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Macgyver40 Blog

Random stuff part 2

My profile looks complete for the moment all of my emblems where they should which makes me happy. Speaking of emblem's I am one step closer to my artistic genious quest i'm in the finals and awaiting word for the winners.

The design front is going really well having lots of fun coming up with new ideas for banners and will be submitting at least 15 banners for the games with out thread when it opens up. I for the first time see really good changes with respect to my designs and have all my friends to thank for their support and feedback. I realise i could not do this alone.

I have an idea for blogs i'm thinking of doing a Union of the week blog which will highlight a new union weekly. My goals is to create an awareness for the featured unions along with maybe getting folks to maybe join the union of there prefferance. I'll need feedback from all who read this.

On the Music front things are going well Almost have guitar paid for and i'm really excited about this. I also need help trying to decide on another guitar and wether i should get this one:

Macgyver Out

Interactive Awards Wrap Up

The interactive awards have now been completed less than 8 hours ago. Overall impressions of the awards was a good one. No surprises for winners rock band, orange box, bioshock, cod 4 cleaned house. The ceremonies were rather long, and at time the were some laughable moments. Jay mohr was a bit crude and dry at times and at other times he had me smiling. Much to my surprise he dropped the "F Bomb" on many ocassions without a time delay.:shock: I thought that the language would have been undercontroll since this was the first live event open to the public. I was also very surprised at the lack of enthussiasm for the winners i thought that there would be some partying going on for the winners.:? The playstation father was really great and it was nice to see him be honored for all he has done for the gaming world.:D The red carpet preshow was a bit annoying due to the fact that the sound people needed to pay attetention to the interviwers talking over each other.:roll: All and All i was happy to see the awards and the overwelming tiredness that i feel today will be well worth it when the emblem is given out. finally, i find it funny what gs users are willing to endure for a chance at a new emblem.:lol: Every one go back to bed and we will all party when we recieve our emblems.8)

Macgyver out

Bye Bye Bush Hello....?

As most of you are aware the united states is in proccess of trying to decide who will take the helm for the country in 2009. I feel really strongly that the last 8 years has been a disaster with the exception of September 11, 2001. This horrific time was handled extremely well and it is what the country needed at the time. This however has been the only thing our commander in chief got right. i have my own thoughts regarding the up coming changing of the guard. i however wanted to throw out to all of the gamespot community a chance to voice their political views. More importantly, i would love to hear who you want to see running the United States Of America. This is an important question because it affects everyone in the world. i am anxious to hear from everyone if they could pick the next president who would you want to see in the whitehouse. Macgyver out

Games With Banners

This is a phrase everyone with the artistic genious emblem should recognise. This is the thread in the gamespot's gamespace banner union where people submit their designs to see if their design for a certian gamespace is way better than the one already existing and if it is it goes to the final judging and if these banners get accpeted then the ag emblem gets claimed by the winners. There is also a games without banners which is yet to open. The reason for this blog is to try to guess which designers will make it into the final judging. I have some ideas as to who i think will make it to the finals. Since no winners have been annouced as of yet for the semi finals i thought that i would gues the designers that will most likely be on the list for the finals. These are the designers that i think will make it to the final round.

1. Yevinorin

2. Carstairs

3. Redhead64

4. Lucaskelly

5. Serbsta69

6. Shewolf1961

I also believe that there will be some surprises along the way but we will see what we see when we see it. I though this might be fun and a good way to pass the time until winners are announced.

Those people who are interested in designing and who would like to step up to the plate and have a go at the artistic genious emblem go to the Gamespot's Gamespace Banner Union and join the union to get in on the action. Macgyver40 out

Macgver's Women: Hot And Spicy

I wanted to make my profile much more appealing so I decided to spice things up and profile some beautiful women. Vannesa Marcil to the left of my banner. Selma Hyick to the right of my banner. Shania twain to the left of my blog header and of course Angelina Joilee to the right of my blog header. These beautiful and very talented women are all awesome and all i can say is thank god for photoshop!:D I wanted to make my profile more design friendly as well, and put all the tools and tricks that i have learned from my friends canana and capedbear along with all of my friends from the Gamespot Gamespace Banner Union. All of you have taught me so much so this profile is for you. I hope you like it because i know i do.8) This might be a good thing i just might gain even more friends and just maybe some more profile views.:P Once again please enjoy and I'll see all of later.

Macgyver40 out

A+ emblem missing for 3 days now

I noticed my A+ emblem has been missing for about 3 days and i have not changed anything in my profile. I also noticed that other people have it while i'm missing mine. I have been told that it is just a glitch but do glitches like this happen to some people and not others? Oh well i got my new readers choice emblem which make me happy. I will just go on the glitch theory for a while and see what happens. I am closing in on the artistc genious emblem i'll keep my fingers crossed.

Macgyver out

New Stuff To Talk About

A quick blog for 2 night. I am learning a new song in guitar lessons new song is called comfortably numb by the amazing pink floyd. Here is a video for the song.

Desiging is going well feel like imade huge leap in my understanding of what make a good design. My goal is to fine tune techniques and get consistant with design quality. Like every thing worth doing it is worth doing well and practice. in other news looking to buy a new guitar for my self it is going to be sweet because it is a specialty guitar and most don't have it. Here is the picture of it.

I am always looking to imrpove my self be it personally or musically and or whatever else i do in my life and it is always great to be able to share thoughts and other stuff with my friends here on gamespot.:P macgyver out

Is it Over Yet?

This blog will be short and sweet. As we all know that all of hollywood has come to a stand still due to the fact that the writers are all on strike. I love shows such as 24, prison break, the shield, heros, lost and many others. These are all great shows who need to be back in full swing, but in order to do this they need the writers back. I am in full support of the writers strike it is only fair to get a big slice of that money pie when your work gets duplicated and placed on dvd and blue ray. This strike is affecting all of these shows. 24 is not happening this year, prison break sadly is going to have an abbrieviated season they have 5 new episodes left and then it is over. These episode were shot before the strike. Shows like prison break and lost typically on winter hiatis and finish the season late january or febuary. This however is not going to happen because the writers want and deserve a well deserved raise. None of the shows people enjoy could exist without the writers. I say give them what they want and let's get back to our favorite shows. With all of this said there is only one thing left to say Enough All Ready!!!!! I want my shows back!!!:cry:

Macgyver out

It's All About the music

As most of you know i am back taking guitar lessons and i have the understanding and the tools for the songs i have learned. I am working out the kinks and bringing the songs up to speed which will take alot more time. I have had people wanting to see the videos for the songs i have learned so far and i decided to do this for you guys. Here is the list to date and their videos compliments of youtube:

1. Mother Pink floyd:

2. Silent Lucidity Queensrcyce:

3. Behind blue eyes The who:

4. Over there tv theme:

I hope you all like the selection so far. Thanks for listening

Macgyver out8)

2008 Is So Close

I'm not real big on new years resolutions as a general rule but since 2007 is on it's way out and 2008 is on it's way in I figured that i mihgt try to improve some areas in my life that i feel needs some work. Here is the list in no particular order of importance:

1. Execise more

2. Get better with practicing guitar

3. Get better with photoshop

4. Write alot more than I have been

5. Loose some more weight

6. Better time management

7. Get some more gs emblems

8. Get a digital camera

This is all that i can think of for now. I hope to make these things happen because the first 6 things will make me more well rounded and the last 2 are more like goals than anything else. I wish all my friends on gamespot a very happy and safe new year. See ya next year Macgyver out.