic book geek, it made my brain sad. I try not to judge others but seeing them do it for attention annoyed me.
@lukey52: Aren't you being rather extreme in your judgement of the enjoyment of others?
If a person is having fun with something hat makes him or her feel nostalgic for simpler days then who are we to judge? They aren't hurting anyone while meeting his or her daily responsibilities as adults.
And if you were tired of seeing Facebook posts about Go then there's a mute button.
In this day of constant political, PC and society anguish, people need to find pleasure in whatever they can.
LinconSixEcho's comments