@Firosen: Thank you for the reply to me and the others. You are right that if the parents don't help, or tie your hands behind your back ("don't tell my kid what to do") that you are in a no-win situation. From your other replies, yes when I was young (I'm 60) if the teacher said it, we did it. No complaining. (Okay, we compained a little, but we did follow their instructions.)
To me though the issue is bigger than one game, so I wouldn't ban it. Anyone should be able to play it (young and old) but at the proper time. Unfortunately during class time is not the right time... :-(
I don't play Fortnite, but am absolutely against banning it. Teach kids moderation. Let them see the consequences of failing their classes or not doing their chores, etc... Honestly, parents should... parent!
@Firosen: So if the kids did not do their work or pass the tests, did you flunk them? I think that is a message that would get across. Otherwise I'm not sure why you couldn't ban phones in class? To be fair maybe your school doesn't back you up if you try and punish the kids. In that case the trouble is deeper than Fortnite.
Always happy to accept a free game, wow, a $40 value. Just add it to the ol' library of games that I will never get to since I'm so behind... But the act of collecting is fun, so there is that. ;-)
@xantufrogand @girlusocrazy: Thank you both! That's just the info I would need to use my Sega Genesis again. I'll file this away! Honestly, it would be fun to try this for old times' sake.
How funny, I still have my original Sega Genesis and a few games. Only issue would be hooking it to a modern TV. I assume there are some cable adapters to handle that? Well, I don't have 40 games, so this would be fun as a way to revisit those olden days.
I have enjoyed NMS, the developers keep making it better and better. For this newest update... well I don't play with friends so the part they are revealing won't mean much to me. But definitely interested in the other 2 parts that they are still holding under wraps.
I can't credit their team enough for the huge and FREE updates they are pushing out. Other developers could learn from them. Way to go!
Louis' comments