Tell you what, next year at this time, if you're right with your post, and Xbox One sales are dominating the PS4,come find me and then I'll admit that were right.
@Thanatos2k: I see Will Ferrell starring in it. Someone needs to make this ASAP. Instead of drinking raw eggs, he could drink 12 Redbulls at once or something.
You should've seen the ignorant responses to her. Most calling her the C word and then justifying the name calling when others told them that they were being a gamer stereotype.
I'm an avid gamer and love gaming but I preferred it when the pro leagues were called MLG rather than esports. It seems that anyone can call themselves and athlete now.
Getting up at the crack of dawn, running several miles, pushing your body to its limit with weight training, eating right etc that's training to be a better athlete in a sport. Some of these esport players look like they would run out of breath going to the end of their driveway.
But I guess this is the society we live in where everyone gets a gold star and a certificate for participation.
@rosinmonkekyx17: I see. My apologies if I came off as defensive. The whole PC master race attacks take a toll after a while. It's a real shame about the PC version of Arkham Knight since Arkham City was impressive from what was shared with me a lot via twitter.
@rosinmonkekyx17: That, I am. I don't have a rig for the PC games that I envy to play. I'm not one of those fanbots that degrade others for not playing on said system.
When I said, visually, I should've been more on point with the size of Gotham and the details. I'm aware that hey used a updated Unreal 3 engine as opposed the current. But I still admire the effort(s) that were put into it.
One game I wish I could play on PC is The Witcher 3. I played it on Xbox One and there were too many issues for me to enjoy it fully. I wish I had gotten it for my PS4 since there were less issues in told.
@beastmode: I'm a huge fan of the Batman universe (comics and games) and somewhat agree with you.
Visually, Arkham Knight was incredible. It made me feel as if I was Batman in a real Gotham. Story wise, I felt disappointed and felt there was more substantial plot with the side quests. The grand finale of the game felt forced.
I don't know what to make of this game. I had been excited for it when it was announced but after two years, my interest for it has waned. I'll just wait and see how the reviews are from various sites and gamers before making my decision
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