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Luigi487 Blog

New Blog Headrs

As you can see I have new blog headrs of my 4 mains in brawl( I was going to have 5 but the site where I got these didn't have my 5th main Luigi) and I just wanna know what ya'll think of them.

P.S. I wanna thanks Travis and Tyler for helping me on getting these blog headrs

Luigi487 Out

Wii Want More

Ok so we all know that the Wii Want More feature on the Wii was all a Apil fools joke, but that was going to be one of Nintendo's best ideas, I mean having downloadable content for their games, including 4 new characters and 2 new stages in Brawl was going to be awesome, so just post here if you wanted the Wii Want More feature to be true.

Luigi487 Out

Got My Wii Back.

I got my Wii back today and I am so happy, been playing it all day, and the best part is I didn't lose my data like I thought I was going to.


Can somebody make me a Princess Daisy avatar, Please?

one with her in her sports clothes.

New Banner

As you can see I have a new banner (arline6 made it) and I just wanna know what everybody would rate this banner on a scale of 1/10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

Here's Your Answers

Here's all the answers to my previous blog.

Ifnot asked if I could time travel what period would I go to?

Answer - I would time travel to when the Video Game Arcades were popular, I've always wanted to see what the arcade machines were like.

MasterMind1177 asked if I was going to decide on a permanent avatar

Answer - No Pretty simple answer isn't it

Mario_Sonic_Man asked should Mario and Luigi br friends?

Answer - I would have to say Yes they should be friends

Sora592 asked whats the best game i've played?

Answer Super Smash Bros Brawl is easily the best game i've played.

BaseBallKid asked who won the 23rd world serious

Answer - No idea I don't watch Baseball

Killerliew asked do I have an idea on gaming Plagurism

Answer -No (if I knew what it was maybe I would have a idea)

CRman930 asked whats my favorite subject?

Answer - none I hate school so I don't have a favorite subject

Ninja_rebel asked - Why is everyone doing this (including me)

Answer - Because its fun doing this type of blog

Mikeisaniceguy asked - Do I like Monkey butts?

Answer - No, but real funny question Mike LOL

Shantrix asked -What is Life? Why do we exist?Why did brawl disappoint us in many ways,Why is the earth round? Why do I ask such strange questions?

Answer - Ok I am going to answer this in parts.

answer to no.1 - Life is well I don't really know what lif is lol

answer to no.2 - We exist because God wanted us to exist

answer to no.3 - Brawl did not disappoimtent us at all

answer to no.4 - The reason you ask such stange questions is maybe cause you are strange LOL (no offence)

Dman712 asked- where is the best place to get Bacon?

Answer - the grocery store, but you and your bacon Dman

Spinalclash asked- who's my favorite band?

Answer _ Its a tie between Disciple and Skillet

Mario_sonic_man asked - Why are Mario and Sonic rivals?

Answer - Because when they both came out they were the only mascots out and they wanted to see who was better

Pokemon_mastr43 asked - Can I answer Some of the questions on this Blog?

Answer - Well since I have answered all the questions now you can comment on this blog and answer the questions yourself now.

DatGuy99 asked - Should we use Lindsey Lohan as bait to catch Sadame Hussein, and how come I can't post anymore posts on the LC cause it says that only lv10's can post only 100 messages a day when I haven't posted nearly that many care to explain?

Answer - We have already caught Sadame Hussein and have already killed him, so we can't use Lindsey Lohan as bait, but that is a good idea though, the reason you can only post 100 comments is that you not lv 10 yet when you get to Lv 10 you can post 200 messages a day in a single topic, but sometimes Gamespot messes up and it says you have posted the max comments you can have in a day and you haven't posted all your commetns.

Well thats all the questions I hope you enjoy your answers, I had fun doing this.