Yes, I've been watching Death Note now. My friend actually got me started on it. Her and I went to Mikado Kids (an anime store near us), and I saw this keychain with an ugly looking guy on it.It reminded me of Hades from the Disney movie "Hercules." I asked her, "Whose this ugly looking guy?" And she said that it was Ryuk from "Death Note." Here's a picture of the keychain (I didn't buy it).
I had heard of Death Note before, but I never watched it or was really interested in it. That is, until my friend explained to me what it was about. I sorta was intrigued, so I rented a DVD of the first 4 episodes at my library. The second I finished the whole DVD, I knew that I would be hooked on this show. The plot, the characters, everything is just so well written and likable! :D
I'm still watching the series (I'm on episode 26 out of 37 right now). When I finish the anime, I'm going to watch the live action version. It's in Japanese, but the DVD has a dubbed English version, so that's good. When I first started the series, Light was my favorite character. I even had an avy of him for a brief time. But as I continued the series, I grew extremely fond of the character referred to as "L." He became my favorite character in the entire series. It's funny how he eats sweets constantly. :P
So I decided to change my avy from Light to L. I really like him, even if he sadly [spoiler] dies in episode 25. [/spoiler]
Just a screenshot from the anime. :P
Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm done boring you to death with my Death Note and L fangirlism.
Did I tell you that I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep on Proud Mode? I want to unlock the secret movie even if it kills me. I started on Aqua's story, and for the life of me I can't defeat Vanitas in Neverland. Damn that masked boy! I'm a high level and I have tons of abilities, but he keeps killing me right when I'm about to kill him. :x
I guess that's it. I was bored and wanted to blog about my new obsession. :|
Have a nice day!
LittleGreenDog Blog
The little green dogs will never die
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Yep. As you can see, I'm back. After, like....two months? Two months of pain and torture. Well, the good news is...I'm back! 8)
I can't explain anything that happened, unfortunately. But let's just say's good to see you goobers again! :P
Let me tell you everything that happened while I was gone.:|
The day I left was the same day I got my wisdom teeth out. They put me to sleep, extracted my teeth, and when I woke up, I was really tired and my mouth was full of tissues. For about three days I was living on applesauce and chocolate milkshakes. Not to mention my mouth was killing me.
After a few weeks I was feeling better. Soon we went to Great America. It's an amusement park that's supposed to have a bunch of Nickelodeon characters. But this time Snoopy from The Peanuts took over. EVERYTHING. Snoop this. Snoopy that. I started to notice that when there were huge Snoopy plushes in gift shop windows instead Spongebob.
After being hypnotized by Snoopy a few times, I played one of those games where you need to squirt the water in the target. I won both times, and one a Shinx plush and a Shaymin plush! And if you don't know who those are, they're Pokemon.
Soon after we came home, I began watching the anime, "Wolf's Rain." I finished the whole series in about only a week and a half. Kiba is my favorite wolf. Then comes Toboe and Blue. The ending was so sad....:cry:
And THEN.....I got Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep! Yes, I got the bundle the weekend it was released. I started the game on Beginner Mode, and now I'm replaying it on Proud Mode. So far I have to say my favorite character in the game is Vanitas. He's just so awesome and mysterious. I won't say any more, though. I already ruined Slyfur's life once regarding Van, I fear what she might do to me if I said any more. :?
So that's about it. I literally spent every penny on this bundle. Now it's time to save for a 3DS!!!
It's freakin' good to be back. A little weird, but good. Looks like I'm at level 40 now. :o
Um, I'd like to thank Aidan for the awesome Amaterasu addition on my banner. Ammy FTW.
I'm afraid that's it, my friends. Keep on survivin,' and never let the toughest of situations bring you down in the dust!
Another tag?! + Some updates
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I got tagged for a third time now. By SuperfastSonic! I'll get him back somehow....:x
Before I do this, I'm gonna give you some updates. Today was my sister's (GymGirl1310) 12th birthday. Her gymnastics team went to a park for a picnic, so we went there, too. We brought my dachshund Copper there with us. He's a pretty well behaved dog, though he has separation issues. :x
He and this other dog named Seymour (a chihuahua mix) didn't get along. Seymour kept on trying to pick fights with Copper, and at one point they really did fight with each other. So we had to separate them. Poor Copper. He's just an innocent little dog. :P He would never try to fight with another dog.
But....he did. There was this huge (but friendly) dog at the park named Pogo. He was a lab/Shar-Pei mix. He was very mellow. And he was thirsty, so he tried to drink from Copper's water bowl. But Copper suddenly got very territorial and started attacking Pogo. Since Pogo is like twenty times bigger than Copper, he simply walked away slowly, while Copper kept on trying to attack from behind. :P
Uh...enough about the dogs.
My sister got a camera, Toy Story 3 for PS3, and some other stuff. Toy Story 3 for PS3 FTW. You can control Zurg in that game, and he's a PS3 exclusive! :o
I said that we were going to Great America (an amusement park nearby) tomorrow. Well, we decided to go next Monday. Everyone is just too tired now. :P And I got sunburned on my arms today! :cry:
I guess I'll do these tags. :roll:
5 Things I Like
1. PS3's
2. Big dogs
3. Sprite
4. Hot sauce
5. Plushes
5 Things I Hate
1. Not having Wi-Fi
2. My iPod having a chip in it
3. Small dogs
4.Finding quarters that are glued to the ground
5. People
There you go.
I'd like to once again thank Mr_Jenkins for this amazing new sig he made me. I unintentionally put him through so much trouble. :P And that made me feel bad. But in the end, a really cool sig was born!
(From left to right) Waka, Amaterasu, Chibiterasu, Oki, and Issun. Their all my favorite Okami characters, especially Oki, Ammy, and Waka. :)
Summer is almost over! :cry:
Who will I tag now and torture? :twisted:
@SuperfastSonic: You've been tagged! Told you I'd get you back!
Heh heh heh....
Going to be gone for awhile
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I will be very busy for the next few days, including today. I am going to my sister's gymnastics today, and tonight we are going to Red Robin.
Tomorrow is my sister's 12th birthday, so we will be having a party for her at her gymnastics.
The day after that we are going to Great America.
And the day after that I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Then for the next few days I will be recovering.
Wish me luck with that. :|
This Is Halloween
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
As you may know, in my last blog I was tagged by Giratina617 and sirracannal. As I read other people's blogs, I realize that I did mine all wrong! :lol:I didn't realize thatI had to write things I hate and like, and some kind of music tagging....thing. Well, here it is! Redone!
I like:
1. Wolves
2. Making videos, even though I suck at them
3. Miley Cyrus
4. Going to the mall
5. Being alone :twisted:
I hate:
1. Xbox 360s
2. Seeing peopleI know from school while outside of school
3. Justin Biever and the Jonas Brothers
4. The sun and natural light
5. Twilight
Now for sirracannal's...I guess this is the music one. However, I'm not putting any comments after them. :roll:
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say- It's All Right Here - Miley Cyrus
2. How would you describe yourself?- Sneakernight - Vanessa Hudgens
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?- Mobile - Avril Lavigne
4. How do you feel today?- Metamorphosis - Hilary Duff
5. What is your life's purpose?- What Is Love? - Haddaway
6. What is your motto?- Can I Borrow a Feeling? - Simpsons soundtrack
7. What do your friends think of you?- Like You - Evanescence
8. What do you think of your parents?- Simple and Clean - Kingdom Hearts soundtrack
9. What do you think about very often?- Tears In Your Life - ELO
10. What is 2 + 2?- Just a Girl - Miley Cyrus
11. What do you think of your best friend?- It's the Fear - Evanescence
12. What do you think of the person you like?- Weight of the World - Evanescence
13. What is your life story?- How to Lose a Girl - Mitchel Musso :shock:
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?- Winnie the Pooh - Kingdom Hearts soundtrack :shock:
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?- Floorfiller - A*Teens
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?- Kamp Krusty Theme - Simpsons soundtrack :lol:
17. What will they play at your funeral?- Everything Back But You - Avril Lavigne
18. What is your hobby/interest?- Alone - Unknown Artist :lol:
19. What is your biggest fear?- My Console - Eiffel 65
20. What is your biggest secret?- We Are Family - Jordan Pruitt
21. What do you think of your friends?- Positivity - Ashley Tisdale
22. What will you put as the title?- This Is Halloween - Danny Elfman
I have a lot of horrible songs on my iPod. :P I've been meaning to download much more better ones, but I don't have the time anymore. :P
Now I will tag....
@GymGirl1310: You've been tagged! :twisted:
@Courtney817: You've been tagged! :twisted:
EDIT: I'm going to tag omegaglen2nd as well, since no one has ever tagged him. :P
@omegaglen2nd: You've been tagged! :twisted:
What a day!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Greetings, my good friends of Gamespot!
I was gonefrom GameSpot almost all day today. That's because I was working with my grandma for nine hours! She has this business that cleans condos and apartments. I wanted to work with her to make a few extra bucks to help save for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Usually I work for about three hours when I go with her. I had no idea it would be nine hours! :x
Anyway, we stopped in between to eat lunch. First we went to Subway, where I got a buffalo chicken sandwich. With a Sprite of course. :P And then later we went to Jack in the Box where I got an Oreo milkshake. Which was good. :P
The weather was really weird. I ended up taking off and putting on my jacket over and over again due to the weather constantly changing.
After a while my feet began to hurt. Well, I was standing for nine hours!
Finally we were done. We had cleaned up five condos, so my grandma gave me $50. I get $10 for each condo/apartment. I'm getting ever closer to be able to get BBS. :P I have 186$ now!
Ugh, I'm really tired now. I might play some more Okami later tonight. *yawns* Oki pwns.....
Goodnight, friends....
That was fast!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
The Gamers Gathering, a new off-topic union I just made two days ago, already has 22 members! :shock:
I want to work on getting a banner and an avatar. Would anyone be interested in making one?I don't have any art programs. :P
Tags can probably come later.
On another topic, I went to the SPCA today, where I volunteer. I played with and took care of a pit bull mix, a German shepherd mix, and a German shepherd/husky mix. And then later I played with three kittens. :P They were using me as a scratching board. :P
It's decided!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
So I decided that I'm making an off-topic union. A lot of people already said that they'd join, so that's good. I'm thinking "The Gamer's Gathering," thought of by Squir725. It may be subject to change, though.
I'm making my sister's account, "BlooRoxyBeagle," the leader of my current two unions until this union is formed. Hope you all join!
There were many people who I wanted to invite as charter member! Dragon66116, Slyfur, SuperfastSonic, and others! But either they were already in 30 unions (SFS, for example,) or they already accepted a charter member position in the last 30 days!
A new union
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I've been thinking about making a new union since my current two are basically dead. I wanted to just make an off-topic union. Got any ideas what it could be called?
Would anyone like to join? :P
Really short blog. :|
Finished! + New Nintendogs cover
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Last night I finally finished Okami. This is one of the best games I've ever played. Not only is about a wolf (my favorite animal), it also had an amazing storyline. It wasn't too short, either. In fact, it was a lot longer than I ever imagined it would be. I finished it in around 40 hours. :shock:
So, obviously, Amaterasu is very cool. She is close to being my favorite character in Okami. But sadly she only comes in second. I would like to say that Oki is my favorite in the whole game. Sure, he doesn't have a huge role like Ammy, but I just found myself sort of fond of him the minute I discovered him in the game. It's cool how he can transform from a human to a wolf instantly, and visa versa.
Oki FTW. :P
Other characters I liked were Waka and that kid who had the dog named Ume. I think his name was Kokari.
I was disappointed when I finished the game and there were no end credits. I know the PS2 version has them, though. :?
Here is my newest Nintendogs cover.
St. Bernard and Friends. I don't know why the writing looks blurry. Photobucket uploaded it that way. :|
The dogs included are St. Bernard, Bulldog, Akita, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, and Dogo Argentino.
And here is my wolf picture that I got at a county fair that Slyfur wanted to see. It's a 3D picture too, BTW.
Pretty cool, huh?
No other news for now, except that I saw Despicable Me yesterday. It was surprisingly good.
So, yeah, that's it. I'll see ya later!
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