Super Mario Galaxy is Game of the Year 2007 at this site and when a game is game of the year I think it must be pretty darn incredible. So get it. WllDan7
Through many reviews I have seen, the core gets a bad rating rather than the pro getting a great rating! The core just doesn't have the bugs worked out of it rather than the pro. Trust me man, don't be cheap and get the pro!Young_Gunner91
dude have you ever played super mario 64, if yes than its basicly like that. If you thought SM64 was a great game that lasted , or what i say a bit repetitive and not worth GETTING SMG FOR $50!!!shadimoscouplos
[QUOTE="ugotplayed64"]why would we be jealous that you got a crappy video game console?? no im alright ill just keep playing my Wii and XBOX 360[QUOTE="DavidRswii"]
No Wii game for me but I'm getting a PS3 :D Be jealous
The PS3is awsome and online is free the Xbox 360 sucks cause u got to pay for online and buy a wireless adapter for 100 bucks watch just wait the PS3 will sell more then the Wii and 360 soon
60$ crappy games andclose to no3rd party support beg to differ, and don't try to say otherwise, check ps3 section and tell me how many not-xbox/pc ported games have more that 8.5? if it weren't (yes weren't is the correct word) for the xbox games, the ps3 good games would be ranging from 2 to 3 this year.
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