king of rock,no way,john lennon was more of a hippy than a musician,so that gets in the way,maybe beetle band could be there somewhere,maybe bot not johnHere's something that we should all celebrate. Why don't they have a day to commorate the real king of rock's birthday? Thing about it, what is it that Elvis had going for him? John Lennon, he did Imagine, the Beatles, and Elvis did cover songs and he didn't write any of his stuff, maybe a few, but were any of them as big as John's? Just saying, John should be the new king of rock.
M3ran's forum posts
5 foot 7,and 160 pound you people are all tall mostly 6 foot,intrestingI'm 6' 163 lbs.
rainy for sure,it is more aliveSimple , what weather do you prefer ? Me rainy .
i though it was because people would want other people to check their profiles and about me section so that they get view points,i dont know maybejust curious... i think we can all agree that they are hot... are people just showing them off to other people... maybe trying to take credit for their looks? j/k. buut i'm just wondering :)
i havent tried it ,and i dont think il will like it,but the thing that i personally hate about it is that its raw meat,and raw meat has abit of problem such as worms you can find articles on this issue on google,try itat first i was like " raw fish"? eww!!!
but then i tried putting soy sauce, wasabe , sea salt etc etc and it tastes really awesome
can i just sy something here since you got politics,i think people of america were looking for change and by change they really were looking forward to the promises of obama in the campains,but since obama forgot about his real duty of serving the people of america,thats why most people lost hope in him and found out that he is continieing the policies of bush and so on,the colour of the skin doesnt matter,its the things that we do which matters the mostSo do you guys believe that Obama would have won the election if he was darker? A purely hypothetical question, but an interesting one.
well men hormones are the reason you are growing beard isnt it?well get more of that.but becarefull you need to balance things up,search google on thatI'm 18 years old, and i can only grow sideburns, but i want a full beard or maybe a goatee at least. I can see maybe like 4-5 black hairs on each on my cheeks that are starting to grow, not sure if this is a sign or not, but it is not noticeable. I shave at least every 2-3 days even if i don't see hair, i was told this helps to foliate (Increase) the hair growth. I guess i should just wait till i am at least 22-25 to expect something? I'm in need of tips here, thanks.
eh?are you saying gangsters are anything but white?what is a gangster anyway?I really hate when white people try to act gangster.
well something close to that maybe,but in a dream state of reality,so yes that can happen,:)What i mean by talk to the dead is for example if you go to a cemetery do you talk to the headstone or things like that....
I do...and the other day i was on xbox live and i was scrolling down the list and saw one of my best friends who had dieds xbox user i decided to click on it and say "i love you bro" on it...yea yea im weird i know....anyone do some weird things like that involving someone close to you die?
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