@kargion @LordChen2 As others have said - You're very lucky.
I bought the Lachesis mouse and Lycosa keyboard when they were new on the market.
Mouse laser died after 2 to 3 years.
Keyboard 'touch' buttons died a couple of years after purchase.
Moreover, I lost faith in Razer, mainly, because if you check Newegg, their mice have the highest 1 star percentage compared to other popular brands. Almost unanimously complaining about dead laser heads.
With products failing quickly after their warranty expires, I sure as shit don't think it'll take them to long to earn back what they lost, poor dears.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, with your BA in history, I find you hardly qualified to make claims of what affects a human's psychology. But, you being a politician, I see why your ramble is beneficial to your career. Praise freedom and democracy.
@Ificationer I've been playing all sorts of games during my life. That did not prepare me in the least to a dead body. Games and reality are completely disconnected.
LordChen2's comments