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Macgyver40 Blog

Blind Ignorance Destroys Lifes

I was spending time on you tube and i came across this video and I started to think about a post i made in the Fasttestruck off topic union. I posted a thread about favorite dog breeds and i had a really great conversation with a gs user about dog ownership and responcibility. We both agreed that the are no bad dogs just bad and irresponcible owners. i think that " the dangerous dog" theory stems from ignorance rather than an educated position. I really get bothered by stereotypes and sweepinggeneralalities that involve people, dog breeds or anything else in life. I feel that people need something or some one to blame for things going wrong rather than accept personal responcibiltyin the problems that we are confronted with in our lives.This kind of scituation is part of the problem and not part of the solution. mankind needs to learn tolerance for everthing in this world as well as towards each other. this understanding can only come from education and learning about the individual scituation rather than rush to judgement which is the easy way out. Sometimes the high road is harder to walk but it is the thing that allows people to gain an understanding about all of life's scituations and it is through this understanding can real problems be solved with real solutions. I think this video from you tube says it all. The video speaks about lost of beloved pitbulls but the lesson from this video can be applied to all of life. I leave you to ponder whether you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

Devil's Night Is Over

Halloween is over and i hope every one enjoyed it. I did nothing special, i stayed home and watched a bunch of scary movies mostly reffered to me as splatter films. After the candy was passed out and after i indulged my sweet tooth i had a most cool surprise. i was reaching for the last milky way of the night and much to my surprise i did not get it this what i got in place of my sweet treat:

I got a new baby sun conure for halloween better than candy and alot longer lasting. names will be forth coming once i know whether the bird is male or female. That is all for now Macgyver out

EDIT: This is not my bird just a picture of what the bird will look like all grown up. Mine is just a baby still. this one is an adult

Where Oh Where Has Our Scavenator Emblem Gone?

i just wanted to write a short blog about the new scavenator emblem which has been promised to all that played the last game. i'm just wondering where our emblem is gone. My profile hungers for the new emblem. We have exactly 7 days left in october the release month of our little buddy. So far things are not looking good. I am all about being patient but i am starting to wonder how much longer i can be patient. I hope that we gs users have not been duped into believing that there would be an emblem and there won't be or maybe gs is still working on it. Either way i am hoping that we get this soon because we gs users have lived up to our part of the deal, by playing the game and now it is time that gs steps up to the plate and hand out the prize:? :( :question:

Designing Like Crazy

I have been doing alot of designing of banners for gamespaces that need banners. I am excited because i think I have gotten better since my first attempt about 5-6 months ago. There is still so much to learn and this gets me excited as well because I am enjoying the process alot. I hope that my designs will get excepted someday by gs because that is what i'm striving for. I know that i will not stop when and if the time comes my work gets accepted. i will be looking forward to showing them to the ggbu when the threads open up again. With each new lesson learned i feel like i will be getting closer to my goal which is to be recognised by gamespot as a worthy designer. I am striving to be the best that i can be so i will continue my quest for knowledge and understanding for the finer points of design. The acknowledgement from gs will be the artistic genious emblem which will be a really great thing. For me it is even more about holding my head high with the designers who I admire and who have inspired and helped me in many ways. I might not be a fantastic or really skilled designer. I might just be a decent designer but the way i feel is if ishoot for fantastic then i will get closer to that status than if i settle for anything less. With all of that said here is hoping.8) I'll keep the designs coming. Macgyver out:P

New Banner and other random stuff

I decided to make myself a new banner i liked my old one but i thought it was time to change things up a little. Also i have been learning new design techniques and wanted to put them to use. i think I have gotten a little better at designing but i will leave that to my friends at Gamespot's gamespace banner union to decide. The have all been really great at giving tips and suggestions, as well as help on things that have stumped me. I hope to get the artistic genius emblem at some point and i will continue designing because it is alot of fun. Speaking of emblems I along with all my friends in the emblems union are patiently waiting for our new scavenator emblem. This is a great concept because the game is challenging as well as fun, and it rewards players with a new emblem.

I started back to my other passion music and specificlly guitar lessons and i love them. music lessons are like designing because there is always something new to learn and it is very rewarding and gratifying. I have been here on gs for about a year and half and there are still times where i still feel like a newbie and i wonder if this will pass. I think that the truth of the matter is that no matter where one is in life there is always a constant learning curve involved which is a good thing. So much for all of this Macgyver out8)

Technical problems and other stuff

Gamespot is technical difficulties with profile levels. I noticed that i had been at 33% for a week and now i see it went to 37% and there it sits. I hope they get this problem figured out soon because i'm loosing out on leveling up the longer this remains an issue. Of course i know that i'm not the only one so for every ones sake i hope they get it fixed soon.

Now for the good news i'm anxious about getting the new scavenator emblem i played it all the way through once and recieved a horrible time but i finished and can not wait for the new emblem. I am also looking forward to the live feed for the gamespot players ball. THis event is on tuesday october 9 from 6-9 pst so for me it will be 9-12 this should be great to see and alot of fun.

That is all for now macgyver out

Halo 3 observation

I like every other gamer out there have been playing halo 3. This game is absolutely awesome fun to play not unlike the other games in the series. I had trouble in all 3 gameswith the driving controls because it feels awkward but i got the hang of it. I did notice however one little thing which i found terriblly amusing. The fact the ai can not drive the veicles real well I found really funny. The game looks amazing with all of the latest bells and whistles but when it comes to Ai driving abilities it has the feel of a low gudget game. I was engaged in a very heavy firefight and i had to jump out of the warthog to get more ammo and in the time it took me to get ammo and get back to the warthog the ai characters at the wheel. I would normally take over the driving but i had alot of bad guys chasing me so i jumped into the passengers side of the warthog figuring i could just get some distance and i was going to take over the drivivng because my party got stuck and overturned the veicle i don't know how many times this happened.Also we crashed jumping from bridge to bridge. Any way i just had to share this amusing observation.

And the winner for the game of the year is:

I know what people must be thinking, it is a little early for talks about what the game of the year might be. To be the game of the year the game title should be a complete package. Incredible graphics, amazing sound track, phenomenal game play, compelling storyline and really awesome characters. Last year in 2006 the game of the year was Gears of war. This title took gamers by storm and was the title that changed the way games would be made. There is a new title that has redefined the way games are developed and once again has brought the gaming industry to a new level. What is this title you ask, it is non other than Bioshock. Bioshock has all of the above criteria and more. Bioshock has taken video games to a new level with moral choices and Ai that responds completely different than in any other game. The Ai in bioshock is more sophisticated in the sense that enemies do not attack on sight, rather they respond according to what the player does. The idea of attack when being attacked is a new concept for video games, and has set the bar high for upcoming titles. I have followed this title from the beginning, and a subject for debate that I have seen when this concept was announced was the idea of killing "the little sister." Little sisters carry Adams; the only way of getting the Adams is to harvest them from the little sisters, and by doing so the little sisters do not survive this process. This places a moral dilemma on the player, does the player survive at the expense of another or does the player sacrifice themselves by saving the little sisters. This is another feature that makes bioshock stand out from the pack, and makes it a strong contender for the game of the year. I know that people are most likely saying that this guy must be crazy because when halo 3 comes out it will own every other game. As a fan of halo myself, I might find this to be true, however halo does not have the moral and ethical dilemmas that bioshock has. Also, bioshock has a tremendous amount of replay value and the game will be very different each time it is played. Bioshock is a rich and morally woven game that will leave players speechless. This will be the title to beat when gamespot users vote this year. This title leaves this gamespot user believing that bioshock will not just be in the running for game of the year, it will be the game of the year.

I'm Back

Just a short blog i'm back!! surgery went well and the recovery will take some time so i will be limiting my time on gamespot for awhile due to the fact that i'm not 100%. I am looking forward to catch up with all my friends and see what is new in the unions. I will be easing myself back into gamespot. My first priority is to check in with my unions that i lead and get the troops pumped up again. Then i will check in with my other unions and see what is going on. Also i'm looking forward to showing off some of my new designs when the time comes lots to do but i don't want to over do it. See you all very soon. Mac

I Have Good News And I Have Bad News:

The Good news is that i have my new hard drive and my computer is all better. The bad news I have some health problems that will not permit me to be on gs for a while. Bottom line is that after some time in the hospital to recover from surgery I'll be back to my old self or that is what the doctors are telling me. i miss al my friends from gs and i miss the whole gs community but first thing is first and that would be health. I'll be thinking of you all and will be looking forward to coming back and catching up with all of you. Macgyver40 out