It's at 135,352Legolas_Katarnthat is good indeed
M3ran's forum posts
ifd you would like to say how many games you have played or you own thats cool too,but the main question is what is your current xbox360 GS?
ok since i found out something usefull here i would like to share not just with you guys but all the other people who will search this topic on the internet.
ok the green room in chromatic observatory,you dont really need to do that room,but i think i have found out how to do it,without any upgrades.
ok as you enter the room just forget about those guys with the swords and jump the cliffand now you are swinging back and forth.ok to be able to jump and grab the ledge you have to press jump at the exact time that you are the closest to that ledge,if you do it right you will grab on.and there is one of those green relics on there fo you,remember you have to jump the moment before you start to swing back basically the closest you get to the ledge.
hope this helped you guys,have fun
thats just great,what are you doing T.I.P?lol seriously? almost another year in Jail.
every x360 game costs only 5 bucsk here where i live.
Yeah but are they legit?
nope :oops:
you pay too much we pay 2.50,and lately 2.00:D:D:D
In Austrailia, the United Kingdom and other PAL regions, generally when compared to the US, PAL gamers pay 40% to 50% more for the same product, games.
Why is this? Is this 'fair'? Or is not a matter of 'fairness'?
well i can tell you that here in IRAN we actuallt pay alot less,and i mean aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllloooooooooooot less8 out of 10narutoisapirate
On a scale of 1-10.
Then I'd buy a new one. =]
its probably fake anyway i mean if some one in real life offered you that much money for a kidney then i think,that person wont really leave you alive,and would also take the other kidney can take my kidney and few other things for that much.xTheExploitedwhat si the afew other things?
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