Oh goodness, all these new games and I'm so far behind. Whatever you report on today I won't be playing till the following year. Lol. Oh well, enjoying the latest StarCraft and Kerbal Space Program. But I guess you have no news stories on those... because they are now old. At least I'm not playing anything on my abacus. ;-)
Count me among those that prefer a short announcement window. I'm fine with 3-4 months. I think it was Homeworld: Desserts of Kharak that came out in about a month or two after the first announcement. Nice surprise!
Honestly the games that announce more than a year in advance, I get bored of hearing about. Stop marketing and selling, make the darn game! Then come back to us. :-)
Gamespot, sorry if you've been asked this before. But for a "sponsored" bit like this. Does someone like Jess write truthfully what she feels then pass it by the sponsor with the understanding if they don't like what she says, she'll show it anyway but they won't sponsor it (I assume they pay something to cover the cost of the day(s) of her time to make it.)
How does "sponsoring" content like this work? Or if any readers here know since I'm sure it's been asked before. What is the process?
@openmind23: I agree with you! I see what Jess is saying and maybe her focus was on tailored sadness? But what you wrote is what I felt playing Fallout 3. Sometimes I'd just stop at the top of a hill and look at the bones of a civilization. Walking among the ruins of houses that I "knew" were at one time filled with families. Then interacting with people that had fallen so far...
There were times I was sorta bummed just playing it. Had to remind myself, RPG the action not how I'd really feel being there, have fun, let's kill evil creatures and bad guys. :-)
So yes, there are different forms of sadness if one looks for it.
Not sure if this is mentioned in any of the 4 pages of comments. But in watching this review, an island with puzzles... I thought of the old game set on another puzzle filled island, Myst.
@suppaphly42: Thanks all. Haven't played Rocket League but watching the videos looks great. Happy 42nd. Myself, turning 57! Sorta old ;-) but love gaming.
@rsmith124: I agree. I admit I was in a bit of a silly mood as I saw I was the first poster. Re-reading my post I see I went on a little too long. Ah well, as I say, it was my mood at that moment.
Louis' comments