Every little bit goes a long way . I've seen examples of it in GTA Online. They use cloud servers, it makes the online graphics as good as the single player. All past gens and current gen that was impossible. Also , with Rickstars cloud, more memory is available for the game system. So enemies are smarter , the game system is expanded ( you have an inventory of items, more special abilities for friends like Lester and Martin. ). Basically the cloud makes GTA online seem more like a PC game than a console game.
This has less to do with moneybags and more to do with network infrastructure. Titanfall relies heavily on Cloud Servers to run the cloud servers handle half the CPU computations in the game. It allows for better AI physics, game system etc. it uses Microsofts cloud servers and Xbox live Compute. To date , Sony has NO cloud based servers to enhance games and has made NO announcements they plan to build one. Until they do, the Titanfall franchise will remain on Xbone. This is a win-win. If Sony makes cloud servers, it will not only enhance titanfall, but future games. Remember when 360 had Achievements and ZpS3 had no trophies? It will be the same situation here. PS4 players will be better off when Sony learns and adapts .
San Andreas Graphics SUCKED big time . Of course they could fit a dozen other features in the game when their graphics looked like shit, no HD and the world could be built in 1/4 the time of GTA5. In ungrateful self entitled numbnuts idiots, making all those extra features takes time, and so do HD visuals. By the way, ass, GTA Online does have Gang Territory battles, it's called gang attacks, you get money and bonus weapons for them, unlike crap graphics San Andreas. Plus San Andreas had NO Online, no animals, no pets, no Fighter Jets , no co-op missions, no tennis and no Tv or cinemas. F**k San Andreas, it's old and played out. Plus SA has no trophies , no crews and no social club. You Nostalgic idiots neglect the fact that Greg Kasavin game Vice City an 8/10. If its so superior why was the score the same? Now Shutty.
You have some good points, but your vision for GTA 5 is flawed. One those Firetruck and ambulance missions were bland and worthless. You've done one, youved done a hundred of them. GTA 5 has taxi missions, that's all the homage we needed to that era. This is the NEW GtA instead of garbage fire truck missions we have the strangers and freaks missions. Those w are way better, more entertaining missions than bland drive here, put out a fire missions. As for your attributes there are better , less boring ways to earn them.
Brett Todd is an idiot. This review is even worse than the Carl Petit review. Why ? His reasons for down rating the game are even more lame. Petit's main gripe was the sexism. This Todd dude complains more about the game system. But you know what, the more he speaks about the wanted level system, the more he exposes what a scrub at the game he is. Yes the cops are tougher than hey were in. San Andreas and Vice City. But the cops were tougher in GTA 4 also! The cop cars are faster in GTA 5 , but they aren't better than a human driver. Even in a low level car, you can shake the cops by doing quick turns in urban areas. Then get to a pay and spray. Provided you have a rocket launcher, you can take out the choppers. No matter which character you ate using, you have advantages that can help you in a 4 to 5 star wanted level. Special abilities, Frank can out drive them, Trevor can go into a rage to use brute force, Mchael can out shoot them with his bullet time shooting. In GTA 4 you could get the survive a 5 star wanted level Trophy/Achievement by hiding in the subway and shooting whichever cops come down there after you. You can do the same thing in GTA 5! The copters can NOT spot you in the underground train tunnels . There are at least three underground train tunnels in the map, and one in a mountain!
Basically Brett Todd is complaining about the game because of. How much he SUCKS at the game! He is a second rate community college graduate with a low rent journslism degree, he is no gamer. As for his crap complaint about how dated the jokes are, NOBODY rates GTAs jokes based on how CURRENT. They are. It's based on how hilarious and over the top they are. GTA 4 was funnier, but it had NOTHING to do with its keeping up with current events. Basically everything Brett Todd criticized about the game showed how out of touch , uncool he is and what a scrub he is.
Anybody know where I can steal a helicopter for GTA Online Lest Job: a Special Case? The job desc says I need a copter, but I don't have $780,000 to buy one from Elitas Travel.
Yeah this Saturday is terrible. I'm timing out even in solo session . In that transition between a Job and free roam, post job, it keeps timing out. It wasn't this bad Friday. However, that Friday morning patch now makes GtaO crash the whole PS3. It would never trade this in. It has great potential. Just hope they fix this sh*t soon.
AWESOME. Sucks that it's not a PS3 exclusive , but whatever. Hopefully the 360 version will be on 4 discs so we PS3 players wont be cheated out of the high end textures Bluray allows. I guess we wont have any more of those weird HD commercials that used to load inbetween chapters in MGS4.
@MajinSquall @haze_blaze True people are exaggerating. it looks good, but Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 look just as good if not better. It's only one level they showed , and it was ranslick so of course it looked amazing with the sheen and water effects. How does it look without that?
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