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I have more time

more time than I thought, anyway, so expect the big review maybe in the middle of September...

Its still a surprise on what it is!?!?!?!?!?!?!LOL!!!!

speaking off topically, you know that ericleamen dude on youtube, who almost everyone hates? Yeah well I guess hes pretty cool. But he said he's have his Nexgen up by now, but...I guess since he just moved into his new house, and now that school started, he's gonna be pretty yeah....

Nothing more for a while

Well this is going to be the last blog post for awhile, since I gotta go back 2 school and everything. I may update every so often, but its only the second day, and I already have a LOT of homework due Fri., one project due Fri, and all kinds of crap. So you know, just dont expect anything for a while because I'm not posting for awhile. And, I know I was supposed to do a Contra 4, and a Superman (hope youre still guessing which one!) review, but....expect those before...IDK....End of September, maybe? If not, perhaps Thanksgiving Break will give me time....AND I gots weekends, too. Right now I'm working on a B-I-G REVIEW!!! But I'm waiting for a disc to come.....anyway, expect some reviews at the end of Septiembre....see? Ive only been in school for `two days, and I'm speaking Spanish....

Don't expect that BIG REVIEW until after.....H~A~L~LO~W~E~E~N!!!!!BOO!!!!

Back to schoolers!!!!....What!?!?!?

ARGH!!! I GO BACK ON MONDAY. MONDAY! Can you believe that?? Honestly, I should go back after labor day, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They close all the pools down THE WEEK when it gets SUPER HOT in the east coast!!!! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THE SUPPLY LIST IS JUST....argh...SO EXPENSIVE AND HUGE! The teaches will expect everything the first day, but I can't fit everything in one trip! Well at least I can get the hell bugged outta me by my friends (some friends) And others, I can discuss actual, more mature subjects...such as Metal Gear Solid 2! Rather than "What if the bus went down the hill and lands on the curb and then, HAHAHAHA FOOM! KAPOW KABLOOI3!!"

Actually, I do tend to laugh at that kind of thing. Sometimes I fake laugh, though......

Hmmm.....maybe thats what kids are supposed to discuss on a bus....Buses exploding....which would delay school....I do see the humor and anticipation of that.... hmm.... strange....

MY SENSE OF HUMOR IS AN 3/V161V14 (Enigma spelled in Leet or 1337)


Okay so....I was going to play through Superman 64 (Oh god the horror) to do a complete review. This game is uber god awful hell. Thats why I wanted to review it. Its just frustrating like hell. So FINALLY when I get to level 4 or 5 (Lexcorp), the controller pack decides to not work! Its apparently "damaged", or something...TRAGEDY!!!! I have all mah saves on it. AND I DONT HAVE VC on Wii.

Did anyone see the commercial where....

Okay so the commercial is an ad for this thing called like a guitar idol, or whatever, and its like "BUY ONE GET A SECOND FREE!!!!" What it its is a giant guitar pick that allows you to play songs that have been programmed into it. Which are songs like Satisfaction, and just lame crap. Oh yeah theres only three songs on one. But the second one has two other ones. Wild Thing and Smoke on The Water. I only liked 1 song out of the five. Guess which one? Yes you're right. Smoke on The Water. It's not that Wild Thing is bad, I just don't like it that much. Basically it plays the guitar track when you strum. but I guess you have to be in sync with the song in order for it to look right.

Basically, it's Guitar Hero, without the videogame. People just don't learn nothing (except maybe Rock Band) can replace Guitar Hero.

As if Gamespot wasn't slow enough, they slow it down more with the new one.

I love the new site! It's so slow! It's not my computer either! It was somewhat faster than this one. And when I try to go to a games forum, it doesn't load as fast, and it's in an obscure area that can be seen very obviously. Although, the profiles are a little better. BUT, ITS SOOO SLOW!!!!! It takes WaY too long to load. And now my banner doesn't fit correctly, and it's not able to say iObject at the bottom any more. I will post this banner in my images, though. So overall, the new Gamespot is pretty nice, flashy, awesome........BUT SLOOOOOOOW!

You can see all the better things about it, I guess...... OR CAN YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!11!!!!one!!!!1!!1!!!?>?

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