In reading these comments I can see this next movie will make a lot of money. If you love what Disney is doing, you'll be there. If you hate them, you'll be there so you can rip the film apart later. :-)
I will see them since I enjoy Star Wars and worse comes to worse, I just appreciate the visuals.
The Force Awakens - This one bothered me as it was just a retelling of the original. Deathstar, Deathplanet... ugh. Though I did like the new characters.
Rogue One - Worked for me. Not perfect, but better than I expected.
Now I was uncomfortable when Disney started creating multiple Marvel films a year, I felt that they would just burn out the audience. So I started skipping them. Then I found the ones I skipped were some of the better ones, Antman, Deadpool, ... (I rented them from Redbox.)
So, what do I know? Disney is making big bucks, so no one is burned out yet. So I wonder if they will do the same with Star Wars? Wouldn't be surprised if they move to 2 films a year after this first trilogy is completed...
Dark and Bloody? While they are different than the usual Star Wars style, I wouldn't have gone with that wording to describe them. They are definitely more subdued. Though if I had titled the article I probably wouldn't haven gotten as many clicks...
New Star Wars: The Last Jedi Posters Are Subdued And Darker
@Darko-TDR: D'oh. You are right. But what nonsense. Many videos will have that little YouTube icon to jump there to watch a video. But not at ol' Gamespot! I did a YouTube search of the article title, and then yes found it and the link was there.
Honestly, I should not have had to do that, nor wait to have a nice (and smarter) person like you to tell me this.
I come to Gamespot to read your articles and watch the videos, I should not have to go out to YouTube to find the missing pieces... Though I guess that might be part of the scavenger hunt aspect... :-(
You say, "Click on the link in the description below..." but I don't see any link? My one guess is, the link isn't active yet as you say the contest starts July 15th? Is that it...?
@tonyleo01: Oh gosh, those timed missions of XCOM 1. Ha, I hated those. But I did get the point of them. It did force me to play differently. Though it also put me in the position of having to loose good soldiers to beat the clock. (Honestly, I saved and reloaded a lot!)
Sometime this year I want to start up XCOM 2 and try it. Does look good.
If the world is ever invaded, I'll vote to put you in charge. You can have me cleaning your office at XCOM command. Maybe let me go on a mission on my birthday...
"Louis, cross this street in the open so we can see who shoots at you. We'll kill them then. Don't worry buddy, you are part of the team!"
I'll be waiting for this to be on sale. Here's my personal reasoning.
I played XCOM 1 and enjoyed it till I hit the "aliens invade my base" mission and I was trapped in an always lose situation. (If I somehow won, I'd still have most my soldiers killed. Gosh, what a fun game...) Seems that decisions I made earlier in the game just painted me in a corner. I could not win. I watched YouTube videos and somehow everyone had better weapons than I had... So I quit the game. :-(
I have XCOM 2, but haven't started it yet. I've read "everywhere" that it's even tougher than XCOM 1. When I do eventually play, my mindset will be one of enjoying till I lose the game. I won't play to win, but rather to enjoy the shortened experience.
Because of this experience, I'll be waiting for a future sale to buy this. I do love the series but I guess I'm really not that good at it. Oh heck, I s*ck, and for that I don't won't pay top dollar.
As an aside, be happy that you all aren't dependent on me to "save the earth" because it seems I'd get you all killed. Fine for a game, but not for real life... ;-)
Glad that they are making more though. It is a beautiful series.
@streetmagik: I think I will. Currently I'm really enjoying Ark, but I play single player and just like exploring the world and building bases to support myself. I just go all zen in games like this. Just enjoying the moment...
What you described sounds like that it would fit me. And yes, I'm a space geek too. Love the idea of flying around planets to space, to stations and then other worlds.
What's not to love! (Okay, the current price, but that's all...) ;-)
I almost bought "No Man's Sky" during the last Steam sale but held off as I still have so many unplayed games. I'm aware of the mixed reviews, but I still want to check it out someday.
I know my play style would be more of a "try it for dozen or so hours... just to see it, explore some worlds and getting a feel for it," So I'm probably waiting for a $15 price point.
I'm happy to see the developers still supporting it. So sorry it fell flat on release. But I'm impressed that they just didn't move on. So maybe during the winter sale, I'll get it as a Christmas "stocking stuffer" gift for myself.
I'll be very interested to see what this update adds. Maybe it will change my feelings and I'll pull the trigger on it?
Louis' comments