@KaplanY @Hairygrim I remember the very first trailer for Mass Effect...All it was was two cutscenes of sheppard and some dialogue, and a guy talking about how it was going to change how we interact with characters. Thats all. No gameplay. But yeah you're right KaplanY because I remember how Mass Effect came out, and got like a 4.0 on Gamespot, and it totally sucked and nobody played it...Oh wait Im sorry thats not what happened,
@jakehillebrand @TrueGB @leoansa2 Have you played skyrim, the whole game is fetch quests. What do you think an open world star wars game is going to be like? Just like every other game in the open world genre. Go for this go for that. Congrats you're a gopher.
@mobius06 You thought a game that takes place on one city level was gonna be free roam? If anything it would probably be like Dark Siders II, which wouldnt be bad imo.
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