*whew* 2 reviews in 24 hours! I'll be takin' a break for a while, but in my review absence, I'll be playing some games to review...here's a preview on what I'll be reviewing soon...
*whew* 2 reviews in 24 hours! I'll be takin' a break for a while, but in my review absence, I'll be playing some games to review...here's a preview on what I'll be reviewing soon...
FINALLY!!! GOT IT UP!!!! I had to make soooo many edits, but its up!!! WAAAAAY SOONER THAN EXPECTED!!!!!
I got the review up last night, but it was a bit late for a blog post, so here it is! If you want to read it, you can access it from this:
Or you can just go to SSB64 page on the site.
P.S.- this is my first actual review.
um.... I thought they only had the beta version up.... I wasn't expecting this for a while, but it's pretty cool, I guess....it'll take me a little getting used to, though.
I deleted one of my blog posts because it was a bit too boring about me....
SO! I'm working on 3 reviews right now:
Guitar Hero: On Tour
Contra 4
Super Smash Bros. 64
Idk why I chose DS to start out with. I will be doing retro reviews, also!
Well i don't really have very many interesting things to put up, so I just put up a Homestar wallpaper. I may uploadsome more, but I most likely will have like 2 or 3 more images up.
Oh yeah, it says test upload 2 in the images....that's just a simple mistake.
I'm working on my game collection right now. I only have about 6 or 7 games, but it's work in progress. There will be lots, though. :)
Oh yeah! I'll probably be reviewing alot of these, too. (Which will take a very long time)
I'll correct myself and say that I can review games and that I was a total n00b for thinking I couldn't.
Just though I'd throw that out there...
(yes I know signing is a little stupid)
I'm not sure if I posted this yet or not, but....
Well I just found out that I cant review games so that kinda sucks. :(
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