MJ12-Conspiracy's comments

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Edited By MJ12-Conspiracy

@RossRichard: I'm just saying either way the implications are true and why if it went through his cheek did Tyler have a bullet hole the back of the head??? lolz like i said it doesn't matter when everything else was so good?? and the ending does wrap up nicely....

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@catsimboy: because in many cases a good movie's plot hole.....

Fight Club: how did jack survive shooting himself in the face and how was he able to be up and talking within seconds??? truth is ultimately it didn't matter cus the way Fight Club plays out from the confrontation on all served the story they were telling, Tyler was dead/gone jack remembers everything and accepts his role in all of it finally and even starts to see his place in marla's life more clearly.....or Marla in his life in a better light....keep in mind he's nuts he probably had a psychotic break and everything we see is a hallucination....<that's a strong possibility but he only managed to save 1 building and if you think about the implications, the space monkeys appear in a building they had set to blow up?? meaning he was gonna commit suicide and take his followers with him......ooops

anyways a good movie's plot hole can be somewhat ignored so long as the rest of the movie is good and the ending is good, a bad movie is hard to overlook the bad stuff....

X-Men: so Magneto's plan is to use Rogue's power to syphon some of his power and have her power the machine and die to change humans into mutants okay that's your plot?? but this action wouldn't actually take and all humans affected would die in days making Magneto the biggest mass murderer since Hitler....further, they kill off Senator Kelly one of the X-Men's biggest political opponents in the comics in pretty much the first story??

^that's what I mean it's hard to overlook the illogical when the entire movie is just stupid....

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looks and sounds like sh**t.....


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@craigtl: you mean a doughnut into a slice of moldy bread....

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who cares about non games like this?? eww it's harry potter cover it.....NO, it's a non game nobody wants, end of story....

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@mpl911: I played some Aliens arcade game in the arcades in the 90's....that was a cool one, I played a T2 The Arcade game style shooter in arcades in the late 90's as well and a similar Aliens game in the 2000's but that one sucked cus they limited ammo and made it hard to progress.....

50 cents, last 10 seconds, 50 cents last another 10 seconds oh frack this game man.....LA Machineguns 50 cents last as long as I am able to [10-15 minutes] awesome game.....Time Crisis 50 cents last as long as you can [5.10 minutes] another awesome game.....

there's bad aliens games all around.....

i wouldn't mind seeing a Independance Day game.....the one on PSX was meh but I think they could do something awesome now......

and while we're on the super popular sc-fi action franchises the best terminator game I've played was T2 Arcade and Terminator Dawn Of fate....

FFS DOF had one of the best theme songs ever...


^yeah they totally wrote the song specifically for the game.....

dawn of fate had a few issues but was still pretty cool and fit in with the rest of the movies and even gave me what I wanted, a whole story set in the future war....better than that T4 Salvation....ugh [I kinda like Salvation but visually it didn't match the other movies]

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@Mcbrady: IDK what swarm wars is, the youzen Vong invasion??

the emperor used Outbound Flight to scout for a lost jedi who years before had gone missing Vergere or something like that, anyways the emperor was well aware of a possible threat by the youzen Vong so his intention was to quickly crush the rebellion and prepare but that never happened, the alliance never knew of the impending threat, Thrawn was also exiled for the duration of the civil war, he remained i believe in Chiss Space or patrolling some of the outer rim IDK it was never clear and was unimportant, thrawn was an awesome bad guy cus he wasn't really evil or anything, he was just a man who believed in order and lead his troops with a clear head and even took suggestions from his men so he had their loyalty not through fear but through respect, each soldier knew that if they had an issue they could make their case and be heard and perhaps something might change because of it, under the emperor there was nothing like that cus if you spoke up you died.....serve or die was how the empire worked, Thrawn was more, we'll with through superior tactics and they nearly did win....

I think you're mixing up the 2 timelines, you're trying to combine rebels and the books and that doesn;t work cus they're a contradiction.....Thrawn was never around during the times the animated series tries to show and it makes no sense, cus the emperor was a xenophobe, aliens were less than second class citizens in the empire so a alien general had no place....which is what the books always said......sorry but their new narrative is busted from the ground up.....

I really would dismiss the new stuff and only keep episodes 1-6 and the books [legends] as canon cus the rest is full of crap...

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@gamingdevil800: yeah, the movies were cool but man so unfinished lol

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I kinda wish they'd do a Bionicle game again.....a good one though.....

regular Lego is cool but Bionicle was the shiznit...

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