I realize this is slightly off topic: There are too many problems regarding the manner in which our country (the U.S.) is being ruled. First off, our persistent presence in warfare does nothing to improve our relations with other countries. Why can't we remain neutral and avoid planting bases all over the world. If we are so concerned about other countries attacking us or becoming our enemies (which is rather ironic since so many countries already hate American policy), why not allocate funds to improving and expanding our defenses? Let us not forget that money isn't the only thing that is being expended in these wars; lives are also changed or taken. Another thing that I find annoying: Why must we be tasked with spreading democracy around the world? An incessant message that further exacerbates our relations. We cannot continue to spread that message when we can't seem to improve the scenario in our own country. What scenario you may ask? Look around you. The world is in chaos. How about improving our education system. No? Is that too difficult to commit to. We fail in education. Kids aren't being challenged enough and they are being deprived of immense knowledge. Getting young kids excited and focused in learning can greatly improve a society. It would greatly reduce the drop out rate, help to reduce the plague of gangs and gang related violence, and unlock the intellectual potential of these young minds. But, we can't remain idle and allow our school system to do all the work. Why not volunteer at a school? Get involved with the education of children. It's very difficult when our society forces us to work long hours just to sustain and live, but we owe it to ourselves to ensure that our children are provided a superb education. We also need great teachers who are motivated and ambitious, and are great in sparking the interest of kids. The problem I witness, is this persistance in tackling symptoms of a failing society. Why do so when you can get at the source of the issue and fix it once and for all. It's overcomplicating things and costs more over a period of time. I could go on with suggesting many follies in our society. I just want people to know that so much can be done and all that is necessary is some ambition and motivation. We don't have to constantly rely on governents and other officials to provide the answers ( their corruption runs deep). Don't forget as an individual, you have the power to influence the lives of many others.
I was playing P3P but I can never seem to complete a game before purchasing another haha. I have so many games to finish that it's overwhelming =( I do want to see Valkyria Chronicles 2 compatibility and those PS1 classics.
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