@JJames3dCG Its amazing how many reviews have put the travel system as a bad point,they just DON'T get it,its a GOOD point because it makes you PLAY the game instead of zip to here zip back,this way you get to see the world they have made and fighting along the way helps to lvl up.Yes maybe 1 or 2 travel points would help some but i think any more and it would break the game.
@Shtinky From latest news it seems this game is selling very well.http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/05/30/newest-japanese-sales-dragons-dogma-sells-huge maybe you should get some facts before shouting rubbish.
All hail the king a new saviour has come to save us the PC RPG faithful,we have awaited your coming it is written in the sky it says,and in the darkest hour a hero will come and tho they be just men they shall be as GODS "CD Projekt Red".
5 Hour campaign??,Once again a game dev who thinks its ok to take our hard earned cash and give us less than a days entertainment for it.What a joke i dont care if it has multiplayer im not paying £40 for 5hrs of fun.
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