Just the other night, I went to bed as usual, around midnight or so. I didn't fall asleep, and at 1 am, I was still awake, though closer to being asleep. But when I heard the buzzing sound of insect wings somewhere in the room, I realized that this was not my night. I decided to open both the window and the door to my room, hoping that the insect would listen to reason and fly out by itself. Of course, it did not, and after twenty minutes, I hit on the light, and started looking for it. I found it at once, and I walked over to the desk to get a piece of paper to squash the insect with. However, when I get back, it's not there. I was too tired to look for it, so I decided to ignore it, and went back to bed. After yet another twenty minutes, I hadn't been able to ignore it, so I hit on the light yet again. This time, I wasn't going to turn it off until I killed the annoying little thing. After a long hunt, I finally found it, and squashed it without a moment's hesitation. I don't think I've ever been - nor will be - so happy about killing something, even if it was just a simple insect.
Now that the days are getting darker by each passing day, I've finally been able to enjoy watching the stars, which due to Norway's high latitude is impossible in summer. Anyway, I just sat outside one night, relaxing and watching the clear, starry sky. Believe me, it's something you just don't want to miss. One evening, stop everything you're doing, get outside and watch the stars in the sky. It's incredibly relaxing.
I also promised I'd tell you a bit about the new school I'm starting at this autumn, so... here goes!
First, a bit about our school system. I'm starting secondary education, which in Norway is 11th-13th (or 14th) grade. When we're at this stage, we can make two choices - One is to take a general education program, which is lots of theory, and prepares you more for university studies rather than starting work. It's lots of standard subjects, in addition to a few which we can choose by ourselves (which usually are specialized within one line of career - various Social Studies subjects are one, Scientific Subjects, Music, and so on. There's lots to choose from).
The other choice is a vocational education program, in which the students often spend a few weeks as an apprentice at a workplace; usually it's within handicrafts (mason, carpenter, etc.). The number of theoretical subjects are reduced compared to a general education program. People who choose this program usually has to take a 4th year with intense theoretical studies if they want to study at a university.
The education program at the school I'm taking is unique in the way that it offers a combined vocational and general education program; taking a little from both:
One: We have many of the subjects found in a general education program - more than a vocational one, but less than the normal quantum. We also have Scientific Subjects, which you can't get from a vocational education program at all.
Two - We get to work at a company, but unlike the vocational education, it's not a select few weeks a year - it's two days, every week, the whole year through. Unlike the vocational education, we also get a salary for our work, and the work we can get isn't restricted to handicrafts (the line I'm taking is Electronics)
Three - In addition to getting a salary, everything about the school is free. Normally you'd have to pay a lot for school books, but we get them completely free. The same goes for renting of a laptop (all secondary schools in Norway rents out laptops to the pupils). Any equipment needed at the workplace is also free.
Basically, we get the benefits of both types - not much theory, but enough to let us continue at an university without an extra year of intense studies, and we also get a certificate of apprenticeship, so we're qualified for work as well.
What's good is that the total salary I'll accumulate is more than enough to pay for my university studies, which will make things a bit easier for me economically (especially since I'm planning to study in another city).
I'm not sure how much you managed to understand, but shortly summarized, it's an awesome and unique education program
Song: The Starry Sky - HAL
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