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LordKingboat Blog

Gears 2, Horde, (friday evening) September 11, 2009. 8pm est.

This is an open invite for those that want to play some horde!

Fritz is first, so thats 2 spots! (Me being one of them)

Any one else thats interested, post here! We may end up with a couple groups playing at the same time...but we can party chat with all playing!

I know that jediknight52501 will be interested! He also loves to help with the Gears2 achievements! (on insane...Dudes a serious gamer!)

Let me know,


Xbox resuscitated

Yeah me!

I managed to fix my xbox, install an external heatsink to prevent further overheats! Tested it by playing Fable II, Knothole Island, got the 50g achievement, all is good in my world! "sigh" of relief!

So, who wants to play hoard this weekend...I do, I do! Jedi, you in? Fritzy...we want to see a repeat of the orbital laser blast of last week! Hilarious!


RRD, aka, Red Ring of Death

Got it! Almost fixed it! If you purchase a new xbox360, I highly recommend buying a heatsink as your spare! If you run into a no warranty situation you can take it to a stereo/ t.v. repair guy and for a few bucks...right as rain! I can run my box for about 3 minutes and thats was it, so, had to do the repair!

Today's Pick is....ZOMBIES!

I am gonna try to get a few people together for some zombies killing! I need some achievements and so do a few others I know. Let me know if you are interested, as today is also the final day of Double XP"s!



Get your points! Double or nothing! (Gears2)

Gamed with friends...took names and kicked butt!


World at War tomorrow!...maybe some CoD..........

also double XP's.........

Thursday's up-date for the Weekend of Game!

So I am thinking that friday evening should be all about the universe of Gears! (1 and 2)

Saturday, all about the wars! Modern and Old School WaW! Also I will be throwing a surprise game in later for a friend of mine @readmatt007, I would like him to pick a game so I can play with him! (Well, we all would!)

Sunday, friends pick! (Will weight heavily on readmatt007's pick )

Friday and Saturday will be very democratic. We will figure it out! Sunday, I can rent or but a game that can be played that is inclusive for us all!


Weekend of game

Gonna post up-dates tomorrow! (thursday). Been really busy!

Looks like WaW, Gears 1 and 2 for co-op, Fable II for those interested! Kingdom for Keflers? I think thats what it's called!

The only game I know that lets your avatar pick folks up and give them a swift kick in the rump for no good reason!

Throw out suggestions, I am all ears.


Labour day weekend gaming bonanza

Sorry I have not posted in a few days!

Sorry I have not really been posting!

The youngest Princess is off to college and we have been busy moving her out of the castle! Never easy when I am surrounded by women! Meh, it's all good now. Mostly moved, a few loose ends to be tied!

Labour Day Weekend of Game!

I would like games that could be played co-operatively, so that we play as friends with friends vs the poor noobs who will get pwned! I only have an xbox360, no PS3 for me! By all means you PS3'ers can set up for this weekend as well! We can post brags on our after game blogs and check them out!

Game Ideas anyone...and...everyone! I don't want to set times, the princess will be needy and expecting! My I have to explain?! Gotta a couple of bbq's as well! @readmatt007 I have not forgotten my promise of the 48 hour "gold"!

So throw out ideas, time is limited! I want to set up times for different co-op games! There is no pressure for this! If a game is up and running and you can jump it! This will be on the fly. But it is saturday evening, I got tomorrow...I am hoping by wednesday to have it roughed out and ready for approval by all of you!


p.s. September 4th evening 8 pm eastern standard time to Sunday??? whenever you stop playing! you can also make arrangements amongst yourselves for the games you may want to play, if you don't know each other post here!