And what exactly are you doing physically to stop this? It's easy to go spouting on the internet about all this unproven bullsh*t, but what are you doing as an individual to stop this? Do you go to stand outside these FEMA camps and protest? I very much doubt it. And one last thing; if this is all true and inevitable with no way of us stopping or controlling it, then why are you wasting your time? Spend what time you have left actually doing something rather than warning people of this 'supposed' thing we're unable to do anything about anyway. And that's why I don't believe conspiracies for a second.meconate
I have to agree with this post. Individuals can preach about the atrocities of the world all they like but does it really do anything?
If you want to make a difference, aim to improve yourselves intellectually and spread yin which is both receptive and nurturing. I too fell victim to the Alex Jones of this day and age and honestly it led me nowhere in life. If you want to live and spread a true message, how about becoming a teacher to fix the deficient education system in this country? Why not volunteer in your communities either at schools, hospitals, or organizations that serve a real purpose.
If you truly want to fight the system, avoid foods that cause imbalances within our bodies (processed and refined foods). It will help restore balance and harmony in your lives and bring about clarity. The excessive anxiety and aggression around the world can be attributed to an imbalance of the yin and yang principles.
If we can't fix these core issues as a people, then there is no hope to counter the possibility of FEMA camps and a rogue government. It becomes a foolish game where we all suffer.
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