I almost bought the game during the last Steam sale for $20 but held off as I still have so many unplayed games. I've read many of the good/bad reviews. Since I know my play style would be more of a "try it for dozen or so hours... just to see it, explore some worlds and getting a feel for it," I'm still waiting for a $15 price point.
I'm happy to see the developers still supporting it. So sorry it fell flat on release. But I'm impressed that they just didn't move on. So maybe during the winter sale, I'll get it as a Christmas "stocking stuffer" gift for myself.
@twilightangel: I bought it during last year's winter sale for $12. One of my better deals considering how much I enjoy playing it single player. Otherwise, I think most games are overpriced at $50 or $60. So I wait for sales.
Dan, say hello to your new BFF, me. "Don't be afraid. No. Be afraid. Be very afraid." (See what I did there?) "The Fly," is the best Jeff Goldblum movie!
Jess, love the spider blouse. Subtle, yet creepy scary!
Okay you two famous people, stay french fry thin and keep swaying! ;-)
@Pyrosa: I thought Logan was excellent too. But I feel it and WW were targeting different audiences, which is great actually. In their respective categories, I really enjoyed both.
I'm older (58) and I'm loving the selection of films we are getting. There are days I'm wondering if we are getting too much. Lol. But I remember being a young teen and I was happy to get even one film like this a year, and they were usually schlock, not tent-pole quality in scale.
@angrycreep:I have to respectively disagree. It's not true that "anyone could have directed this movie and done the same thing." While Wonder Woman is popular, I think she pales against the like of Batman or Superman. Yet that movie "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" should have been a slam dunk, but it pretty much gathered negative reviews. (It's okay if you liked it.)
May I ask, what movies did you feel held up better? Note, I don't always agree with the critics and fan base. Personally I thought better of Suicide Squad than many, but that's an example how we all view the movies differently.
Oh Dan, so much is explained now. Glad you turned out o...alrigh... uh, glad you're not a psycho killer. There. Whew.
Jess <psst> you can take another step to the left and still remain in-frame for work purposes. Make no sudden movements. Smile and compliment him randomly... Just keep him calm. ;-)
Great Video Dan! Good job. You are helping Jess a lot. You da man. Keep it up!
Welcome back! Hope you both had a nice holiday. Sorry you are back at work, but as "fans" your jobs seem like a vacation to some of us (okay just me), that I hope it isn't too bad... You get to game, write about games, create video about games, read silly comments like this...
Love the excuse that the movie failed because they messed with the DNA... no it failed because it was just a bad movie.
One thing I remembered about it (watched it on cable) was that it was a story told on a small scale. All I recall were two sets, the lab, and the planet with the villain. Now think of the successful superhero films. Their stories are told in a much larger landscape. The characters move about. There is more going on. This movie was just so focused on, origin, here's the baddie, okay let's fight...
Nothing memorable. Of course I might be missing something here, but the movie just didn't stick with me.
There was one part with some actual characterization I remember with the Thing in a cell bemoaning his fate (has to be brutal to be the rock guy, kiss a normal life goodbye...) but it was dropped real quick. Would have been a great subplot. Show him saving innocents that could only have been done by someone like him. A hook for him to hang on to, to come to terms with his fate...
Oh well. Just sad, I loved the comics and bummed that they haven't been able to bring them successfully to the big screen.
Louis' comments