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LuIsSiUl's forum posts
ok I can do the first part without any complication, but when I go to the lungs I always end up killing the girl. I need help please.
When I get the chance to excise a pair there are too many tumors and the other pair is still making more so I don't have time to do anything because the vital drops like a gun shot and the healing touch doesn't help at all I either do it before it's needed or it is too late to use it.
I need help :S
what's a wii remote jacket?
but, screw the casual gamer. im sick of all these stupid gimmicky party and cheap games coming out for the wii. Dont get me wrong i love the wii and nintendo. im just sick of all these games. i want some ass kicking FPS or another zelda kind of game.
What do you think?
Do you want Wii Fit or do you want RE 4?( kind of game)
I don´t know, I can see a great future in the balance wii board, maybe they can find some usage for a FPS or action games so it can simulate your movement, it would be SO AWESOME!! so I think you should just zip it and wait.
Solid Snake
Dr Mario
Young Link
Mr Game and Watch
Zero Suit Samus
Change the movesets of these characters, so that they are no longer clones:
Keep everyone else.
Viewtiful Joe
Someone from Custom Robo
King Boo
dude ZSS hasn´t even appeared in a smash bros game until now, you don´t even know her moves and you already want her out??...
OOOOh this explains everything:
"Keep everyone else.
Viewtiful Joe
Someone from Custom Robo
King Boo"
Didn't they say something about that before? Like you could make you're own games and post them on a board on the Wii's internet for other people to play? camreeno360
wasn´t that for the 360?
[QUOTE="LuIsSiUl"][QUOTE="JarrodTagni"]Super Mario Galaxy will be the first fully downloadable Wii game!!! Noretail release, just straight download from the Wii shop channel.
Do'nt ask me how I know, I just do - No Links, No nothing, just take my word for it for now and time WILL prove me right!
great--- so where will this amazingly huge game be saved?? because the wii´s internal memory is a punch in the crotch and i´m sure as hell not paying for a sd mamory card
I dont think they even fit the largest memory card you could possibly buy.
exactly... sooo how can we download the game?? you download the first quarter of the game and then you donwload the others quarters as you progress through the game?? but you´ll have to erase the other parts if you want to download the other ones? :P
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