You know how when you shoot a large gas or oil container it spews fire before it blows up? Well the hackers are using a mod where any surface they shoot spews fire. Try to hide behind a wall, they shoot the wall, it spews fire on you. Try yo hide behind a tree, they shoot the tree, it spews fire on you. Like I said they are making GTA Online a hell. Literally .
The problem with the game isn't the content. There is tons of content in the game. As for her/its negative that there are no people to join her jobs, she should get some of her real life friends (if she /it has any ) and form a crew. Call up your friends and tell them to get on GTA Online. Problem solved.
The only real problem with game right now is the lack of server security. There are tons of cheaters and hackers on the PSN servers hacking and using guns with explosive bullet mods , and they are taking over the Fort Zancudo bases and stealing all the fighter jets. They are using fighter jet hacks so they shoot explosive bullets and rapid fire missiles. They are making GTA online a hell. I have video evidence I am putting up on YouTube.
Damnit!! No Shenmue 3 announcement!!! This sucks . First Sony cancels a Sony Santa Monica game now this shit. March is a bad month. I'm just inconsolable.
@jtthegame316 Yeah because you hate 1080P graphics and 60 fps , right jackass? Lame Xbone uses outdated DDR3. It's for losers. Only Shenmue 3 exclusive would make me buy it. Microsoft's Phil Spencer went on record (Geoff Keighly interview) recently that he has no interest in funding Shenmue 3. So screw Xbone.
Ahhhh Shenmue, this was the biggest game back in 1999. I was a huge VIrtua Fighter fan and Martial Artist. Shenmue was originally dubbed the "Virtua Fighter RPG". Needless to say I imported my Dreamcast in 1998 for VF3tb and imported Shenmue in '99. Bought a Japanese / English dictionary and kanji books to translate as I play. It was like virtually visiting Japan. Damn that game was awesome. Praying we get part 3.
@nerdman67 @pino4545 @UNCStriker88 The Xbox 360 interface is crappy. The Xbox One interface is crappier, they KNOW this , so they use Kinect to make it easier to navigate. My main problem with 360 interface is they have some department at Microsoft who's sole job is interface design. So to keep a paycheck coming in , they completely UNNECESSARILY rearrange the 360s menu's every 3 months so you have to re-learn it. I hate that. They do this with iTunes and Youtube also and I HATE them for it.
Look Amazon is removing CUSTOMER reviews that give TitanFall a low score. They are in on the conspiracy with Danny and Gamespot to suppress and discredit anyone with a disparaging opinion of the overrated piece of Crap COD rip off. It uses the source engine on PC. The source engine, from 2005. Not Unreal Engine 3, not the Crysis 3 engine, not Unreal Engine 4, the freaking source engine.
The graphics even on PC SUCK. The Xbone version cant even do 1080p. Xbone TF is 798P. /Fail. The whole selling point of Titan Fall is that it was supposed to use the Cloud to handle most of the network computations and physics, so you could have a console game with Single player graphics in multi-player. Single player graphics standard is 1080p. Xbone TF can't do it . /FAIL.
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