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LordKingboat Blog

Wii weekend.

This is the weekend the Queen, Her Royal Highness of Loveliness, gets her Wii! She also wants a "Few peripherals". I will not, for the sake of propriety, go into that which need not be mentioned.(Wii fit) Oh, did one say that aloud? :D

My addition to the newest system of the castle, will be, the best racing game to ever grace a console! Mario Cart for the Wii. The red shells hooked me...come's a freaking heat seeking missile. That = Awesome.


p.s. to those that "caught" the early good wishes for an occasion...I was so busted for not checking the calender!

Have an awesome weekend, each and every single one!


p.p.s.s. try a new food!

MW2 and midnight openings.

Remember, as you wait for your copy in line. Be nice, be patient and be nice to the staff! They would rather be in line then on the other side of the counter.

See ya on "live".


Harvest Moon

I went digging around in my music room and voila, I found the old N64 and a bunch of games! Including...Harvest moon! I can't really concentrate on anything right now, with MW2 just around the bend! But, I decided to hook up the old console to see if it still works! It does! Going back to harvest moon! Farming is fun!


is really bored.

Politics, money and the almighty thermal nuclear weapon.

Hard core editorial.

Medicare and Public Healthcare!

I watched americas choice to fix the world, President B. Obama speak about medicare, public health and elections in Iraq. (on CNN) I find the entire american politic to be an amazing entity, that all on it's own, is its own being! I do not understand why there are americans denied good health care, because they are poor and can not afford the most basic health packages? (I also know that it is state by state)

As a sidebar, on Discovery channel. I watched "Destroyed in Seconds", hosted by Ron Pitts. The USAF was celebrating it's 50th anniversary a few years back and launched a delta rocket from Cape Canaveral with a GPS satellite for research.

I mention the afore, well, due to an "anomaly", the whole darned thing blew to pieces! That entire USAF failure, would have paid a good portion of the public choice for americas health care! I find the whole thing curious, americas government can "burn" money, but not take care of her "most at risk" children? But heh, I am a simple canadien with a very canadien point of view.

Also, on CNN. Earlier this week, Rick Sanchez with Wolf Blitzer, announced that the big three automotive manufacturers, in all likelihood, won't, don't or can't pay back the US government, more importantly, her tax payers, the monies loaned to them! No reason given either! Well, one that made sense! I live in Ontario, Canada, we bailed them out, up here as well!

The "Bomb"!

Most North Americans do not know that France and Israel have the "bomb"! There are nations that are currently chasing, either the idea of the "bomb", or the actual "bomb" itself. These countries feel that, with the "bomb", they will be treated as America and Russia are treated! With respect and deference! Ironic, considering Russia and America have been trying for twenty plus years, to get rid of what they "have" and prevent others from getting "it"! My opinion on the "bomb" is the same as "guns". Either give everybody one, or, "nationalize" weapon manufacturers and control the weapons on-site!


As arrogant as this will sound, over the last three years, as bad as things seem to be, no money was "lost"! Most of it ended up over seas! Some stayed in North America, just not enough. There were a lot of folks who, are continuing, to make a ton of cash off the horrible economic crisis. But most investors, ie. banks, investment firms and such, instead of investing in North America. Moved their revenue over seas, into investments, hedge funds and start-ups, which will never help any of us...ever!

As money is spent, on research, to make the "bomb"...better? (there's the universal oxymoron) Remember, a child lays in bed tonight with no "right" to health care! No right to "peace"! No right to the same "rights", that we as North Americans and Western Europeans, enjoy everyday!


p.s. I pray everyday, that you americans, made the right choice!

p.p.s.s. Kick my!

MW2 and my time "away".

As we all know, MW2 is "officially" being released in North America tomorrow eve at 12:01 am! I will be on xbox live for the next...well ever! I have to be honest, I'm a modern warfare'aholic, is there a 12 step program for this?

Anywho, I am off work for the next few days! So, see ya'll on xbox live!


MW2 Update!

A good friend of mine...already has MW2 for the xbox 360! Why you ask...HE WORKS for INFINITY WARD! your smack here!

My pre-order and support of the little guy!

Micro Play called, oh...'bout 40 minutes ago. to ask myself which version of MW2 would I like, regular, hardened or the coveted limited edition? Like my coffee, that is how I like my games, regular!

I did, however; pre-order splinter cell conviction with the in game shotgun! Apparently, independents get access to all the "shwag" that say, gamestop gets! NICE! (independents are the little guy.)

Quick Fable up-date! He sharted on my lap!!! I can't make this stuff up! He, then looked at me, like somehow, it was my fault! This ridiculous little royal kitten drops a shart on my pantaloons and gives me the look... of blame! I laughed my arse off! A boy after thine own heart.

As for that goddess, Winter, (my loyal pup is crestfallen!) She has taken her icy aloofness and moved just north and beyond that horizon. Tyson truly was, a sight to behold last eve! Jumping, running and prancing in the snow! He's such a little boy sometimes.


Beer, snow and castles.

Once again, winter has shown her icy looks! She has set her sights upon my castle, my mountain and all that I see. What's one to do, she is, a maiden fair, that I dance with, every winters first eve.

Ahhhh, my loyal and royal kitten, Fable has joined me! He has the cutest little kitty mohawk. Tyson, as his usual royal doggy my feet!

As for the beer...yup, drinking one as I type this blog!

MW2, next week,


p.s. Thanks to those that offered advice for the Wii!

Wii, the Queen desires one!

The Queen desires a Wii! She is an older gamer like myself...just...not as savvy.

I have been given the parameters that she desires!

What I need are games that an older gamer can play with a low learning curve! I mean low! I once played Burnout with all she had to do was bury a Ford GT into approx. 22 buses! 17 times I let her run that car, 17 times! (low learning curve)

She has expressed interest in Mario Cart! (I have it for the ds) Super awesome choice on her part!

So, for those that have a Wii, your advice is appreciated!


p.s. GAME NIGHTS for MW2, November 10 thru to the 14th, 9 pm EST, North America.