I woefully regret buying Ultimate Alliance. I hated this game so much. I just wanted a Spiderman game so I was like, F it this has Spiderman and Ghost Rider! $30 down the drain. Screw that game, I hate it. So boring, hated the graphics, hated the overall type of game and I hated... whatever else there is to hate.
I found Katamari Damacy the other day (actually 2) and Zone of Enders 2 at a store last week. I didn't want them so I didn't get them though, some may hate me for that. I also saw Ico at a Gamestop and I MIGHT buy it. I'm not sure though.
All I want is Mavel vs Capcom 2 but even if I did find it then 'd have to pay like $70 for it. I wish I had bought it when I saw it at my local game store for just $30.
I'd go for the PSP. I want one so bad. I can make a list of like 15 PSP games I want just off the top of my head and if I actually start looking through the pages then forget about it. DS though, I find boring, it's almost like most of their games are role-playing, 2-d platformer or some kind of stragety game. I'm too into the 3d action adnventure type games.
Minus some Mario games, Pokemon, Zelda and Elite beat Agents. I'm only looking to buy Hotel Dusk & the new Ninja Gaiden game.
Realistic sport games. I don't care at all for watching sports so I don't care for this genre either. I'm also not too big into RPG games (except Kingdom Hearts).
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