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Lord_of_Cheese1 Blog

Happy Easter Everyone!

Easter is just a few days away, so I would like to go ahead and wish all my Christian friends a happy Easter! I don't have to go to school today or on monday, so Easter has definately made my weekend better! plus, today is Good Friday, for it symbolizes the day that Jesus was taken befor Pilate and ordered to be crucified by those that had welcomed him with palm branches and songs just days before on Palm Sunday. After Pilate gave the order, Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to Golgotha, the hill on which he was crucified. But to further mock him, the roman soldiers twisted a thorn branch into a crown and placed it on his head, and gave him a purple cloth, and said with mocking tone, "Hail Jesus, King of the Jews!" When he was at the hill, he was nailed to the cross and placed next to 2 criminals who were also being hung on crosses. The final act of ridicule was a piece of paper nailed to the cross above his head saying: "Jesus of Nazarath, King of the Jews". At the same time, people were chanting that if he were son of God, to prove it by saving himself as a son of God surely would be able to. After all of this, and through the pain of being jabbed and stabbed by the Roman Leigions, he worked up the strenght to lift up his head and say, "I thirst" there was a bowl of vinegar, and they soaked it in a sponge and lifted it up to him using a stick. When he had drank, Jesus said "It is finished", and the spirit left him.

nice mod!

 the Imperial Assult mod for Empire at War is looking good, especially since they have a trailer out for it. you need to see it, clone wars + EaW = divertido mucho! see it at the trailer should be one of the first updates.

April is an awesome month...

...isn't it? April is my favorite month. my birthday is in april. the 24th, so don't forget friends! Also, it is the month of my favorite holiday, April Fools day. saczva and roy and arbiter might know why. speaking of that union's charter mods, what ever happened to Umfan? he like dropped off the face of the earth. if you are still alive um, comment on this blog post... and then come back to the eaw union. you've missed like all of my stormtrooper stories. wow, i sure did get off topic in this post. oh well. happy fraging everyone! forever fueling the freakshow, cheese!

March 20... today! It's not an extremely special day for me, but i felt like expressing it's existance. On my list of things for today... 1. Go to school 2. Come home from school 3. Play EaW 4. Get online and post in the EaW forums (go to that union!) 5. Sleep 6. Start over again! yes, i have a boring life. I also feel like starting a union. i am out to look for topics...

I have returned!

yes, i am back! but not for long, i will be leaving this afternoon! to royfus and anyone else back at the EaW union, i am very sorry. I'll try to get out vol. 5 today so i'll have something done before i must leave my internet access for half a week! also, I changed my gamertag on Xbox Live to arrowz05 that's cool isn't it! even though all those people's thousands of gamerscore points put my 550 to shame...

EaW out!

well, its out, i have it and i need a new game to look forward to and spend all my time waiting for and looking at even the most worthless updates. Halo 3? maybe. Gears of War? more likely. Anything on the PS3? naaa. Ohhh! i know! Mass Effect! because Bioware is making it!

Who else has been to the other sites

i have. and i will make a short review of each: Metacritic: pretty good, kindof confusing at times. TV: awesome, works just like gamespot. MP3: wicked awesome, works like gamespot as well. it has music. Gamefaqs: as always, sucks.

Cheez is here

wow, this place is cool. i'v just come out of my lair from gamespot, and I cant wait. my favorite type of music is Christian rock, and i cant wait for another tobyMac album.