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LittleGreenDog Blog

True High Definition!

At last! I finally figured out how to upload my videos to Youtube in 720p HD!

And that's not all....

I also figured out how to upload them in 1080p HD!!!

I'm so happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

My Lucario one is in 1080p. If you haven't already, clickhere to watch it.

Oh my gosh! I finally exceeded xXxLightningxXx's ability to make videos! she only makes hers with 720p HD!!

Nah. I may have more HD, but my video making skills will never match up to hers. :P Maybe someday...


I just looked at my blog count, and I saw that my last blog was my 100th blog! Which is really strange, because the same thing just happened with Courtney817! :P

My new video!

Since I love Lucario so much, I decided to make a video dedicated to him. It took forever but I finally finished it. And guess what? I just found out that there are other videos just like it! The same character and and even the song! And I had no idea! :cry: I thought this was going to be an original piece of work! :(

This is also my first video to have a short introduction in the beginning. And what betterfont for WolfsRain345 than the actual Wolf's Rain font?

Well, anyway, please watch it and tell me what you think.

Sadly Youtube cut it off about two seconds early. So the song sounds like it stops suddenly, but that's not supposed to happen! :x

I'm back!

Well, that wasn't too long was it? I thought it would be a month or something. :shock:

Some things changed. First of all, I can go on the computer only when my dad is gone. He HATES seeing me on the computer. He says that all I do is "idle." He has no idea what I do here! And I do not "idle!" You want idling? Just look at my mom when she's on here. :x

My mom doesn't mind when I'm on here. But even so, I can only be on for a short time. So......yeah. :|

I wish they would just make up their freakin' minds! :x

So...I kind of have a new favorite Pokemon. Of course, it can't match up to Lucario, but it's pretty close. It's name is Rampardos. Here is a picture...

Pretty cool, right?

And I have some bad news! (Yet again.)

In a few weeks or less I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled! They are ready to come out. And I'm really nervous. My teeth are already beginning to hurt because of the wisdom teeth coming in... :? Wish me luck!

So that's it. Let's hope I won't have to leave again! And sorry for these constant false alarms! :cry:


Gone for awhile

Yeah yeah, I said it all before. But I'm really serious this time. For at least a month my parents want me and my sister away from all electronics, including the computer. I am only able to play The Sims 2 and my DS on the weekends.

I don't really want to explan everything that happened. They basically just think we spend too much time on them, which is totally not true. :x

I'll be back though. It's impossible to kick me off of GS. I've been a member for almost four years now andI ain't quitting now!

Someone will have to be put in charge of The Ultimate Spuro Union and The Union That Never Was. I won't be able to tell who wants to be in charge because after this blog I'm gone from GS for a month. So you guys will have to work it out among yourselves.

I'll miss all of you! :cry:


It's for the best

I have decided to disband the Warriors Clan union. It was a bad idea from the start. It is very inactive and for some reason it never grew on me. Besides, three unions is a little too much for me to run anyway. So anyone who is in this union will be kicked out and the union will be destroyed. Unions never work out when it's only about books, anyway. Mr_Jenkins was right. :(

To MudkipMaster30, I'm very sorry that you went through all that work to make the tags. We all really appreciate it. But this union just isn't working out like I thought it would and it should go. :(

At least the cats will live on in our minds and hearts. :(


On another subject, I got a new blog header. It has my two favorite Kingdom Hearts characters on it, Riku and Marluxia.


Answers to my quiz + New Kingdom Hearts video

So, as usual, hardly anyone posted comments on my last blog. But it's okay. I'm used to it. At least some people were able to take the quiz.

Before I give out the answers, I have a great update about Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep! It will be released this September 7. It will also be available in a silver PSP bundle, which I will most likely get.

And speaking of Kingdom Hearts, I made a new Kingdom Hearts video. It's my second spoof, and I think it's a lot better than my last one. Click here to watch it, it's only three minutes long.

Now onto the answers to my quiz! Here are your results...

Out-Of-Ammo got 13/17. Not bad...

Slyfur got 12/17. Out-of-Ammo is still winning!

Aidan129 got 5/17. :shock:

And UmbraJohn got 8/17. Not bad for someoneI just met here.

Sirracannal said that she would get everyone of these wrong so she didn't take it. QUITTER!!! :P was close, but Out-Of-Ammo won!! :D

Here were all the correct answers...

1. What was my very first game system?

Answer: PS2

Most of you said that my first game system was a Gameboy. Well, that's wrong. My first game system was a fat PS2 (I have two Slim ones now) that my dad got me when I was very young.

2. What are my favorite anime shows?

Answer: Bleach and Pokemon

I recently got into both of these shows. Bleach is a lot like Kingdom Hearts. Do I really need to explain what Pokemon's about?

3. True or false, I have pet snails.

Answer: True

I've had snails for almost a year now. Their aquatic, so they live in a tank with one of my fish. Unfortunatley this stupid fish has killed many snails and attempted to eat them. One has literally been killed right now.

4. How many types of pets do I have?

Answer: 5

I have been told that I have a lot of animals. And I have five types of them. A dog, a cat, birds, fish, and snails.

5. What is my favorite game series?

Answer: Kingdom Hearts

Many of you probably already knew that. Kingdom Hearts has been my favorite ever since I played the first game.

6. Who is my favorite Kingdom Hearts character?

Answer: Riku.

No, not Marluxia. Riku. He's too awesome to describe.

7. Who is my favorite Final Fantasy character?

Answer: Lightning

I said in the past that I liked Kadaj and Zack. But I never said that they were my favorite. I also never said that Lightning was my favorite. But she is.

8. What is my favorite color? (Two answers)

Answer: Silver and blue

Epic colors.

9. What is my Youtube account name?

Answer: WolfsRain345

It's the name of an anime show that I've never even seen. But it sounded cool.

10. What state do I live in?

Answer: California

And a huge earthquake is predicted to strike here any day now.

11. What is my favorite TV show?

Answer: The Simpsons

Loved this show ever since I could talk.

12. What system do I not own?

Answer: Xbox 360.

Overrated, IMO.

13. What is my favorite dog breed?

Answer: Doberman Pinscher

As mean as they look, Dobermans are actually one of the most lovable dogs out there. I plan to get one someday. They've been my favorite dog breed for years.

14. What is my number one favorite Pokemon?

Answer: Lucario

Aura FTW.

15. What is my favorite band?

Answer: Evanescence

Gothic-rock FTW.

16. Who is my favorite Futurama character?

Answer: Bender

He's the coolest robot ever.

17. What is my name?

Answer: Erica

No comment for this.

So those are the answers. Have a nice day!


A quiz about me!

I stole this from sirracannal. I hope it's okay. It seems like a fun thing to do. :P

So it's basically like how she did it. I'll ask some questions about myself and you guys have to try to answer them. The correct answers will be in my next blog. Let's begin!

1. What was my very first game system?

A. PS2

B. Gameboy


2. What are my favorite anime shows?

A. Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon

B. Kirby and Sonic X

C. Bleach and Pokemon

D. Bleach and Bakugan

3. True or false, I have pet snails.

A. True

B. False

4. How many types of pets do I have?

A. 1

B. 5

C. 4

5. What is my favorite game series?

A. Spyro

B. Kingdom Hearts

C. Sonic

D. Pokemon

E. Final Fantasy

6. Who is and always has been my favorite Kingdom Hearts character?

A. Riku

B. Marluxia

C. Zexion

D. Sora

E. Demyx

7. Who is my favorite Final Fantasy character?

A. Zack Fair

B. Kadaj

C. Cloud Strife

D. Lightning

8. What is my favorite color? (This one has two answers)

A. Silver

B. Blue

C. Red

D. Pink

9. What is my Youtube account name?

A. Spyro738

B. Riku_Fan78

C. WolfsRain345

D. Animegurl938

10. What state do I live in?

A. Oregon

B. Michigan

C. Ohio

D. California

11. What is my favorite TV show?

A. The Simpsons

B. Family Guy

C. South Park

D. Spongebob Squarepants

12. What game system do I not own?

A. PS3

B. Gameboy Advance

C. Xbox 360

D. Wii

13. What is my favorite dog breed?

A. Dachshund

B. Labrador Retriever

C. Doberman Pinscher

D. Poodle

14. What is my number one favorite Pokemon?

A. Lucario

B. Pikachu

C. Wobbuffet

D. Gliscor

15. What is my favorite band?

A. Lady Gaga

B. Evanescence

C. Nickelback

D. Jonas Brothers

16. I like Futurama. Who is my favorite character?

A. Bender

B. Leela

C. Fry.

D. Amy

E. Dr. Zoidberg

17. Last question! What is my name?

A. Anne

B. Tiffany

C. Brittany

D. Erica

E. Megan

Thanks! Answers will be in my next blog!


Another blog in a single day. :x Well, I guess that last one didn't really count since it was so short.

In my last blogI mentioned visiting my newly remodeled public library. I went on GameSpot there. :P While I was there I checked out a movie called "Orphan." It's about a seemingly innocent 9 year old Russian girl who is adopted by this family, who already has a son named Daniel and a deaf daughter named Max. The movie was rated "R." 8) For disturbing violence, some sexuality, and language.

All in all, the movie was really good. [spoiler] The adopted girl was named Esther and she is an anti-social. at first she seems very harmless and innocent, but then she starts killing people. First she killed this nun, and then the father of the family. It is revealed that she isn't really 9 years old and her name isn't really Esther. She really is 33 years old and her name is Leena. She has a problem where she can't grow and her whole life she has been posing as a child. In the end, she dies of a broken neck while drowning in ice. [/spoiler] There's a lot more to it, but I don't want to get into all the details.

I really liked Esther until that secret of hers was revealed. :x Now my favorite character is Max, who istechnically the heroine of the story.

You should see the movie! It has a lot of violence and stabbing in it, so be warned. :P

This wasn't the first time I've seen an R rated horror film. I usually watch horror movies on Comcast On Demand. I've seen "The Children" (which was also really good, about children getting infected by a disease which causes them to kill their parents), "Drive-Thru" (which is about a restaurant mascot killing this one person's close friends and relatives), and "Boogeyman 3" (about some spirit killing these college kids). All these movies are great, but so far I like Orphan the best. :)

One more thing. On our way home, we saw these two birds. One was trying to put food in the other's mouth, so they must have been mom and baby. :P



I'm in the library...

I'm on GS for the first my newly remodeled publiclibrary...:P

It kind of looks the same to me...

That's all I wanted to say! :lol:


I had to add the word "public" because for some reason everyone thought I meant my own personal library. :lol:

Saw "Oceans" today

Well, once again my dad my sister went to a Giants game today. So me and my mom went to the movies and saw "Oceans." It was pretty cool; I have to admit I got kind of bored near the end, but the entire movie was interesting. I had Panda Express throughout the movie with a Sprite. :P But I'm afraid I may not eat Panda Express anymore. I've noticed in the past that whenever I eat Panda Express, a few minutes later my jaw starts to really hurt near my ears. And now it happened today. My mom says I may be allergic to something in the food. :( But I love Panda Express!!

So after the movies we went to Hot Topic. That's where my mom bought me a really cool Kingdom Hearts shirt! Here's a picture of it, please ignore the guy that's in it. :x

Now I have three Kingdom Hearts shirts! This one, a 358/2 Days one, and a black one that is the exact same kind Slyfur has. :)

After Hot Topic we went to Mikado Kids (I love that store) :P. There were more Kingdom Hearts shirts and some figures there. And there were these adorable little Pokemon plushes! They were about five inches tall, and were $12. I might have said it before: Mikado Kids things are a little overpriced. But come on, twelve dollars for a tiny plush? I don;t think so. And that's unfortunate, too. One of the plushes was a Wobbuffet, who is one of my favorite Pokemons. I was going to get it...until I saw the dang price...:x

So that's what we did today. I am not looking forward to school tomorrow. :x
