I have no words right now...none! I am sooooooooooooo busy!
Hey, great news...my friend and yours, Mr_Fujiv1 has excellent news! Check his latest blog!
I am trying to set up some kind of game night...? When does flu season end...?
I have no words right now...none! I am sooooooooooooo busy!
Hey, great news...my friend and yours, Mr_Fujiv1 has excellent news! Check his latest blog!
I am trying to set up some kind of game night...? When does flu season end...?
There comes a time in all our livers when as individuals we have to deal with pain, grief and do it alone!
Before you respond to the above mentioned statement, think first! How many have had to deal with news that was by it's very nature, tragic and devastating! Even surrounded by those that care, love and supported us, were we not, still alone?
My friend Mr_Fujiv1 is in that very boat! He posted in his latest blog a tragedy paramount only to a parent that loses a child! Please post on his blog something supportive, please!
In the future, if we all could engage him in anything that is positive and caring in the most basic nature.
He is a good guy, forced to sail on a sea of uncertainty and calamity. So please, all that have him in your friends list, lets get together and help a friend in real need!
In kindness,
Okay, it is going through the student residences like a wild fire! 1st and 2nd years (that live in res) class attendance is down by 2/3d's!
Just yesterday, in a lecture hall complex, I happened upon a student who was in obvious distress. Had a co-worker call Campus Emergency Services to help deal with the medical emergency! I am not qualified nor allowed to deal with the kids directly, only offer comfort and assistance! Anyway, I digress from my point that I want to make! They, in fact, live in one of the residences affected by H1N1! They knew that there was something seriously wrong, chose to ignore it and attend class! Did not eat or drink anything for 24 hours, previous to the collapse!
Okay, getting the picture yet!
1) If you feel really sick and have not consumed any solids or liquids in 24 hours, seek medical attention!
2) Don't go to class/work/date/anything that does not involve going to the Doctors office!
3) Orange and Clear gatorade products are wonderful for getting your electrolytes back into balance! (I have done it myself) Google it if you do not believe me!(after you have sought medical attention)
Okay, I am a little concerned that this years flu season may be a real monster! The kids I am seeing on campus are trying to soldier through it...don't be a noob! If you are sick...accept it! Get everything you need for class/work/what the frack ever via e-mail! (Isn't technology wonderful!)
p.s. yes I am busy with work, I feel a little overwhelmed right now!
As you all know...I love this version of HALO!
I would like to do a game night/day/afternoon/something...
I will post details!
Me...I am good for a couple of hours! My best day is a tuesday afternoon...dont ask...I dont get it either!
EST for N.A. For folks in England...4 and 5 hours ahead! Africa...8 hours ahead...Middle East 8 to 10 hours ahead of me! Australia...see you at christmas time...not being mean...you are a day ahead!
Anyway, tag me and let me know who is interested! I am planning 4 weeks from now! Reason being...MW2 comes out soon after and I will never touch ODST again!(I am so lying)
Sorry for my recent inactivity!
Part of my career involves detailed planning that, has involved, H1N1! To be honest I have found the whole idea to be blown out of proportion! The media is mostly to blame, as well as, the doomsayers!
What you can do to prevent the spread of any virus!
1. Use the hand sanitizing stations that should be directly outside any restroom/washroom/lavatory/loo!
2. Upon completion of the task that brought you to the above mentioned facilities, "Wash Your Hands"!
3. When you leave the facility, sanitize your hands thoroughly! (Rub the sanitizer into your hands like you are angry)
The reason for the secondary sanitization...you can't trust the person before you to do the right thing!
H1N1 as well as any other Flu can only survive outside of it's host environment for about 5 to 20 minutes! I am actually more concerned with Hep's A and B! These are viruses that effect the liver and can be fatal if left untreated!
For those of you that have desk jobs! I recommend a hand sanitizer that is peroxide based! If you are going the alcohol route, then make sure that the alcohol content is at least 65%! It will dry your hands out, so, ask your Pharmacist/Druggist/Chemist for a "Barrier Lotion"! Has a real nice side effect of a short term kill rate of about 30 to 60 minutes! Don't let that give you false hope, wash and sanitize your hands frequently! Wipe your phones/keyboards/fax buttons/anything else you can think of...daily!
For those that travel, via plane/train/bus/other! Keep a hand sanitizer on your person! Bring your own munchies! Try to limit your exposure to those individuals that are obviously ill!
The very young and our aged ARE most at risk!
If you follow these guidelines, take your vitamins and get a minimum of 7.5 hours of sleep every night with a well balanced breakfast everyday, trust me, you wont get sick!
Okay, end of health advice!
ODST, Is the new "crack"! I love it! I recommend it! Go buy it! Support Bunjie!
InnerScribe has been banned permanently! I figure it had to do with a blog post and a psp!
As your Officer in the "Splinter Cell Conviction Union", it is my duty to inform those of you interested that there is an official trailer posted on gamespot for our enjoyment!
I also had the privilege of posting the "first" response to the trailer!
Yours in game,
I am thinking of starting a "non-pressure union" that involves...food, drink and game!
The kind of place where a recipe can be posted for the best ever...pizza...cookies...beer...wine...GAME...and people!
I am thinking of a positive space! You know...where you can rant and get support!
Burn a meal and get help!
Spill a beer...um, dummy, you spilled a beer! lol
Where anything can be asked, discussed and resolved without degredation or flaming!
Hey, call it, Dinner, a game and some advice!
I figure we all give each other "advice" anyway...why not a spot we can go to and feel comfortable!
Insights appreciated!
p.s. Holy bloggings Batman!
My mother-in-law turns 70 on Saturday! So...I am doing the "computer stuff". Hahahahah lolollll.
Tomorrow I will play like no other!
By the way...if you cant buy it...rent it! It is the stuff dreams are made of!
p.s. I know...three blog posts today!
Wow, talk about craaazy! I finally got to vote! I guess they (gamespot) got held up with the spamming!?!? I voted, hope Gordon Freeman wins!
M. Fenix and my beloved Pac-Man are out!
Happy again,
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