im building a budget pc, the psu that comes with the case is 500w but does not tell voltage specs, so im buying a separete one. BUT the one that i found has a - (dash) through the number underneath the 2nd +12V number. so whats that mean?
i need to know if this psu can power an OCed 7950gt 256mb, too.
I don't know which one is best for gaming. i rememver reading that quad's arent good for gaming becuase many or none games need that much power, and i also heard that it could decrease image quilaity. BUT arent the quad's more future proof?
well im thinking of building a new rig and ive gots all the parts i need, except the power supply, but i dont know how much i need. so how do you know which do you need? like do you go and add all the power consumption from all the hardware and subtract it from the psu or do you get the most power consuming hardware of your system and just get a psu that tops it or is equal to it?
I was checking out and I came across 3 motherboards that are priced differently 179.99, 199.99, 224.99. However they did say "Version A1, T1" for the higher priced ones and the lowest priced one was the regular, so what the diff. between A1, T1, and the regular?
I've been hearing rumors that the r600 whould be out this last month and this month, but so far i have not heard anything else about it. so anyone hear anything?
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