@randomrings Good point the single player is absolutely great and should not be missed, but perhaps it is to draw people who have not tried out the series into the game, so that when Naughty Dog rolls out their next Uncharted title (I am assuming this will happen) it will draw in a larger audience.
I really enjoyed the multiplayer for this game, but my disc wore out (rather quickly, I might add! haha) and I am unable to play it without it freezing up on the load screen :/
Also, I am sort of questioning the legitimacy of this news, as a grainy photo and a "tipster" does not warrant a headline reading, "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Revealed." I check GameSpot out for actual news, not guesses.
One thought I had while reading his thought's about the share feature was will it encourage developers to not be weary of making their games difficult? I know this is unlikely, but don't you think that if a developer knows that the player could have the ability to have a friend help, or even do, a particularly difficult puzzle or fight a tough boss that they would consider making their games harder as they do not need to necessarily fear the player getting turned off by a section he or she cannot pass?
This is just a thought, and this new feature probably won't have the effect I'm thinking of, but it does have me thinking and well pretty darn excited for what this system holds in store for gaming's future.
As long the story improves (and that idiot Rico is out of the picture) I'll pick it up....Ah who am I kidding, I'm a sucker for gorgeous shooters, I'll pick it up anyway!
After seeing the reviews I had wondered if this game was put on the back burner especially considering how much other stuff Gearbox has been working on in the past year or two. Similarly the delay to a less crowded release window would affirm the suspicion that Gearbox and Sega realized they didn't exactly have a winner on their hands and were hoping to make some sort of profit off of it. All and all a huge bummer being an Aliens fan. Hopefully in the future the franchise will receive the game it deserves.
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