I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! And a great Black Friday! :)
My family had our own little Thanksgiving at home. My mom's side of our relatives aren't getting along, so they didn't visit us and we didn't visit them. :( However, my other grandparents visited us for a a short while, but they didn't stay for dinner. It was just me, my parents, and my sister this year.
But we still had fun! I made an Oreo cheesecake that turned out delicious. I couldn't just have one slice! :oops: While it was in the refrigerator, my sister and I played Super Smash Bros Brawl on our Wii. I'm controlling Marth a lot now for some reason. :| I wish I understood what the heck he was saying! When we weren't playing, I was helping my mom make more food. Even though all I did was season the turkey a bit. :P When that was done, my sister and I made some delicious chocolate sugar cookies! They went fast. :shock:
We had my cockatiels in for the day. Usually they stay outside to enjoy the sunshine, but since it's raining non-stop here these days, I brought them in. My bird, named Bub (:P), provided us with some delightful music by whistling Jingle Bells. All he knew was "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way." It was nice, but he sometimes got the notes wrong or repeated some lines. :P He's so cute. My sister's bird, Darla, can't do squat. :|
We ate a great meal that night! There was turkey, mashed potatoes, everything you would find on a Thanksgiving table! My favorite food was the mashed potatoes. I've always loved mashed potatoes ever since I was...well...born! :P
The day after Thanksgiving was of course, Black Friday. My dad woke up early in the morning before anyone else and did a little shopping. I wanted to go, but I didn't wake up in time. :cry:
Can you believe that Christmas is less than a month away? I'm so excited! And my 16th birthday is on the 20th, so that's another reason to be excited. :) I changed my sig to a Kingdom Hearts Christmas theme until Christmas is over. Then I'll change it back to the awesome Okami sig Aidan made for me.
Well, I don't have anything else to blog about now. I wish everyone an early Merry Christmas!
LittleGreenDog Blog
An awesome new computer!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Don't you hate it when your computer gets a virus and you can't figure out where it came from? That's exactly what happened to our family computer.
On Saturday night, my mom tried to use our computer, but when she turned it on, our entire desktop looked messed up. The background was all blue, and all of our folders were missing. The internet connection was gone, too. We were having a major lightning storm that night, so we thought that the storm might have had something to do with it.
Since it was really late in the night, my dad said that he'd deal with it in the morning. When we woke up, everything was still the same, and when he ran a virus check, it said that it caught a bad virus. Our entire computer was broken, and my dad was pissed.
We still don't know what caused the virus, but yesterday, we got a brand new computer! This one is much better than the old one. The monitor is a wide screen, and it's much nicer and bigger than our last monitor. The internet goes much faster, too. 8)
I'm still hoping that I get a new computer for my room for my 16th birthday this year, even though it's unlikely. We are already going to Disneyland next month, and my sister needs braces. This new computer wasn't cheap, either. :(
I love this computer. :lol:
And while we are at Best Buy today, I found a DSi. :o Some kid must have lost it, so I did the honest thing and turned it in. Besides, I want a 3DS. :P
My new video is up on Youtube! Like I said before, it's one of my best videos yet. If you haven't seen the whole Wolf's Rain series, I recommend that you don't watch it. But if you don't mind some spoilers, you can click here to watch it!
I've got more Wolf's Rain video ideas on the way!
Later. 8)
Junior college next year...
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
What up Home Skillets? (:shock: I said that for the first time!) :P
I had a long morning today. I got up and my mom gave me this grammer test. I passed it, of course. Grammer and English have always been my best subjects. 8)
After that, my mom told me to get dressed and get ready to enroll me in junior college. Yes, I'm going to college. Even though I'm only just about 16, when you're homeschooled like I am, you can go to college a lot sooner than most people.
So we went to this huge college building. My dad is already taking a California history **** so I enrolled in the same ****as him, just to get a feel of the college before I'm off on my own. I wanted to take an Astronomy and animal biology **** but my dad said I should do that when I go there more. :roll:
We walked around the place for a bit, and it was AMAZING. It was nothing like my public schools I used to go to; it was so much better. There was a huge librarythat had tons of DVDs, CDs, and of course, any book you could think of. The cafeteria was like a restaraunt. There was a kitchen and above it there was a hige menu of all sorts of foods you can order. In the cafeteria, people were on their laptops and cell phones, and basically doing whatever they wanted.
See, I was always used to public school cafeterias and libraries. So seeing all these young adults doing whatever they wanted was new to me. It's not like school; you're treated like adults and you are in an adult environment.
I'll be starting in late January next year with my dad. I'm actually kind of excited. :D I even get my own iPhone, finally. :P
So, I guess that's about it with junior college.
I stayed up till 11:30 last night working on a new video. It's a Wolf's Rain video with the song "I Will Not Bow" by Breaking Benjamin. I swear, this is probably one of my best videos ever. It's still saving right now, but once it's done, I'm going to put it on Youtube.
I changed my avatar to Blue from Wolf's Rain. She's my third favorite character, just behind Toboe and then Kiba.
I took a quiz to see which Wolf's Rain character I'd be. Last time I got Blue, but now I got Tsume...You are Tsume! You hate humans. You don't care for anyone but yourself but you also have a soft side you don't show. You don't believe in Paradise.
My least favorite wolf... :x
Well...bye. 8)
Thanks everyone! + General updates
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Greetings my fellow GameSpot buddies! :D
First, I'd like to thank everyone who commented on my last blog. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you guys. :lol: Everyone here is so awesome and nice, and I am so glad I was lucky enough to encounter you. Thanks to you, I feel a little better about posting my picture online, but I don't think I'll do it again anytime soon. :P
So...I saw Megamind today with my sister. It was an awesome movie! My favorite character is....Megamind. He, and all the other characters, all so funny! I enjoyed every part of it, even though there were so many annoying little kids who had to comment loudly every second of the movie. Not only that, but near the middle-end, some little girl kept kicking my seat. :x I was really about to turn around and say "Will you stop kicking my chair?!" Quietly of course. But I decided against it. I'm not that type of person anyway. :P
I highly recommend seeing the movie. :D
But I must warn you. You know the previews that usually come on before the movie starts? One of them was a JUSTIN BEIBER movie. Apparently the little twerp is finally starring in his own documentary movie, talking about his life and how he became "famous." Yeah, he's this amazing singer and he has fans from all around the world who worship him! :x
You don't know what it was like, having to listen to "Baby" from blasting speakers, and his newest "song," called "Never Say Never." I was in hell!!! :cry:
If you want to see what I was forced to see, here's a Youtube video of it. BE WARNED: Your eyes may bleed and/or you will not survive.
My hatred for this kid is over the sky's limit.
Well, if you saw the newest episode of South Park, you would have seen Justin Beiber get owned by a giant monster. :lol:
After that, I went to Hot Topic. That's one of my favorite stores. While I was there, I saw this really cool looking Kingdom Hearts beanie hat with those little strings on the side with the pom-pom....thingies. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, here's a picture of it. Ignore the stupid girl who has to be in it...
Yeah, I'll probably buy that once I go to Hot Topic again. :P What I did buy (well, my dad bought it) at Hot Topic was this epic L t-shirt from Death Note.
Another hat that I wanted to get was at Spencer's. It was a South Park "Kenny" cap. But after that, I don't think I'll ever walk into Spencer's again. :? So many horrible images will haunt me forever...
I really don't have that much more to say except for...
I'm going to Disneyland next month! :D The one in California, of course. I live about eight hours away from it...and we're driving there. :roll: How come we're not flying in a plane you ask? Because my mom has extreme airplane phobias, that's why.
Still, I can't wait! We're leaving on the 14th and coming back on either the 17th or the 18th, I forgot. :P I'm bringing my camera, so you can expect some picture sand maybe even some videos when I return. My dad's boss and her husband and kids are coming, too.
I want to get a lot of Stitch and Bolt stuff there. They are two of my favorite Disney characters. :D
And when December 20th comes along, I'll finally be 16. 8)
And this text is green because....I dunno. Green is win? :D
4 Year Anniversary Blog (Again! Please Read!)
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
If you ever visited my profile at all today, you may have noticed that my 4 year anniversaryblog was missing. Well, I actually accidentally deleted it. :x I was trying to edit it, but I accidentally hit the delete button, and the rest was history... :(
I never even got the chance to read any of the comments (I had 7, I think). So if you were someone who commented, could you please comment again so that I could see what you wrote? :lol:
Luckily I had saved a copy of the blog. Here it is again if you want to read it.
Look at your calendar! What does it say today is?
Well, I have a little story for you all. It's called "How LittleGreenDog arrived on GS." Grab your popcorn and your Dr. Pepper, and hold on tight!
It was a beautiful sunny day in California. One day, a bored 11 year old girl named Erica decided to go on her grandma's computer. She was staying over there for the day. Erica's grandma let her do just about anything she wanted. After she got her grandma's permission, Erica started up the computer and surfed the web on deviantART and video games.
Obsessed with Spyro at the time, Erica decided to do a Google search on the latest Spyro game, "The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning." The first result was an article about the game. Curious, Erica clicked the link and found herself on GameSpot.com, a site that would change her life forever. :shock:
Erica looked up more Spyro games on GS, and then decided to look at some forums. She found an interesting topic, and wanted to post in it. But she was stopped, by a message that said you must register in order to post messages!
Erica didn't think that was a bad idea. She liked the idea of having her very own account on a cool looking site. So she went to the registration page, put in some fake information (including her birthday), and got to the username part. She was stumped. She had no idea what to put her username as! First she thought of Erica2058. When that account was created, she decided that she didn't like her name being in the username. So she thought of something else. Gamer473! That name was perfect. But then...nah. She outgrew it fast. She thought for several minutes for a permanent username. Suddenly she thought of GIR from the Nick show Invader ZIM. Erica loved that show (and still does), and thought that maybe her username could be named after GIR. While GIR was not in his real robot form, he was disguised as a little green dog. Little green dog! Erica had just thought of the perfect username! Hoping that the idea wasn't too long to fit, Erica eagerly typed out "LittleGreenDog." And hooray! The letters fit in the box, and the name was not already taken!
Happy that she finally made her account, LittleGreenDog (or commonly known simply as LGD) posted lots of messages in her favorite game forums. It was mainly the Spyro and Kingdom Hearts forums she visited. While in the Kingdom Hearts forum, LGD got bored and decided to create a game called "Guess the Heartless." She created her first topic with the title being the name of the game she created. LGD somehow managed to gather a huge group to join in her game. Although no longer guessing Heartless today, the topic still remains open and is on around it's twentieth topic. Go ahead and go on the Kingdom Hearts board! You will find a topic near the beginning called "Guess the Heartless" and whatever number their on. :P That game has been going on for four years now! It even has its own set of rules that not even LGD thought of.
Over the first and second years, LGD made some friends in the Spyro forums. Two of them were SOADjoe19 and Dragon66116. There were others who were always there too, but LGD was closest to these two. Eventually, we started treating the Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon forum like it was a union! The same people always visited, and we soon called ourselves "Team Spyro."
Sometime, a new member visited the forum. His name was Sputnick2006. Like all of us, he was also a huge fan of our purple dragon. He then got the idea to create a Spyro union, called The Ultimate Spyro Union. We all helped, and soon an awesome union was formed, which was also my first. And I was made an officer!
Okay, well, I think you pretty much get the point here. I don't want to tell the entire story of my time on GameSpot, because that would take too long! After I joined the USU, I made more friends, joined more unions, and got involved more. I even got some unnecessary moderations for useless crap, and was b-a-n-n-e-d at one point on accident, but hey, I guess mods just like doing that, ya know?
Now it's time for my best friends list. If you're not listed, don't fret. Everyone here is my friend, and I just don't have the time nor the energy to list everyone! I'm only going to make descriptions of some of my friends here. I would with everyone, but that would be really hard, and it would take a long time!
Slyfur – Yes, it's hard to believe, but I think it's true that I can call Slyfur my number one best friend on GameSpot. She's funny, smart, tough, and can always think of a better comeback than I can. :lol: We have so much in common, you can probably even call her my twin. Even our birthdays are only four days apart! Sometimes Slyfur and I will have our share of arguments, but doesn't everyone? But no matter what, we always resolve them and everything goes back to normal. Yes, even though she's known as "Princess Assassin" and can probably beat up the Incredible Hulk, I'm proud to call Slyfur my best friend here on GS. :)
9weerwolf – Another one of my first friends on GS. 9weerwolf (or Rick) is a kind-hearted person who cares so much about other people, and I've never known anyone who could write a better fan-fiction than he can. :P Rick rarely got upset with anything and always showed kindness to others. He always described himself as a sensitive boy who hates liars. What more could you ask for in an honest person like him? :P Rick always spoke for me when I wasn't there, especially when I "left" GS for two months. I really appreciate all his help. :)
Dragon66116 – Dragon (or Michael as he prefers) was one of my first GS friends. We met on the Spyro forums, and our love for Spyro was equally matched. We talked about Spyro with our other friends, and when the Ultimate Spyro Union was created, our friendship got bigger. I even taught him how to make a video using Windows Movie Maker. :lol: It wasn't long before Michael invited me to be an officer in his Magical Cafe and soon in the Soda Union. Through all that and now, Michael has always been one of my best friends.
Sputnick2006 – The original leader of the USU, Sputnick was always a loyal leader and was always fair and kind to his fellow members. He always knew what to do when he was leader, and let me help with the USU's creation. Sputnick really knew how to run a union and was always nice to me and others. Even now we still talk on Youtube, and he told me personally through a PM that he was going to have major surgery and may not make it. That shows that he trusts me, and I trust him. Sputnick is a true friend. :)
SOADjoe19 – Even though Joe doesn't go on GS anymore, he will still be one of my best friends. You can probably he was my very first friend on here. Together we talked about Spyro, formed Team Spyro, and did just about everything together, along with our other friends. Joe was the nicest person I ever knew on GS. He was always so understanding and broke up little arguments, always making sure each side was happy. Joe was the second leader of the USU, but when he became to busy with other things, he made me leader, and I appreciate that. He may not be here now, but Joe will always be one of my best online friends.
sirracannal – If anyone knows and loves the Beatles more than the actual Beatles themselves, it's sirracannal. :P Sirra once said on Youtube while I was "gone" from GS that she was pissed that someone that she thought of like a sister could have been "gone." Sirra is very nice to me, and I see her as my GS sister. :P All of her blogs always have something interesting to read in them, and I'm always reading them and commenting on them as much as I can. :D Even though she and Ammo have countless quarrels, she is an amazing friend on GS. :)
Here are the rest of my close GS friends. I'm just too lazy to write a description for everyone. :P
I'm so sorry if I forgot you! :cry:
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Have you ever wondered what I look like? Have you ever thought that I really was a little green dog? Well, the "spoiler" below contains a real picture of me. I said that I was wearing a Gir shirt and Kingdom Hearts crown necklace. But...I changed my mind about that one. In this picture, I'm wearing one of my Kingdom Hearts shirts and my Roxas necklace. Also, usually my hair is almost always in a ponytail, but in this image, my hair is down. I hope you like this picture, because it took a lot of confidence and guts for me to post a picture of myself. I really don't like at all what I look like, and if you don't either, please no mean comments, okay? Oh, and it may look like I'm fat, but it was just the angle I was standing in! I am not even close to being fat!
Here you go...
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Like Ammo said about a picture of him (:P), I cannot look at that picture without puking. My hair looks terrible and my glasses are so ugly. :x
Well, there you go. A picture of me. :roll:
And thus concludes LGD's four year anniversary blog! Tune in next year my FIVE year anniversary blog!
It's almost here!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
You heard it folks. November 8th is my four year GameSpot anniversary! Four years! :shock:
I won't get into much detail yet. We'll save that for the actual anniversary blog. :P But I will say that I might post my picture in it. MIGHT. The picture I was planning to use was actually taken today. In it I'm wearing a Gir shirt (from Invader Zim), but you can only see the top of his little green doggish head. Also, I'm wearing my Kingdom Hearts crown necklace. :D
Games. I got yet another new game today. Well, my sister bought it. But we are both playing it. It's Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter games for Wii. We had it for DS, but it wasn't nearly as good as the Wii version. I'm surprised at the score GS gave it. 6/10? I would at least give it an 8! The sports and activities are fun, and multiplayer is cool, no pun intened. :P I'm usually Shadow, Silver, or Metal Sonic. Those are my favorite Sonic characters. To be honest, I don't even care about the Mario characters. :P Except for Luigi, Yoshi, and Waluigi. I actually kind of like them.
Here's something funny that happened in the game. I was at the shopping center in the game, and outside the shops you can see all the characters walking around, talking to each other and doing other actions. Daisy and Wario happened to be walking to each other from opposite directions, but they didn't stop to talk. Daisy passed Wario, but instead of Wario continuing walking like he was supposed to, he just stopped and watched Daisy for a few moments, as if he were "checking her out." :lol: Then he started walking again.
Also, Knuckles and Mario were having a little conversation, when out of nowhere Silver comes running past them as if being chased by a monster. :lol:
Well, enough about that game.
I said in my last blog that I was going to save up for an Xbox 360. Well, I'm afraid I might not do so anymore. I mean, there's really only one game I want for it. And it needs Kinect. That game is Sonic Free Riders. I hate that it's only for the 360. It could have done fine with the PS3 or even the Wii. A controller could work fine on it! :x
I watched a Youtube video showing all the new voices for the Sonic characters. Eggman is the only one who is not getting a new voice actor. In my opinion, the new voices SUCK. I hate Amy's new voice, and I think Sonic's voice is way too deep. The only one I really liked was Shadow's voice. His new voice really fits him. He's going to be played by Kirk Thorton, who voices Saix from Kingdom Hearts. Shadow just got more awesome. 8)
Well, would you look at that? I seem to have obtained a new GS emblem. A green Frankestein character is what it looks like. I guess it was because I watched "Terror on the Spot" from Halloween. :P
Oh, I tried Dr. Pepper today! Well, just a sip. I don't like it to be honest. :P Sprite will always be my favorite. I tried it when we went to Olive Garden today. For the first time I tried calamari there (fried squid). It was pretty tasty!
I really have nothing more to say at the moment, other than the Giants won the world championships. Like I really care. :x
I'll see you again on the 8th! Or if I find another thing to blog about!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I've been thinking long and hard about this, and I think I might try to save up for an Xbox 360. For a few reasons.
1. It would be nice to have all three next-gen systems.
2. Kinect sounds really fun.
3. I really want Sonic Free Riders.
4. Almost everyone has one.
5. Apparently it's the "best" and most popular system out right now.
It would take a long time, though. I only have about $25 at the moment. And I want to buy Okamiden and Kingdom Hearts re:Coded when they come out. And eventually I want to get a PS3 Slim and a new HD television. I plan to get a 3DS next Christmas. I have one of these TVs!
Yeah, I'm watching Blu-Ray movies and playing PS3 games on that damn thing. :x
I might never get a 360, but it's on my wishlist at the moment. I know I said that it's overrated (well, it kinda is) and stupid, but I want to try it out anyway. It's all anyone talks about anyway. :x
I want to get the 4GB Kinect bundle one.
If I do ever get one, what games would you recommend? I don't like all those Halo games and shooters and stuff like that. Look in my games lists and you'll see what games I'm into. :P Also, I would prefer to get 360 exclusive games, since the PS3 would still be my main gaming system.
Happy Halloween!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Happy Halloween all you candy-loving freaks! (Just kidding about that last part.) But you still love candy, right?! Who doesn't?!
I'm sorry. Halloween is like my second favorite holiday, and I get all hyper. Not because of the candy, though. Because I'm excited, that's why! Even though I'll be 16 in two months, I'm still dressing up. As L from Death Note.
And I'm not posting my picture here! Even of I am in a costume, who wants to see my face anyway? :(
My mom and dad are so excited for the ballgame tonight. The Giants lost last night, but everyone is praying that they'll win tonight. I know I said this before, but who honestly gives a **** about baseball? It's Halloween, dammit!
I took a quiz on what candy I'd most likely be. I lost the link to the quiz, sadly.Here's my result.
You're taffy!! You're a clever and kind person, but you tend to hold grudges. You are not big on dishing out forgiveness.
Sounds like me. :roll: Or Slyfur, when I accidentally spoiled part of Birth by Sleep for her. :?
Later on tonight, we are going to go to Popeye's for dinner, and then go out for Halloween. Popeye's is like KFC, but better, IMO. The chicken isn't so greasy and wet, and you get more for your money. We went there last year for Halloween, too. :lol:
I had some pictures I wanted to post here. They were just cool Halloween pictures I found on dA. But since there so humongous, I decided against it. It would be impossible to see them clearly anyway. :|
Oh yeah, I made a new video! It's a Cloud and Zack related video from FFVII. Click here to watch it. :)
Well, have a Happy Halloween! If you don't your Hershey's chocolate, you can always send them my way!
So many game references in one game!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Wow, I've been making so many blogs lately. :o But sirracannal will always be ahead of me. :lol:
I just wanted to say that I've completed The Simpsons Game for PS3 again, since the file was deleted recently. And in that game, I have found a lot of other game references. I wanted to share them with you. :P
The first reference I found was one related to Kingdom Hearts. As you can see in the image below, there is a statue of a dog, holding the Keyblade. You can't really see it in the image, but instead of a Mickey head on the keychain, it is an Itchy head (from the Simpsons show "Itchy and Scratchy"), who also happens to be a mouse.
There is another game reference in that same image. Can you find it? It may be a little hard to see, but if you look closely on the dog's forehead, you can see the same design that Amaterasu has on her forehead, from "Okami." The dog also has the same design above and below its eyes as Amaterasu. It is also very hard to see on this image, but the dog statue is holding Ammy's same weapon on its back with the red fire, and also has the same fur design on its elbows and knees.
The next game reference is in the same level as these last two. It is another one related to Kingdom Hearts. In a certain point in the level, fat fire sumos will attack you. They say all kinds of phrases,including the famous Kingdom Hearts line, "Every light must fade, every heart returns to darkness."
Watch this video to hear it. Skip to 4:30, and it will come on.
And yet on the very same level, there are even more game references. One of the same enemies that stated the Kingdom Hearts quote also stated a Final Fantasy 9 quote. Go to that same video I posted, but watch a few seconds before 4:30.
On that level, there are Pokemon like creatures and their "trainers." Instead of Pokemon, they are called "Sparkelmon." One of them is supposed to be either a Rattata or a Pikachu, I can't really tell. Another is supposed to be a kind of Squirtle. And the last one, well, I really don't know. :lol:
In another level called "Enter the Cheatrix," there are more various video game references. The first one I found was a line that Bart said referring to Zelda. "I hope I get to meet Zelda. Zelda!"
In the same level, there are slaves of Mario and Sonic, working in poor condition to run the game factory, which is the level. Here is an unshaven Mario.
And here is a Sonic, in front of Bart.
The final boss in that level was Donkey Kong.
The last reference in that level was a Koopa Troopa, who is the wife of Professor Frink.
The last reference I could find in that game were none other than Bender and Zoidberg from the hit TV show Futurama. They are enemies in the second to last level.
I'm pretty sure there were more references, but those were all I could think of right now. I really recommend this game to anyone. It's really fun, and it's muliplayer so that you can play with a friend. It's for the PS3, Xbox 360, PS2, Wii, DS, and PSP.
Look at me. This game has been out since 2007 and I'm talking like it's coming out tomorrow. :lol:
One of the saddest videogame endings
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
So, I finished Crisis Core. On Monday. The game was pretty easy. The only hard parts were that some of the bosses were hard to defeat, especially the final boss. I died three times, but then I tried a different strategy, and I got him. :lol: I stayed depressed for a few hours after I finished the game. I've played sad games before, but this one was a little too much.
[spoiler] While Zack fought all the Shinra soldiers, wounded badly, he kept having flashbacks about his past and about Aerith. In the end, hedied by Cloud's side. [/spoiler]
Sad music doesn't really help!
I went to GameStop today, wanting to get Bleach: The Shattered Blade, but when I got there, they said that they didn't have it. But the website said they did. :x Instead, I got my sister Sonic Rivals, since she really wanted that game.
After GameStop, I went to Mikado Kids to just look around. To my surprise, they had a Gin Ichimaru plushie. It was smaller than the one in Australia. About 8 inches tall, like my L plushie. I got it anyway, since I've been looking for one lately. I also got a really cool looking Death Note wall scroll. :D I would have bought more stuff there, but I was out of money. :cry: Some of the stuff I wanted was a Demyx Sitar necklace (to complete my Kingdom Hearts necklace collection!), some Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy figures, some more Death Note and Bleach plushies, and a pretty Sonic wall scroll. That store has everything. :o
The Sonic wall scroll looked like this:
My sister will probably get it. :lol: She loves stuff like this. I actually wouldn't mind having it either. :P
Well, that's what happened today. My sister and my dad are at the Giants world series game. They beat the Phillies (take THAT Slyfur :x), and now everyone's all eager to see if they win. I really don't give a crap about baseball. :roll:
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