I know it's still early in the Wii's lifespan and all, but I'm starting to doubt that the Wii is even going to have the robust lineup that even the Gamecube did. So far, the only Wii exclusive experiences have been Super Mario Galaxy, Metriod Prime 3, Warioware, Wii Sports, Wiiplay and Zack & Wiki, of games even worth mentioning. Yes, I know that Smash Brothers will soon be part of that list as well. At least with the Gamecube, you had exclusive experiences and decent ports of big third party games, but with the Wii, you don't even get those.
Honestly, what's on the horizon for the Wii? Wiifit looks cool but it's hardy the experience that many of us who come to this site are looking for. Star Wars: Force Unleashed sounded awesome with Wiimote lightsaber battles, until I learned that 1:1 movement ratio with the Wiimote is impossible...which will make the Wiimote lightsaber battles pretty much the same experience as in Red Steel. New Metriods and Zeldas before the end of the Wii's life are a given but we can already imagine how those are going to turn out, based on Corruption and Twilight Princess. Mariokart will be Mariokart; not even the online feature is all that exciting now that the DS has had it for a while.
I know most of you will respond with "If you don't like the Wii then F*** off!" or "The Wiimote makes every experience unique" Alot of you will point out the Wii's backward compatibility and VC, but I don't feel that counts, because there is little to no new software coming out for either GC or the VC. Alot of you won't read this entire post. That's fine, I am talking to Nintendo fanboys. But a few of you must have intelligent arguments as to why you feel I'm wrong. I would love to be proven wrong, as well. Thus the reason for this post.
So what's coming out for Wii that is an experience head and shoulders above anything else If the current trend with Wii games continues, I believe the Gamecube library will a much better library after the test of time...no matter how many Wiis Nintendo sells.
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