I've been watching review of the two first games and the trilogy in general and I'm really just pretty annoyed I didn't realize there was a trilogy box until now -_-
I reckon I'll give Corruption a spin and if I just fall in love with Samus I'll get the trilogy after - never played a metroid game before :)
The thing you should know about the trilogy is that it was a limited run collector's edition and has already been discontinued. So your only hope to find it would be a used copy. However in my humble opinion it is the most complete and important video game release in history. So it's a must purchase in every sense of the word.
i guess, and i repeat, GUESS, you like metroid :lol:
Personally, I find no need to get the XL over something else in your case. If I were where you were, I'd use the money to go for a few extra games on other systems, or if you're in need of anew DS, go for the original DSi. It's 20$ less, and unless you have bad eyesight it's not really going to make a big difference on gameplay. If you don't need an upgrade now, I'd suggest waiting for the 3DS or something, and then make the switch.
Hey guys, i was just thinking about getting a PSP-3000 and was wondering if there is enough good games to make a purchase? What would you guys recommend? I love RPG's and action/adventure games. Thanks for your help!
GTA Chinatown Wars (if you like GTA games; not really my thing) LocoRoco 2 Lunar Silver Star Harmony Monster Hunter Freedom Unite DJ Max Portable 2 (not in your genres, but really one of the reasons to own a PSP)
i think i will definitely get Lunar silver star harmony and all the others look good to thanks for the help!
I second the recommendation on Lunar for sure...one of my top favorites on the PSP right now.
Given the info we have now, most definitely a purchase for me, as soon as I appropriate the funding for it. :P Hopefully E3 won't change that in a negative way...I guess we'll see.
Yeah, I don't know what it is about the DSi's trigger buttons, but they're a lot worse than the lite's. I've had the problem twice now in the less than a year since it launched.
I don't mind waiting two extra days but I don't want to drive to the store and comeback empty handed is a long drive :( . I will call the store and plan accordingly. Thanks for the answer :)yani37
Oh, I wasn't talking about you in that post, I meant the other person you quoted who was rather distraught about the extra two days. :P And no problem. I got my DSi back on release day and I live in an area way out from big cities, so you shouldn't have too much trouble.
In the center pillar where you can raise the water level for the first time, you should see two rows of spikes and be able to walk on the middle part. After you raise the water level you should notice a platform raise up with the water. Put on the Iron Boots and drop down onto the middle part and walk back toward where the platform was before it raised up and you'll see you a hole in the floor. You can drop down into the hole. There will be a few enemies that drop out of a part of the ceiling, just use the Hook Shot on them, and on the other side of the room you should be to swim up and there'll be a chest with a key in it.
I don't know if that helps but the first time I played through Ocarina of Time I got stuck on that part. I'm sure a lot of other people did too, it's pretty well hidden. The Water Temple is definitly the hardest Temple in Ocarina of Time.
Yep, thats the one i always miss.
I remember replaying it once, and I forgot the first key as soon as you enter the forest temple, the one up the tree. because that section always feels like "outside" to me. Took me sooooo long to remember. And this was after like 3 play throughs. God i kicked myself :P
Haha! I did the EXACT same thing. But it was on my first time through. I'm avoiding it right now because I'm just where the Water Temple starts...I'll get back to it eventually...maybe... :P
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