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Lord_of_Cheese1 Blog

I have returned!!!

i am back with a vengence, and i intend to kill you all! wait, you heard nothing! As for Chicago, it was awesome. So friken' big, so much friken' traffic, and so much to do! well, now, i'm back, so i'll be posting alot. Especially starting thursday since i have only 3 days left of school...

EaW Expansion pack!!!!

EaW: Forces of Corruption just announced today by LucasArts at pre-E3! yay! we get to see the darker side of the universe after the movies, plus the ability to construct the fearsome Executor and Eclipse-class star destroyers! this is gonna be awesome. it's so new, gamespot doesn't even have a page for it yet.

bad news...

i won't be on gamespot for about a week, starting tuesday. i'm going on a school trip to chicago, and i won't be in contact with the internet or even the gaming world for most of that time. i know, you are all crushed... but i am going to try and get level 15 before that happens!

Algebra tests over!

finally!! but man, that was stupid. that test was a pushover. it wasn't that hard. maybe that's cuz i have an awesome teacher, and i've been studying for the last 3 weeks, but it was definately overhyped. come the first week of ninth grade, when our scores come in, i wouldn't doubt if i had a perfect score of 500. it was a long test though. i started at 8:00 and finished at 11:30. not the same for everyone else though. we were stuck in that stupid room cramped in those desks for another 2 fricken' hours waiting for everyone else to finish. i didn't even eat lunch till around 2:00. oh well, the good part is that i missed like the entire day of school except for about the last 30 minutes. even though in my english class they watched the Day after tommorow, the super-cool movie about freak weather hitting the world. well, at least i'll get to see the end of it on monday. also, now that that is over, i will be able to be on gamespot a little bit more, maybe. i still have MCT testing next week, but after that, school is basicly out for me. There are still two weeks of school after that, but the first week i will miss because of a field trip to chicago (which i am lucky enough to be on) and the next week are nine weeks tests, which if you have a high enough average in class or have perfect attendance and passing, i can be exempt from! yes, that means while most people are wasting away in end of term tests, i'll be at home playing my Xbox 360!!! just a few more days till summer vacation for me, and i can't wait!

Nintendo Wii??

okay... that makes no sense... I think they should have kept the name revolution. Wii? alright... and to think the controller/remote was weird, and they give us that name. I bet the leader of the Nintendo Revolution union is going crazy since the "Wii" union does not sound like a very serious union name.

Finally, level 14! Ring King?

Ring King? that doesn't make any sense. oh well, better than toobin'. good luck getting here, saczva! what is level six's rank? i posted so much once, i just went straight from level 5 to level 7...

i agree with saczva...

i too like LordSaczva believe toobin' is a really stupid rank. Oh well, i'm at 80% and i have posted like a hundred times today. if i'm not level 14 by tommorow, i will not be happy. this reminds me of that time i posted so much i jumped like 2 or 3 levels in one day. man, i miss those good ole days. i just don't have as much time anymore.