This will be a list of people that I really want to fight, the first 3 will be the ones I wanna fight the most.
1. TheFox_master - I wanna see if this guy can back up all his talk
2. Unholydeath - I want to see how this guy was able to win the Tournament
3. Hombre_De_Smash - He's known as the Kirby King, So I wanna see what he's got, + I wanna face a Kirby user who is not chicken and runs away, like all the Kirby users I fight.
Now in no particular order
4. SSBB-Haller - you sound like your a worthy oppenent
5. Anniamorx222 (not sure if thats how you spell it) - If your as good at Brawl as you are at making Banners and Blog Headrs, you will be a tough oppenent
6. Murat8 - When you get Wi-fi of course
7. Remiaz (I think thats how you spell it) - I hear your awesome, so I want to see if thats true
8. Lilcross4 - You made it pretty far in Trumpetteddy's tounrey so you must be good
9. Thiago26672 (I think thats the numbers) - You also made it pretty far in the tounrey, (I made it to Round 3 in the tounrey, but I lost to theroy_master (he is really good though and no shame in losing to him)
Well thats all if we don't have eah other registered, comment on here andgive me your FC, mine is 5198-2116-0474, and we will Brawl as soon as possible.
Luigi487 Out
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