@jessie82: Like the others, it'll be cancelled, before it's half-over. But if the reviews are good, it'll do gang buster business if they sell the DVDs. Then the slow-witted at CBS will maybe, just maybe, realize that Trek fans are not saps, will not buy into CBS All Access for one lousy show, but, they do have a hit on their hands if they bring it to broadcast then DVD?
Honestly, I want a good show, but I'm not buying anymore services. I'm about to drop cable due to the cost. Ugh.
@Lord_Sesshy: I tend to agree with you. The consoles are really architected for their sole purpose of driving games to their limit. I don't think the cost is that out of line for what one is getting. If you buy lots of games and use it for years, a great purchase.
I play on PCs. And like NFJSupreme and stylux24 noted, I save up for my HW and I'm not wealthy. I budget for it. Then I use it for a long time and will upgrade at a point to keep it going before I move to my next system.
$800!? Who is buying this, a lottery winner? Too bad that you couldn't find 3-5 of these gamers from the group of 999 and interview them. Questions for your interview:
- Single or married?
- What is your ages and job description?
- Have you every declared bankruptcy in your life?
- Would you consent to a session by a Gamespot appointed psychologist?
- Why, oh why did you feel the need to spend this amount of money?
@strothers101: Without more details to your statement I imagine you putting on the goggles and laughing uncontrollable? Or are you claiming it's a joke as you shout out, "what's the deal, this is how I view reality already! I play games so I can have a lesser experience. What a joke."
Note, I don't have a VR setup at home, as right now it's too expensive. I have tired the various options and I think it's pretty amazing. Admittedly there is a newness to it all. But to be able to have the environment envelop one's senses is pretty incredible.
So why do you think it's a joke? Do you think it's too expensive, or just another "3D TV" that won't take off due to some limitation?
I loved XCOM, the little I played. Unfortunately with it I got stopped because the design of the game allows you to make a mistake early in the game and then it can nail you many missions later. Because of this I could never finish it. Never restarted, I had other things to play that didn't do that to the player.
I bought XCOM 2, but haven't started it yet. Heard it's even tougher.
The design is beautiful and I love what they did with it. But for this expansion, I'll wait for a year or two till it's on sale for under $15. Then pick it up.
Great news! Myself, I bought it last year during the Steam sale and got the base game for $12. One of my best game purchases. I play single player (I don't want the griefing that the servers bring) and love it. Later (again on sale) I purchased the Scorched Earth DLC.
Excited to see what else they come up with for this game.
Enjoy your time in San Francisco. It's near where I live. :-)
Wow, my posts will get to you so much faster. The electrons won't need to bounce their little proton heads off of satellites in space (echo: space, space, space...) which just gave them all a collective headache in their journey to Australia.
Yep, I know that's not how it works. But honestly, this image would make a better Pixar film, don't you think?
Louis' comments