You two make a good pairing. You play off each other very well. Keep it up.
On the news itself, meh. None of the games interested me much, but I watch every day for you all, and sometimes I get the bonus of a game I care about. So it's all good. :-)
@ltjohnnyrico: I agree with you and the others replying to your post.
For me, films like this that I'm on the fence about, the reviews just help me to decide whether I pay the money to see it in the theater or wait till Redbox or it to show up on cable. I'll see it, I just need to decide how much I want to pay for it...
Jess, Dan is doing what you should be doing, feeding us! We are hungry gamers. ;-)
Good job Dan. Please pack one in dry ice and ship mine to the San Francisco office of Gamespot. I live in the area. Hmm, maybe I can join the staff there for lunch and chat for an hour?
@screecwe: I agree in part with you. It is hard to add major components to an existing game. Great point. Again, yes, on the first impression (and whatever score it gets) but I think if the additions were good, that would pull in more people and keep the base playing.
But hey, I could be wrong there and you could be right. Either way, when this game finally releases, it's gonna be interesting if it delivers all that is implied.
I'm surprised that at a certain point (~$30 million) you wouldn't set a goal to get a game out for that much money and then as more money comes in you just work on massive expansions. But each would be complete and then added to the base game. The way it is now, it's a situation where he has too much money. "Every dream and idea can be realized..." We'll see. But I doubt it will be as good as one would think for close to $150 million.
I have not funded this game, but I do love space sims. When it releases I'll consider it. But please note Chris, I'm 58. I'd like to see something before my 70's...
Hey, here's a thought. For that much money and with advances in technology, it'll be all VR and I'll just download my dying consciousness into the game. Okay, I'd buy that! ;-)
@zerohournow: @deviltaz35 makes a good point about intellectual property. The rules are different there.
But even if there may be no obligation, I guess I'm different. I wouldn't have to return it, but I'd want to since I knew it was a mistake to release it. They didn't sell it and then change their minds, it seems like it was accidentally put in the box. That's my understanding at least.
But again, DEVILTAZ35 does bring up the interesting coincidence here... Hey, might be a bit of publicity?
To balance out the "goody two shoes" image I might be creating here. If he had posted the code on Reddit, my reaction would probably be, "I wouldn't do that, but Blizzard was sloppy and that's on them..." I would not have supported legal action against him.
Louis' comments