Thanks for being a trooper and working through your illness.
That was nice of you to bring up the person that asked about the shirt. I remember that post. I even tried to find it myself to help out, but I saw his/her issue, it wasn't obvious. Hopefully they listen to this episode and follow up with you.
Well, go rest and play plenty of games to get better... or was it drink plenty of fluids? I'm always confused on that..., wait, it's gaming. I'm sure of it. ;-)
I have yet to buy the game, but that's mostly due to initial cost and I'm buried in other good games right now. But I really applaud what they were and are trying to do. Yes, their launch wasn't the end all. But I think they just bit off more than they realized and were trying to create something great.
As one noted here, they could have just quit and walked away, but they didn't. They are still trying to complete their vision and support the players.
I will buy this game some day. I like the idea and what I've seen looks great. Glad they are completing the game play.
Augh, with my GTX 1080 I had been the alpha male*, but now!? But with the GTX 1080Ti coming out, I'm just back to being in the herd. Bummer... It was fun being the top GPU guy for these last 5 months.
*(Note, not counting the Titan, that just shows you have way too much money and are crazy... Okay, you are the alpha, among the alphas...) ;-)
I found this interesting. And good for them on using this process to potentially save a small child from possibly choking. Plus it was fun watching the staff gag on these. Funny video.
Gamespot, doing crazy things so you don't have too. ;-)
Glad to hear of the price drop for the Oculus Rift, but still too much for me. I realize there is incredible technology there, but... I don't have an incredible bank account.
Besides waiting for some "killer/must have" games for it, I wonder how long till the second generation comes out? Will there be one? In two years, five?
Gotta say, I hope it takes off. I'd love someday to enter a game world. Until then, let me just say, "hello reality, I'm still here. I haven't left you yet." ;-)
@computernoises: Might have been. Again, it was in my first few hours after leaving the vault, so I was still learning the game...
I have to say, sure it's a game, but with a little suspension of disbelief it really worked for me. It felt right. The mutants (which I befriended) being shunned. The brotherhood, but even some from their order that had gone rogue, raiders and slavers, etc...
What scares me is, I think people would go that route in that situation. Which really made me like the game and when I did help people (found some tied up), I'd free them and they would instantly say, "take what you want, just let us go," I'd offer to them to take any stuff they needed. I always got a huge thank you and again, it felt great.
I know I'm just triggering off of the story, as I do when I read a book and really get into it.
@Hicks_1: It'll be interesting how I'll be when I play "This War of Mine," which I understand forces you to make some hard choices in a time of war. At a certain point you have to turn your back on those that need help, lest those you are with also die.
I don't disagree with you on the fact that it all changes, "as people are starving." I've had this discussion with friends. They'll first ask about a situation and my answer is always two fold. If it's just me, I think I might just let myself die, but if my nieces or nephews are depending on me... how far will I go?
Honestly I hope I never have to be in that situation. Though I'll be more forgiving of someone going through it. Ha, probably one reason I love shows like "The Walking Dead," I always ask, but what if it was me?
While "man" can become animal, I remember, "They help theirs," so we are also social. Of course, at a certain level we need others, but again, that's for survival purposes. I guess that is why there are 7 billion of us. We came from the survivors...
I think I need to go place some Kerbal Space Program and feel some wonder again. ;-)
Louis' comments