Wow, I made two blogs in one day. Very rare to see me do that.I wish I got more comments on my blogs. They hardly reach ten! :cry: AmI really that unpopular?
This is not what I really wanted to say but I'll just say it for the heck of it. Some guy keeps flaming my Youtube channel just because he found out that I'm Conservative. I won't get into the details, but I deleted the messages and tried to get him back. But for some reason his channel isn't working for me. :cry: There's always something stopping me! :cry:
Uh..anyway, back on topic. I gotanother plushie in the mail today! I absolutley love plushies. Any plushie will do for me. And no, this one wasn't Marluxia. :cry: They don't even make those!
This one was...Kadaj! If you remember, I mentiond wanting a Kadaj plush awhile ago in my blog. Well,I did end up getting him. :P He was $22, and I got him from
My dad paid for it but he said that when it gets here I need to pay him the money. It's been here for a few hours...and he hasn't said anything. :|
You know whatI just realized? If there was ever a Zexion plush, Zexion might have the same hair as this Kadaj plush, but a different color. I'd kill for a Zexion plush. :x
Well...that's it. I'm thinking about going through with my Warriors union, but I'm not too sure because me and Slyfur are the only peopleI know who reads them. :? I need her input first. :P
LittleGreenDog Blog
Happy (Late) Easter!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Howdy, everyone who likes chocolate bunnies and eggs! Hope you had an awesome Easter! I would have did this blog earlier, but I was too busy yesterday and I came home late! :P
The day before Easter my mom, my sister and I this made to bring to my grandparents' house. Like it?
It's a rabbit made of bread and dip, with some veggies on the side. It was delicious. :P
While I was at my grandparents' house, it was raining the whole time. My perfect weather. 8) So instead of running around outside in her huge backyard, we stayed inside and played a game called "Apples to Apples." It's a really fun game. :P Unfortunatley, my wacky aunt was there. Not the wacky aunt I talked about in my last blog, this aunt is even wackier, but in a different way. She is in her forties and still lives with my grandparents. She has some bipolar issues. But I'm not discussing everything about her now. :x
For dinner we had ham and some mashed potatoes. I not a ham person, so I mainly just had mashed potatoes. My grandma's mashed potatoes are the best!! :x
Sadly their huge flatscreen TV was broken. :( So if I wanted to watch TV I had to watch the poor quality one in the back room. :cry:
That's basically all we did there. I was reading Warriors Omen of the Stars: Fading Echoes almost the whole time. That series is so great, and it's so addicting. :P
When we came home, I found two snails on my porch. I found them fascinating to watch. :P Unlike most people, i like snails and I don't think they're gross at all. :P Here are some pictures of them.
One last thing. This Friday, I'm getting a red DSi XL. Bigger screens FTW!! :x It really beats my black DS Lite, which has horrible sound. :(
So...Happy Easter! And...Passover?
She could have died...
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I just recently found out that my 13 year old cousin Hannah almost died yesterday.
First, let me tell you about Hannah. She's having a pretty tough life right now. Her dad (and my uncle) just died two years ago. Her dad was also abusive and overweight. He drank constantly. The out of the blue he started having uncontrollable seizures. Then one night he had a badseizure...and that was the end of it.
Her mother (and my aunt) is very irresponsible. She began dating other men almost as soon as my uncle died. The men she was datingwere slimy dirtbags. She would leave Hannah (11 at the time) home alone almost till 3 AM hanging out at bars looking for men. Once she even let Hannah and her friend hang outside in the front yard past midnight while she went to bed.
Let me just say that my aunt is very screwed up at the moment. She acts as though it's all about her and nothing matters about Hannah. She's dating this guy who drinks constantly and comes home drunk. They aren't even married and they are sharing a home and "sleeping with each other." Hannah also has two adult sisters. One is already pregnant and she isn't even married. And if you know me, I think that is very unacceptable.
My aunt even let's Hannah walk around the neighborhood by herself. Hannah is a very innocent girl and is helpless against any attackers. And that's what almost happened yesterday.
Hannah and one of her friends were apparently strolling around the neighborhood, unattended. Suddenly a gang of male bikers rode up to them. They said they had a gun and would shoot them if Hannah and her friend didn't give the biker's their iPhones and cell phones. So of course, Hannah gave them their electronics and the thieves got away with it.
Wouldn't that be scary if you were an inncocent 13 year old girl and something like that happened to you? What's even more shocking is that her mother didn't even care that much.
So that's what happened yesterday. My cousin was almost shot by some punks. And that's the world we live in.
No school for a week!!!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Yayz! I'm off for spring break! But sadly I still have to do math, since I'm very behind. :( Easter is coming soon! I lovez the chocolate! :P
But alas, Easter also brings some sadness to my sister and I. Easter marks the second year anniversary in which our pet bunnies, Neptune and Snowbelle, were taken back to the animal shelter in which we adopted them. Why? Becauseunfortunately we were unable to afford caring for them. :cry: Literally, all these guys did were eat, poop (a lot of poop), and sleep. But I don't care! They were still my pets and I took care of them and let them run around and held them. :( I hope they're in a much better home this Easter. Here is a picture of Neptune and Snowbelle, along with my other pets that I still have.
Snowbelle (left) and Neptune (right)
Sam the cat (he'll be ten this June!)
My awesome cockatiels, Bub (left) and Darla (right). Bub can whistle Jingle Bells!
Uh, these weren't mine...they were just passing my house one day.
I also own snails and fish, but they don't really matter. :lol:
And I have saved the best picture for last; my cat Minnie that ran away from us years ago. She was a beautiful cat, and very smart. She loved me more than anyone else in our family. She came running when I called her and she slept on my bed every night. She was an awesome cat whounfortunately isn't here with us today anymore. I pray that she is okay, wherever she is. :( Sorry about the quality.
Okay, enough with these pictures. :x Back on what this blog is supposed to be about! Uh...I'm off for a week, yada yada yada blah blah blah...I think you get the point.
Happy Easter!!
EDIT: I forgot to post a pic of Copper! Here he is:
Girl gets attacked by comforter!!!
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Eh, not really. But me and my sister made a video about what could happen if it really did happen, starring us!
Click thelink below to watch it. I realize we are horrible actors. We were reading scripts the whole time, except for the bed comforter scene. Please know I am the type of person who is very self-conscience about myself, so if you think I'm "ugly" or "need a new hairdue," keep it to yourself. I already hate my bangs and voice, so if you do to, well I guess we think alike then. (I'm the one with the glasses BTW.)
So click here to watch it!
PS. I know my voice is a little mumbly at the beginning, so sorry.
Went for a bike ride yesterday
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
And I scratched up my right knee pretty badly.
I was following my sister on this trail. A sharp turn was coming up. She made the turn with ease. I wasn't so lucky. Apparently I turned too sharply and I flew off my bike and into some bark. I wasn't hurt too badly andI didn't even notice anything about my knee until I saw it. It was really scraped up but it wasn't bleeding. And it didn't even hurt that much. It should heal soon...
My Kingdom Hearts wall scroll came today. I posted a blog about it earlier. It has the mainBirth by Sleep characters on it, along with Sora and some of Organization XIII.
But I'm sad to say it wasn't really what I was expecting. First of all, instead of hanging by two hooks, it hangs by a string. And the texture of the scroll is very thin and soft, and you can see right through it. My other scrolls hang by hooks and they are thicker.
But I didn't really care about that. What made me a little disappointed was how dark this scroll is. If you saw the picture i posted before, you can see many details and the whole poster is just very bright. This one, however, is so dark you can barely see anything. Organization 13 is the darkest. It's almost impossible to see Xigbar clearly...
Well, whatever. It's still the same poster I wanted, even though it wasn't exactly what I was expecting...
By the way, does anyone know any good sites that can animate avatars? Like if I had two pictures I wanted for an avatar, and I wanted the avatar to flip through them? I don't want to download any programs, I just need a good site that can do this. I found a few, but the size doesn't go to 80 x 80.
I had the weirdest dream last night
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
And for some reason I remember every detail. None of you are in it, so if that's what you are looking for, you might as well leave.
I was at Costco with my parents and sister. I found the Spyro movie, out one month early, so I decided to buy it. When we went to the front of the store to buy it, I looked over at the food court. I saw two girls I knew from school. And one of them had on a bad Saix wig. :? And I saw Even there! Even is a new charater from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
Even was just hanging out. And I noticed he had Ienzo with him (another BBS character). So me and my sister said hi to them. I asked how old Ienzo was to Even, but instead of answering that, Ienzo somehow turned into a Siberian husky and Even said "He's a husky."
Ever had one of those dreams where something looks like a certain object but you just knew it was something different? That happened with Even now.
Even was suddenly my grandma, even though it looked just like Even. I said to her, "Can I walk your dogs sometime?" Because she suddenly had all these dogs surrounding her. She said "sure."
I eventually spent the night at my grandma's house. I was watching the Spyro movie, but it turned out to be pretty lame. Plus all it had were a bunch of Kingdom Hearts movie trailers. So I turned it off and saw what was on TV. Turns out "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" was on, so I was watching a new episode of that. For some reason, Saix was in that episode and acted very stupid and crazy.
So I decided to walk my grandma's dogs, even though it was the middle of the night. I put their leashes on and went outside. Almost instantly the dogs took off, grabbing the leash out of my hands. The disappeared into the night.
My grandma was mad at me and looked for them. When she brought them home, I asked "Does this mean I'm not getting that $20?" (She owes me $20 in real life.) She didn't answer the question.
And that's when I woke up.
Pretty strange and random, right?
And I almost forgot to say, I'm going ice-skating today!
Banner request
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Hey, all!
I was just wondering if someone could make me a new banner for my profile. Every banner I've made myself sucks because I don't have any art programs. If you have a good art program like PhotoShop, would you mind? Thanks! :D It can be anything Kingdom Hearts, or, little green dogs! :D
Also, can someone also make a banner for The Union That Never Was? I also made that one, but it sucks so bad. If you can, make sure it has Organization 13 on it!
Thanks again everyone! I would greatly appreciate it. :)
I've been really sick...
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
I first started to feel sick Saturday night. I had a slight sore throat. When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt horrible. My throat was killing me, and I had a fever. So all I did that day was sleep in my parents' bad (they're bed is much more comfortable than mine). I slept and watched TV till about 4 PM, when I got up and ate a turkey sandwich. I wasn't really that tired anymore, so I just lounged on the living room couch, still feeling really sick. I watched TV and went on the computer for a few minutes before the power went out suddenly. It was supposed to come back on ataround 6:15 PM, but it came on about 30 minutes early. I think someone crashed ina pole which caused the power failure. :|
I then played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for about five minutes before I got so weak I could hardly lift my head. So I went to sleep for the rest of the day.
On Monday, I still had a sore throat, but my fever went down a bit.I didn't sleep much that day, but I did play my DS a lot.
Today I feel a lot better, but I still have a sore throat. My fever is gone, though.
You know what's strange? My sister also got sick the exact same time as I. She got a fever, sore throat, everything that I got. :?
We didn't do school on Monday or today, andI don't know if we'll do it tomorrow either, since my mom has been saying that she feels sick, too.
You can thank my dad for all this. He got sick a couple days ago, and I guess he gave it all to us. :x
On the bright side, I did find the wall scroll I've been looking everywhere for! Here's a picture of it:
It should be coming in the mail in a few weeks or less. Doesn't it look awesome? I wish the rest of Organization 13 can be on it though. :( But at least it has Terra, Aqua, and Ven! :)
I've also been watching the anime show "Bleach" a lot lately. It's the best anime show ever. :)
It's about time
by LittleGreenDog on Comments
Well, I just completed Kingdom Hearts 2 on Proud Mode today. It really wasn't that hard. I was expecting Xaldin to be much harder, since I always failed when fighting him on Beginner. But I didn't even die when fighting him on Proud. :?
Xigbar was probably the hardest. I died countless times, especially when he put me on the tiny platform when he keeps shooting at me non-stop. But I eventually beat him, no thanks to Donald and Goofy, since they died five seconds after the battle began. :D Then I got to see the secret Birth by Sleep trailer for the first time on my TV. :D
Also, I managed to make room on my wall for one more wall-scroll. I went to Mikado Kids and picked out a cool looking Kingdom Hearts scroll. Sorry about the horrible quality of this picture!
I have room for one more scroll, but I'm saving it for one that I haven't seen, but willdefinitely buy if I do see it.
That same day, I saw the Alice in Wonderland movie. It was pretty good, but my sister kept hogging the popcorn. :x I also recently got Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing for my PS3. It is not worth $50, but it is still pretty fun. I do plan to buy Final Fantasy 13, but not soon. Probably in a few months or so, since I barely have enough money for a PSP and Birth by Sleep. I want the white PSP, but it comes with a game, so it costs extra. :x
Well, have fun all you people! For one day...we shall die!
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