So, finally a blog about something on my real-world life (excludes and anime). That's a long time since right now...
School is very enjoyable at the moment. This week, we're doing nothing but Arts and Crafts klass To be more specific, we're doing either embroidering or knitting. Yeah, sounds boring, huh? Well, it's not :P I've chosen embroidering, and it's going great so far. I'm gonna land a B/B+, I think. Considering that it's Arts and Crafts, that's a very good grade for me :P
Yeah, today was really relaxing at school. We were supposed to go down to this large klassroom with the two other tenth grade klasses (they're also doing Arts and Crafts this week). However, a few students in klass wanted to stay in the klassroom instead. Those students were me and six others, making it seven in total. So, during the entirety of the school day, we sat and relaxed, embroidering/knitting, talking together, telling jokes and enjoying ourselves. Of course, we also enjoyed the nice weather we have now by having all the windows open. And the weather sure is nice, it's like summer outside; past 20 degrees (in Celsius, that is; it equals past 70 degrees Fahrenheit) and a clear, blue and sunny sky. And guess what? My town is located as far north as the southern part of Alaska :lol: I love Norway...
Well, I'm doing well in school aside that. This is the final year of primary education, so nex year I'll attend a new school. I've already been accepted into one school I applied for, but there's one I want to get into even more; I hope I get accepted into it. I need a ~5.4 grade average; (6 is the highest grade in Norway and equals an A) :P Well, I think I'll manage, because I'm 95 % sure about which grades I will get (the remaining 5 % is for eventual major screw ups the next two months :P). Here they are:
Norwegian(writing): 5
Norwegian(oral): 5
New Norwegian(writing): 5
English(writing): 6
English(oral): 6
German*(writing): 5
German*(oral): 5
Math: 6
Nature Studies**: 6
Social Studies***: 6
Religion: 6
Arts and Crafts: 5
Physical Education: 5
Food and Health****: 5
Music: 6
* German is an optional klass and don't count against the grade average
** Includes subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, Anatomy and so on.
*** Includes Geography and History as well.
**** Includes both Cooking and Health Education
Also note that our language grades (except new Norwegian) are separated into written and oral skills, despite being the same klass
With these grades, I'll get a 5.5 average, enough to get into that school :P Og, and if I do get in, here's which subjects I'll have there
Nature Studies
Now for some explaining. The school I'll take is a combined generic and vocational education, directed towards working with electronics (I'm going for electronics engineer). The generic part includes a few normal subjects, as well as advanced Math and Physics (only from the second year and onwards; the first year has normal Math and Nature Studies instead). The vocational part of it is working with electronics at school, as well as working at one of the workplaces the school cooperates with two days a week (of course, it's working with electronics).
Yup, sounds fun :D Also, it doesn't cost a thing, which is unusual for secondary education in Norway (usually the books must be bought by the students themselves in secondary ed.). In fact, we actually get paid from the workplace :D Yes, I'm gonna get a fixed salary :P Oh, and the klass at school isn't very large either; only 15 or so students, so that'll be great! I'm soo looking forward to it.
The only bad thing is that I'll not be able to see my old friends so much after the summer :( Well, not that it's a huge matter, because we're not that tight anymore (I definitely won't tell you anything about that, curious as you might be). But I'll definitely miss them. However, it's a good opportunity to make new friends, too :P
Oh, and I have to get up early in the morning - I'll need to catch the 6.55 bus from here if I want to get to the school in time, because it's far away (I'll grab the 7.30 from town, and I'm at the school between 8.00 and 8.15, not counting any delays). After that, I'll have at least half an hour at the school grounds before it starts (the buses are very inconvenient that way :P)
Yes, I'm severely counting my chickens before the eggs are hatched, but I'm really sure I'll make it into the school :D
Now, I've written quite a lot, but I hope you bore with me all this time
Song: Last Kiss - Bonnie Pink
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