The best part about this is that they felt like they had to go in after him and save him. This is still one of my favorite video game related youtube videos I've ever seen. :)
The new locale is gorgeous. Definitely agree with all of comments below, particularly regarding the infinite lives. I really like seeing the growth it is going through and hope they retain the (free) episodic gameplay in future installments, assuming they add more variety. I do miss firefight though :/
@Strider8009 @LittleChatelain very true, I just think it kinda sucks that a gamer's prior experience with the series effects how they look at a game, potentially passing up (or criticizing) an, objectively speaking, well made game put out by the developer. But I suppose in the end it all boils down to opinion and what someone looks for in a game.
The cruel and unfair scale these reboots and sequels are always subjected to is that of nostalgia. This funny little thing causes gamers to think so highly of a game and expect the followups to be even better and exactly how they imagine it in their heads. The problem is that a developer has a different picture in their head, a picture grounded in the reality of budget, capability, their own creative vision, and let's face it, the modern trends in the industry (both good and bad).
Thus a developer might make a great game but it my vary too much from the game the fan wanted and then create fan outrage, as in this case. So I urge you my fellow gamers, when playing a sequel, or reboots especially, set nostalgia aside, and keep an open and objective mind in judging what you are playing.
Hopefully this is right! Especially considering the predicted capabilities of the new consoles and their goal to be a multi media device at the center of consumer's entertainment set up, these could turn out being a much better value then the previous console generation. Here's to a bright future for console gamers :) (and gamers in general, as the trends set by these will undoubtedly effect pc and mobile gaming and vice versa).
LittleChatelain's comments