LotsOfGrenades Blog
Guess the Best May 06 2008... Negative
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
In Defense of Tags
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
So, I am doing my civic duty as a gamer and a man bored at work; carousing about the local forums and seeing what people had to say. How I usually work it, is I'll look for interesting game posts, learn something, and the person who teaches me something [passively of course], I check out there profiles and see if they have anything worth chatting to. So, I ran into someone who I thought may have been a cynical bas***d like myself, so I checked him out. Turns out he is worst than me. He seemed like one of them anti-social bondage pants class fools, and thusly I began to be inspired on this blog.
The subject at hand are TAGS and their uses. TAGS are great. This person thought otherwise. I suppose he got mad because people got simple awards for tagging. Honestly, tagging is the only reason the kids has the internet. Join me, on this tasking of the mind to journey about the history of the internets.
The civil internet was created in the late 80's and first arrived in the Baltic areas, I would look this info up, but no need for specifics. The WWW didn't emerge to the civil internet until America decided to unlock it's own technologies of communication and thusly established itself in the early/mid nineties. If we can look back we can remember those old, now unused, search engines like Lycos, Excite, and Hotbot. This functioned off of producer tags. This means, when the website was established, the website itself had to have a certain amount of code directing the search engines certain ASC keystrokes [CHR(##)'s] would lead them to their site. It was pretty 'bodacious'.
A little later Yahoo emerged and began creating associated embarked tagging, or simply put, producer tagging MK II. Now the tagging system generated itself through the actual browser. Meaning you actually went to Yahoo, established your website, and placed tags in a data field. Then the use of Geocities [before Yahoo bought them] had local tags which would then generate out to several pre-placed search engines and tagging ID's. People began finding 'Pokemon' sites with alot more ease.
Now finally, tagging began to become an enterprise that was unoticed to many of the 'new-comers' of the internet, due to the excelled process of GOOGLE!. Google changed tagging forever for main-stream still existing search engines. It used a source code and engine that would spread it's data on it's own to websites. Using keywords from the past and applying them to existing, untagged, websites. This was an 'ethereal' net establishment; meaning that when you searched for pokemon your keywords and 'clicking' upon certain links were put into algorithms for a search database. The more keywords used in association to hitting the website or clicking, the more popular the website would become on the list of priority.
So all in all, TAGS ARE THE ONLY REASON YOU CAN USE THE INTERNET! Now, why do forums and websites have to use 'user' based tags? Well, believe it or not, a search engine of google's capacity is a multi-million rent stub. So it's alot easier for a search engine to be user built. And Gamespot, amongst many other PHP forums, allow users to place their tags on pre-ordained subjects. And this system is great, because now users can use simple keywords to find what they want.
In conclusion. I was able to find my favorite PSX game due to people using the tag system here. So suck upon the fury of tags and dwell back in your ignorance towards them.
Guess the Best 27 April 08
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
Can we say finally? Honestly - before we go on, can we say Effing Ef Ef Ef'Eye-nally! Am I right, or am I right? Okay, let's forget I said this, because to be honest - the push back of [Beep] - almost had me forgetting.
So it's the last week of April and a powerful week indeed. We've got Mario Kart already on the shelves with many complaints to stack on top of their boxes. We've got SNK Arcade coming out. Not just Blazzi-Blah oh noes another SNK game. Nay - the SNK! The one where you went to the ice-rink and all they had was SNK and Simpson's arcade games. And when you only had a quarter, you played Bubble-Bobble. Yea - gangster. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well - I guess I really am getting old.
On top of such nostalgia, we're part-taken into the long awaited movie, reprieved by the probably short lived game: Iron Man. However, I am pretty pumped for Iron-Man the game. The graphics look powerful, and well, it's effing iron man. Spider-Man's webslinging was fun in itself. Maybe flying at Mach 4 will get some steam off.
Then we finally come to my DS'. Well where things are triumphant all around, hilarity strikes hard on the DS. Yoga and Pilates. That's right. Yoga without the Dhalsim and Pilates... Well, it's with the Pilates and some aching contortioned maneuvers. How they made this into a game is beyond me, but it's ripe and ready to be sold, and I know other kinds of it exist - but seriously... With them are two games I will glance a better eye to. Toy Shop, which looks like a Tycoon spin off, but you are a toy manager rather. I fully support these simulation games, because you really do learn a bit of creativity in responsibility with them. Basically what I am saying is, if you got a tyke running around, this game is good for them. Along with it, Brainage-err Brain Voyage. Another puzzle game. Now when I say another, you may think I sound Droned. However, every puzzle game on DS is fun for hours so I imagine if you're knocking out the other DS puzzle games like Soduku or w/e that junk is, then you can now be refreshed.
So who wins my vote? Mario Kart Wii of course!!! -Criket.... Criket.. CRICKET!?-
And so we pause this transmission to inform myself the following.
Rockstar games along with it's partners have completed the X-Box-360 version of GTAIV nearly four month ago. However due to release contracts, it cannot go to stores until Sony has completed their version. 'We hope this is the last push back'.
AND IT IS! I forgot all about GTA IV until very recently. And what do I have to say about that? Well, I am out to sea right now, making me unable to play it. But you believe you and me, when I get back [With Pokemon Diamond, Ace Attorney, and few other DS games beaten], this game will be purchased right away. This is the game of the week. Easily. Sorry Mario Kart Wii, you are a classic, but nothing is more riveting than a free-lance third person shooter.
Hope you enjoyed this weeks. Guess the Best.
Banned; Guess the Best April 23, 2008
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
Alright, so I got banned, but I'm back now. I got banned for talking about fairys and comparing it to Naruto. And when I say Fairy, I very much so mean the sort from elf tales and such. Anyways - Naruto is a horrible show, please stay away from me if you enjoy this show.
So, I missed this weeks new games, but I would have been correct in my guess of the best. That would of course be, The World Ends with You. I bought it the day it came out, I love brand new games at GameStop because they actually come in the wrapper, I hate getting games when they're not in the wrapper. Anyways - there is no real point to writing this weeks article is there? We know the best game this week, I am currently playing it, and it's the best DS game I have played thus far.
So all in all, I am always right, BLIGGITY BLOW!
APR 13, 08' Guess the Best!
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
I am going to try and commit myself to doing this once a week. Guess the Best is what I used to do on a few other forums and here I will look at applicable systems and their newest games and sometimes items/accessories and guess which will be the best. It being APR 13, of Oh eight, I currently own a Wii, DS, and X-Box 360. Yes, a PS2, but I don't play it anymore so we'll stick to the Axis of Three.
X-Box is easy, nothing is coming out for it on the stands and I don't play X-Box Arcade so let's knock that one out.
Wii is coming out with a few games, all of which look like utter garbage and none really stick out, except -
And DS is coming out with two games my eyes twitch at. The Teenage Zombie game and Rondo of Swords. Teenage zombie looks like it may be a bit too repetative to be good so I am going to scratch that.
- Okami. Now I am stuck between Okami and Rondo of Swords. Both look pretty darn good. Okami is cell 2d shaded with 3d enviroments. It's very aesthetic and the gameplay looks pretty good, but it seems like it may be too linear to go against the open face of Rondo of Swords.
Rondo of Swords looks amazing, an open mat turn based tactical RPG where you use build, and create skills, weapons, and your own tactical force of wielding every weapon to take on armies of enemies. Put that ontop of the intuitive and innovative play the DS gives and it's portability, it seems to knock Okami off my game needs list.
So here it goes. If you want to trust me with your money I would say go with Rondo of Swords it's 20 dollars cheaper than Okami, it's portable, and it just seems like it may give you a bit more of a feel of play time than Okami, which I think may take people a while to beat because the rush of good games these days is so high they will just 'get back to it later'.
Pokemon and Adults
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
The problem of it all is I am a fan of my old childhood loves. Pokemon really being the center of it since Pokemon came out right before I began to watch the news, smoke cigarettes, and own property, basically become an adult [and no, I don't condone smoking, it doesn't make you an adult, but I thought I should mention it]. I kept up with Pokemon up until around Crystal... Or something. basically I stopped watching it when the second movie came out and I don't remember anything. I however can still recite the entire first 151 pokemon off the top of my head.
So anyways, I bought Pokemon Pearl and thought I'd embelish in my old love. I was kind of upset that the DS did NOTHING to improve the game play. Secondly, and mostly, I didn't know what the hell was going on. Some loser who calls him self the Pokemon Professor sends me on the same adventure as Ash Ketchum and gives me the choice of three really dumb looking pokemon. I go out into the fields and catch some random guys and use them and get my @$$ handed to me.
So my big thing is all these kids around are talking crap to me about these new pokemon games and I just want to limit it to a 151 battle and see who's the best, but they got these new over powered poke-mans that just boils my blood. You kids just remember, it was us guys, who're now 20-24 that brought you Pokemon to the states. Respect our lineage and experience because your new pokemon are the FAIL!
Typographical Levels
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
Vista you SoB
by LotsOfGrenades on Comments
So I got the new Blackjack II. What does this have to do with Gamespot? EVERYTHING.
The connectivity of this bad boy is great. I can check all my messages such as email, run all my messengers, and download different things all at once at superior speeds. And now I find I can make it into a mobile wi-fi?! I got pumped so I stuck the bad boy into my laptop and it was all like, "I need Vista holmes".
" You've gotta be kidding me"
The worst part is I have been completely against Vista. I have been profaning the name since the beta, the same way I have declared that no one should vote this year. So now if I wanna get on X-Box Live or my Wii... I have to get Vista. It's like getting with a fat chick. Especially because I have ridiculed Vista.
It's cool, until my friends find out.
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