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Llama_guy Blog

Celebration day

Today is the day of a lot of stuff.

First and foremost, it's my OFFICIAL one-year anniversary on tv.com. It's now excactly one year since I actively started using the site, so kudos to that! Here's a quick achievement list:

Level: 36
Emblems: 23

Posts: 7243
Blogs: 251
Submissions: 2178
Reviews: 98

Show Editorships: 3
Show Trustedships: 1
Person Editorships: 3
Person Trustedships: 1

Tomorrow, there's also some celebration:

A friend of mine on here, Ash (DMClover314), has her birthday tomorrow. Early Congratulations to you :D

Also, tomorrow is a holiday for nerds, matematicians, or anyone else who likes numbers. It's the Pi day! Yeah, that's right. 3.14. March 14th :P

A day to celebrate :D So let's party! Yeah, I'll celebrate those two a day early, since it comes nicely together with my one-year anniversary, and frankly, having party blogs two days in a row is too exhausting xD

I've got beverages and snacks for all of ya!






Have fun :D


In klasses at school, we always end up discussing the weirdest things, really. For yesterday's Sex Ed. (yeah, we're having that now xD), we were supposed to talk and write down notes about menstruation, but guess what? We somehow ended up talking about homosexuality, and about rights and all that regarding that.

Another example is Math klass today. This was only a discussion between the teache, me and another pupil though. We talked about what role parents has to play regarding their children and school; what responsibilities they should have, and all those kinds of stuff.

You know, it's funny to think that we actually end up discussing such various stuff in klass But then we're actually a pretty mature and open klass - at least compared to other tenth graders :P

In other news, I'm watching the anime series Kanon now. Man, it's really sad. Especially the latest episode. I got the feeling that someone tore my heart out... and then they re-inserted it. Not sure if it's good for my well-being to watch any further :P

In tv.com news, I've reached Level 35, as well as 2 000 contributions. Yay me :D Okay, those last words soddned kinda self-centered xD I'm also working on some Editorships right now. Not gonna tell you which ones, though! Not until I get them :P

I'm in a surprisingly good mood now (seeing how I actually cried when watching Kanon just moments before starting on this blog).


- Espen

{Insert title here}

Blog header

The new picture in my blog header was made (or at least given to me) by Brianna-chan. She gave it to me on my anniversary some days ago, but I feel like having it there during March, sinces that's my official anniversary month. So, thanks =)


Here's what we're working on until Easter

P.E.: Instruction - The pupils in ****are going to instruct the other pupils in various sports.
Arts: Nothing. Sewing after Easter though.
Music: Theory - learning about notes, times, chords, etc.
Math: Statistic. Multi-subject test Wed. March 12th.
Science & Nature: Sex ed. Test on Tue. March 11th
Social Studies: Africa. Test on Fri. March 14th
R.E.: Working with a presentation about the five major religions; presented on March 13th.
Norwegian: Working with a digital story - recording a story which we make and read ourselves, using Movie Maker & Paint Shop to make a cool story with pictures. Due Wed. March 5th.
English: Don't think we have anything.
German: Various tasks.


Well, I am getting closer to my official anniversary, which is on March 14th. That marks my one year on this site. Soon at 2 000 submissions. No new reviews, but I only want three more before March 14th. And I reached 7 000 posts :D:D

And I finally got the Editorship for Mazakasu Morita. He voices Kurosaki Ichigo (from Bleach), and it surprises me that no one has taken that guide yet.


Well, I'm at ep. 50 of Naruto, and waiting for new episodes. Haven't wached any Jigoku Shoujo in a while. Shion no Ou is still great, love that show :D Not sure if I want to watch the most recent episode of H2O, because it seems... strange :? Spice and Wolf is good so far, and I am totally in love with the opening theme :lol: Here's a link (full version). Bleach ep. 162 was really great :D Especially the figth between Ulq. and Ichi. I liked how it was solved so quickly, and how Ichigo got beaten just like that. D. Gray-man is great, and I'm waiting for ep. 72. Shinsen-subs are so slow -_- But their quality is good, and they sub a lot of great shows :D Kanon is really nice, and I'm definitely watching the rest as soon as possible. Not long until the thrid Tsubasa Chronicle OVA either :D I want to watch the end now! Though, it was way too quick, really. And then they won't be showing any more episodes - at least for now.

Oh, and me and my brother has almost finished Blood+. I'm gonna get him into Death Note after we finish Blood+ :P


Friend of the blog: Brianna-chan (briannahodge). Yay to anime :D If I don't remember wrongly, your birthday is coming up. And you made/gave me the neat picture I am using in my blog header right now. Thanks =)

Quote: "The path of life has many tempting parking lots on it." - Espen van der Meeren (yeah, another one by me :P)

Song: "Why Does it Always Rain on Me" - Travis (A great song by a great band; listen to it!)

Picture requests

logi-kun requested Haruno Sakura from Naruto:


Ooh, she looks nice in Shippūden. Can't wait :D:P


Cool sketch :D


Some fanart, I guess

iiMNOTOKAY requested Kisuke Urahara from Bleach


He was a Captain before :D


From the OP in episode 88.


Nice wallpaper (originally 1600x800 pixels) :D


That's it!




Well, so it's two years since I joined the CNET sites now. Note: Joined, not started using :P And CNET as a whole, not just tv.com. My anniversary for starting to use tv.com is March 14th (a lot of other stuff happens on that day too, both on here (two friend birthdays if I don't remember incorrectly) and in real life :P

Anyway, I suddenly got to Level 34 now :? Strange, but still cool :D


Lever 34: Wardrobe Malfunction. It's not from a show (it's a 'generic term', whatever that means), but the picture is from Super Bowl 2004. Info taken from the "Unofficial Emblem And Level Thread II".

That's it. Oh, and since iit's one of my anniversaries, I guess you can spam as much as you like (visit my spam blog to spam, too) :D

(Oh, and "Eastern Wind" won with the result being 3-2) :D




Tv.com News

Well, I suddenly wake up to find myself at level 33. That was a very pleasant surprise :)


Also, I've had more than 40 CPs for Masakazu Morita for some days now, but I haven't gotten the Editorship yet... this is weird; it doesn't have an Editor, but still I haven't gotten the Editorship :?

New Keyboard


So, I got msyelf a new keyboard today :D It's a lot better than the previous one; with a lot more functions; the old one didn't have functions such as touch response, and then it's much larger - 76 keys, as compared to the mere 49 the previous had :D Also, the sound is a thousand times better than the previous one. So, now I'll probably be spending a lot more time playing keyboard than before. Oh, and it has a pedal as well, which is very important.



Some of you voted for the songs in the previous blog, and here's my "professional" opinion, as well as the result:

"Get Up": This is an okay song. A cool genre which I really like, but there's nothing special to the song. 4 points.

"Ándagassii": Well, Samicis a nice language, but this song didn't really speak to me, and that made it suck. 2 points

"Hold On": Well, nice song, bad genre. Not my song at all. 3 points.

"Am I Supposed to Love Again": This song is really great. It's captivating, and it give me this melancholic feel, but still with some happiness. It's a good feeling really, and a nice song. 8 points

"Far Away": Lordi, anyone? Yeah, they probably tried to copy one of the best perfomances Eurovision has ever seen. The result? Okay. Nice song, nice costumes, but still... Lordi ripoff. 6 points

"Som i Himmelen": Bah, I hate the dance band genre, and I don't care if these guys were great and popular before. To me, pain for the ears. 1 points.

"Eastern Wind": Perfect! A nice ballad, great performance by the singe. Defintie favorite! 10 points.

"Hold On Be Strong": Fair song, but way to normal pop. Send it to the radio stations, not Eurovision. 6 points.


1st place: Torstein Sødal - "Eastern Wind" and Tinkerbells - "Hold On" (tied): 84 points

2nd place: Maria Haukaas Storeng - "Hold On Be Strong": 83 points

3rd place: Veronika Akselsen - "Am I Supposed to Love Again": 68 points

4th place: Crash! - "Get Up": 63 points

5th place: King of Trolls - "Far Away": 51 points

6th place: Ann-Mari Andersen - "Ándagassii": 38 points

7th place: Ole Ivars - "Som I Himmelen": 34 points

Well, first place actualyl got tied, so we'll have a new vote, with thsoe two songs alone. Vote for either "Eastern Wind" or "Hold On", so that we can get a winner.



Friend of the blog: Justin (ozai 890). You're a cool person, and it was definitely awesome to beat yoru spam blog xD Oh, and you have the longest 'About Me' section on tv.com :D Cheers!

Quote: "When you think you've reached the bottom of your life, there's always a shovel to be found" - Espen van der Meeren.

Song: "Doubt and Trust" - access _____________________________________________________________________



- Espen-kun

[Please come to this blog] Eurovision song contest...

So, people! You might not know what the Eurovision song contest is if you live in a country outside of Europe. Well, maybe you don't know even if you live in Europe. Anyway, this is a song contest, in which all (or most) of the European countries participate, with one artist/band from each country. They compete, and viewers all over Europe can vote on their favorites to win (they can watch it on the major TV channels fo every European country). But before anyone can compete in the European final, there's national finals, to select just who is going to represent their country in the final. The Norwegian final took place a few weeks ago.

My point is, I want you guys and girls to listen to the songs from the Norwegian final (most of them is sung in English; don't worry), and then give points to the songs. There's eight songs, so deal out points in the following way:

10 points to the best
8 points to the second best
6 points to the third best
5 points to the fourth best
4 points to the fifth best
3 points to the sixth best
2 points to the seventh best
1 point to the eight best

Of course, deal out points after what you like the most ;)

Here are the songs:

1 - Crash!: "Get Up"


2 - Ann-Mari Andersen: "Ándagassii"


3 - Tinkerbells: "Hold On"


4 - Veronica Akselsen: "Am I Supposed To Love Again"


5 - King of Trolls: "Far Away"


6 - Ole Ivars: "Som i himmelen"


7 - Torstein Sødal: Eastern Wind


8 - Maria Haukaas Storeng: Hold On Be Strong


Now, please participate :) You can give your points in the comments or the PM section; I don't care as long as you participate! I'll count up the points in the next blog, and announce the winner.

Hey people!

So, I'm sorry that I haven't been on your blogs that much, but I'm (as always) pretty busy. Also, sorry to some other folks here on tv.com, for various reasons (you probably know who you are).

Bah! No more depressing apologies! So, I've been mainly on the Bleach forum when being on tv.com; I really love that forum now; a reasonable amount of activity, proper people who doesn't mess up the forum (with one or two exceptions every once in a while). And then it's about a show I love :D

My one year anniversary is coming up soon (the date in the profile is from when I joined on GameSpot; at the time I did not know about tv.com), and I want to get 100 reviews and 2,000 submissions before that time. Maybe I'll try and grab some person Editorships

Anyway, since Winter Break is here now (read this blog if you're confused as to why I am having my winter break now), I'm having a lot of free time. It's passing way too fast, though. I feel like I won't get time to do half of the stuff I want to do. Oh, well.

Last thing: I've noticed that the tv.com spellchecker don't have blog in it. That's annoying.

That was all for now, I guess. Later!


Blog... come!

I finally found the time to post on people's blog now! Long time since, But I'll do it now. It's like more than 50 blogs to comment on :| Well, it's gonna be fine.

So, today is Sunday, and I have lots of homework to do. Before winter break starts next week, I have the following to do in school:

Science: Finish writing facts about nutrition and how the body uses it, the haemal system, the digestive system and eating-related habits/disorders/diseases. Test on Tuesday.

Social Studies: Write facts about Asia and India. Also, a PowerPoint-presentation to prepare to Friday

Math: Nothing. I always finish my Math stuff the first or second day of a period :P

Physical Education: Self-training project to deliver; with facts about the sport I chose (running); history, interview with someone who does that sport, techniques, ways to train, and then how I have chosen to train to get better with it (like techniques and ways of training), as well as a journal of each day I've trained. It's due Friday.

Religious Education: Nothing. We finished the chapter about the five major religions last week. however, we do have a presentation sometime after the witner break which I need to start thinking about; we have to compare two of them (I chose Islam and Buddhism).

Norwegian: Correcting any mistakes we did on last week's essay.

English: Same as above. Also, some free-talk tasks to do (we usually have way too little of such stuff).

German: Nothing special. Our teacher will find some work for us in the clas

Arts & Crafts: Nothing. We finished the carpentry project last Tuesday

Music: The 10th grade band prepares for the upcoming event at school; where all the students will perform some sort of stuff (like singing, a small play etc.) for the parents.

In tv.com news, I am almost at level 31; only need one percent :P Also, I got an Editorship; for Daisuke Ono. And I'm just 200 subs away from my February goal of 2,000 subs :D

Yeah, and I'm trying to make a list of the most commented blogs of tv.com. Give me any blogs you know of (even your own) that has close to or more than 1,000 comment. Here are the ones I have so far.

Llama_Guy - 2324 comments

ozai890 - 2164 comments

Dirk4MVP - 1439 comments

mushroom_idol - 1164 comments

SeasonsChange - 1125 comments

Darkknight313 - 1115 comments

janie_girl - 1006 comments

So, please give me blogs with more than 1,000 comments! Oh, and you can always spam on my blog :D The link is in my blog header. Spam on it and contribute to keep it one of the most commented blogs on tv.com :D

Song of the blog: Mirai ni Kaji o Tore - Fumihiko Tachiki (the same dude who voices Ken from Bleach; it's awesome :D)

Friend of the blog: Ashley (DMClover314). You're a cool person, and you've written a long Avatar fanfic which I've never read :lol: It's probably great though :P Anyway, you're a really nice person!


- Espen-kun

Short blog - sorry

Sorry about making a new blog so soon, but I was just in the mood :P

So, for randomness' sake, here's a video of all the goals my football team scored during the previous season - when they took the gold. Watch it; it's really enjoyable, with lots of neat goals :D


Also, I finished ef - a tale of memories. One word: Wow! Seriously, that was so amazing it's hard to put it into words. Well, my review explains my feelings for it more in detail.

Okay, so it was not much. Bah, whatever. I'm going to bed now. Good night, folks!


|-| All-nighter |-|

Thanks for the feedback on the submission guidelines, people :D So, I pulled an all-nighter tonight. It's all right - I start late at school, so I'll be completely awake when school starts ;)

In other news, I started watching Spice and Wolf. It's pretty cool - and just as new; only 5 eps have been released so far :P

Here's my review, if you want to know my opinion on it ;)

Also, in not-so-new-news, I began watching Shion no Ou - I think I said that eariler though :P Yup, and I got the Editorship for the Guide (probably said that earlier too, but I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to check if I did or not :P). Here's my review , if you want to know my opinion on it ;) ______________________________________________________________________________

For some new news, I finally struck 1 000 CPs for Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - In just past one week :D I'm pretty happy with myself now. I also got at least two levels thanks to that - I'll be around mid-level 30 by the next update by the way :D Oh, and I got the final points by adding the episode casts. Now, I only miss a few things to make it good: First, recaps. I am too lazy to add them - and I don't have the time (yeah, I'm honest now). So, anyone who wants to write the recaps for that show - go ahead. Next thing, Quotes. Now, the only problem I have here is time. Luckily, I'll have much more time when winter break comes in just past a week :D Ah, and when the third season eps are announced, I will add them as well, getting several more points :D

Last anime news: I've begun to watch Jigoku Shoujo now. It's a decent show, although it gets repetetive in the first episodes, following the exact same fomula everytime. But I hope that gets better. I won't have a review of that show before I watch some more of it ;) Oh, and it's very cruel at times, just to warn you ;) ______________________________________________________________________________

One more thing: I want to reach at least 2 000 subs by the time I have my one year-anniversary for my first sub - March 14th. I also want to reach 250 blogs by March 13th, for the same reason. 100 reviews as well - to March 14th :P The sub goal shouldn't been hard - I've made 347 subs since February started, after all, and right now I need that same amount to hit 2,000 subs. I only need 4 reviews, so that should be as easy as boiling eggs. ______________________________________________________________________________

Finally: Picture requests. Now, I am emptied out after this blog, so come with requests if you want - request an anime character and I'll add pictures of him/her in the next blog ;)

DemonSlayerZea requested Diva from Blood+:




anie_love requested Riza Hawkeye from FMA:




