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LordKingboat Blog


I have recently discovered that clan life on XBOX live, can be draining and even frustrating!

Don't get me wrong, I like being clanned up! However; this coming sunday evenings game night is world at war!

The one friggen game that I have an actual functioning clan.

I don't know if anyone else is in the same predicament, but my clan nights are sundays.




Man, I never blog...

However its been a crazy day!

Never met MJ,

Never met Farrah,

Never met tiggerboy....however, thats the fella, whom currently has all my prayers!

I would drive forever for my "Dog"! You did!

Do anything for my love (wife)! You did!

tiggerboy, may all thats good and benevolent watch over those that you care for!

Lord Kingboat,


The Prettiest Girl

Today, the most awesomest...hottest...pinupest girl ever, passed today!

Farrah Fawcett, wow what a mixed up few days.

My fave girl of all time! Moved on early this morning!

Peace and love to those closest to you!

Hello Angels!

Micheal Jackson

Wow....MJ....has passed.

He was always times really different!

Peace, Love and an easy way into the next dimension.

Whats with the ring of Death!

Man am I ever tired of watching friend after friend fall victim to the ring of death! I understand that XBOX has addressed the issue. My buds tho, are still falling. With the economy the way it is...I'm losing my online gamers friends cause the price point is still to high! They are making a killing off of us, come on MS loosen the purse strings and get my gamer friends back into the fight! I dont mind paying for XBOX Live, I dont mind paying the inflated prices for some new releases. I do mind the financial rape of some of the kids who's parents saved all year to get them a 360 console.

Thats my rant,


Lego xbox games

I have played a series of lego games now! (older gamers read on.)

I've played them with my grandson in co-op mode. He is 6 years old.

I highly recommend them for us older gamers. My grandson loves them.

Thats right, I have started building a new generation of gamer.

I've replaced the pacifier with an xbox controller.